I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter five hundred and ninety-six too much like Yan Yuanyi

The music awards were put aside for a while beforehand, and Du Caige still focused on shooting first.

He has asked the producer Ouyang Jin to urgently look for an actress who will play Yan Yuanyi, and he will also start looking for an actor who can play Feng Yuxiu well and has a certain foundation in action movies.

After all, Liu Pengfei might not be able to meet his requirements.

After the crew resumed work, Lee Min-joon came to report.

Du Caige promised to give him a dragon role.

I want...I want...I want to play a female character, okay?

Li Minjun lowered his head and stammered in his voice. He secretly looked at Du Caige with his eyes. Even the blind could see the period Ai in his eyes.

Du Caige could only cover his forehead.

After thinking about it, he said, I have no objection, but your make-up and appearance pass the test.

Let me try it!

As I said before, you can set up this trick yourself. You tell me the relevant settings, and I'll consider how to fit this character into the story. There may only be one or two lines.

One or two lines is enough! Lee Minjun said with swearing.

Du Caige smiled and said, Then you can tell the makeup artist and costume designer what makeup and clothing you need.

The current Wulin film project has two investors: Du Caige and GS Co., Ltd.

It was Li Minjun who found his sister Cui Minzhen and asked Cui Minzhen to invest 45 million in the film through GS Co., Ltd., which solved Du Caige's urgent needs at that time.

Du Caige and their siblings are always grateful.

So even though Li Minjun wanted a man to disguise himself as a woman and play a female role, which made Du Caige difficult to accept, he still endured the discomfort and agreed.

But his attention to the matter is limited.

In the past few days, the crew was filming in a location, both literary and martial arts.

It is not easy to manage hundreds of people, and Du Caige is also in a bad mood.

No time to greet Lee Min-joon.

He did treat Lee Min Joon as a friend, but now he is so busy making movies that even his wife has to stand aside, and his girlfriend can't get in the way, let alone an ordinary friend.

After Li Minjun was released, Du Caige was busy directing the shooting.


Do you want women's clothes? Li Mengjia, the makeup artist, looked at Li Minjun up and down. No problem, you have such a small face and delicate facial features, so women's clothes must look good. Tell me, what do you want to look like?

Li Minjun said with a smile: I have considered many options, such as...for example...and...

When it comes to topics that he is good at, Li Mengjia is also very interested and has a lively discussion with Li Minjun.

When it was time to eat and rest at noon, they also sat together, chatted while eating, and the two planned a set of plans after another.

Hey, I have difficulty choosing! There are so many options now, but I don't know how to choose! Li Minjun lamented.

Li Mengjia felt the same: It's normal, and I often struggle. You must tell me clearly what makeup should look like. Otherwise, I will feel that this makeup looks good, and that makeup looks good.

then what should we do?

How about we cast lots to decide?

good idea!

But when the paper ball was ready, and when Li Minjun went to pick it, he struggled again: What if the one that came out is not my favorite?

Li Mengjia rolled her eyes: Then pick out the ones you don't like the most and throw them away, and the rest of the plans are what you like.

Li Minjun said hesitantly, But after thinking about it, I'm not sure which ones I like. They all seem to be pretty good!

Li Mengjia giggled: You are a boy, can you not be so tangled? Tangle is the patent of our girls!

Actually, I'm a girl too! I've already had surgery! If you don't believe me, touch it! Li Minjun grabbed Li Mengjia's hand seriously, Come on, can you touch it?

Li Mengjia bit her lip, touched it hesitantly, and then touched it twice more, Hey, it's okay, you can't see it from the outside, but it's actually quite big and has good elasticity. Which hospital did you do it in?

Seeing that the building was going to be crooked, Li Minjun quickly brought the topic back, You can think of a plan for me.

Li Mengjia glanced at him, thought for a while, took one out of the pile of paper balls and unfolded, This was originally an alternative for Yan Yuanyi, and it might be useful. Do you want to try it? Anyway, Yan Yuanyi If the cast is changed, these plans may change.

It was Xin Wan who played Yan Yuanyi originally. What kind of person is Xin Wan? Li Minjun asked curiously.

From Xin Wan to Qu Hong, and then to Shu Yihuan, after talking for most of the afternoon, Li Mengjia started to put makeup on Li Minjun.

Hey, why do you put on such heavy makeup? You are... Once she got started, Li Mengjia immediately noticed some clues.

Shh! Keep it a secret! Li Minjun smiled mysteriously.

En. Li Mengjia nodded heavily.

I don't know what plot she had in mind.

Her craftsmanship is good, and it is rare that she is very fast. She has already done makeup for Li Minjun in more than 40 minutes.

Then take a few steps back and admire your masterpiece. Yes, I think you are more suitable for the role of Yan Yuanyi than Xin Wan! You look so energetic and aura! Li Mengjia said with satisfaction.

That's your skill!

At this time, Li Minjun looked like a lively beauty. Although he was still wearing his neutral clothes, no one would think he was a man by looking at his face.

I'm going to get you a suit originally prepared for Xin Wan. You are a little taller than Xin Wan, but it doesn't matter, you should be able to wear it.

When Li Minjun was dressed in all her clothes, Li Mengjia tutted her tongue in admiration: Wow! It's so beautiful! When I read the original book, Yan Yuanyi in my mind was just like you! A majestic female general, a proud heroine of women's middle school! Yan Yuanyi's eyebrows are dark and delicate, and when they are raised, they look like swords, adding a lot of the temperament of ancient swordsmen'. This makeup suits you so well!

Really! At this time, Li Minjun no longer seemed shy, hesitant, or hesitant. He raised his chin slightly, a slightly arrogant smile on his cool pink face, and a pair of heroic sword eyebrows. Face, adding a bit of chill.

That's it! That's it! It's so much like Yan Yuanyi! Li Mengjia rejoiced like a little girl, admiring the fruits of her labor.

I'll let Director Du have a look.

Come on! Li Mengjia couldn't wait, just like the literati want to show off her work, she also hopes that her work will be recognized by the director.


Stop. Liu Yuyan, your movements are too soft. This is not dancing! You have to make a setback and feel a sense of strength. Du Rongqi, are you not full at noon? Do you want to have another lunch?

Du Yanqi pouted, looked at his brother's wink, and did not dare to talk back.

That's right, as a reward for being admitted to a university, Du Qiqi was called by Du Caige to play another witch.

In the plot, there are two witches chasing and killing Feng Yuxiu, gathering the power of Tan Wendong, Huo Linger and Feng Yuxiu, all of them are very embarrassed.

It was Yan Yuanyi who came over and scared the two witches back.

And being able to leave the hands of Yan Yuanyi alive, the strength of these two witches is already terrifying, comparable to the masters of Dan Jin.

In the next The Witch of the Dragon and Snake Romance, there will be more scenes about witches, so after thinking about it, Du Caige decided that the fat and water will not flow to outsiders, hoping that her sister can grow up to perform more scenes at that time.

As for now, Du Yanqi and Liu Yuyan have very few scenes and few lines.

Moreover, the action design of the witch is relatively simple, because the witch does not understand the national arts, but she is extremely powerful, extremely fast, and has a reaction speed far beyond that of ordinary people. Du's version of Witch does not intend to give witches special functions. After all, this is a Chinese martial arts movie universe, not an X-Men movie universe.

Therefore, these two witches are actually very easy to play. Even ordinary people with no performance foundation can play them after a few days of training.

Take a two-minute break, come again. After Du Caige finished speaking, he raised his head and took a sip of mineral water.

Director Du! Li Minjun's voice sounded from behind.

En! Du Caige turned to look with water in his head, and after a glance, he sprayed it directly.

Fortunately, Li Minjun hid quickly and was not sprayed with water.

Du Caige looked at him dumbfounded, Can you say another word?

Director Du, what's the matter, scared you? Li Minjun laughed.


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