I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 679 Netizens Don’t Need to Know the Truth

After hanging up the phone, Du Caige returned to the car.

He didn't start the car right away, but dealt with the missed calls and unanswered messages on his phone.

Before, there were too many calls that were not answered, and too many WeChat messages and text messages that were not answered.

It doesn't matter what other people do, Xiao Yan and Xiao Xu, the two pregnant women, have to take it back.

After all, pregnant women are sensitive and prone to overthinking.

Although it was very late, they were still awake and worried about this matter.

Even Yan Yingzhen expressed sympathy for Duan Xiaochen in a rare way, and said mockingly: She actually said that you were snatched away from me. What a joke! I, Yan Yingzhen, have never lost in any fight. I don't want you anymore. , instead of her snatching you away!

Yes, yes, what you said, Your Majesty, is correct. What else could Du Caige say? Comparing with a pregnant woman who is almost 6 months pregnant?

If she wants to win, let her win.

As for Xu Qingya, she seemed very embarrassed and seemed to empathize with her, even though she had never encountered any cyberbullying and her image had always been positive.

Uncle, you have to quickly find a way to help sister Duan, who can bear this kind of thing.

I'll definitely do my best. Du Caige didn't mention his embarrassment.

The tone is also very flat, it doesn't seem to be expressing determination, it seems to be just mentioned casually.

But Xu Qingya believed that he was serious.

Du Caige was actually very uncomfortable.

It's not just because his girlfriend was raped and bullied by the Internet.

What's more, although everyone thinks that this is a public matter, it is a friend who is playing tricks, and wants to damage the company's image by discrediting the company's pillars before the company's IPO.

But Du Caige knew very well that this was actually a private matter.

Although he didn't know why Shen Jinsong didn't focus his firepower on himself this time, but turned his gun to hit Duan Xiaochen's black gun.

But I have to admit that Shen Jinsong's approach is effective.

It hurts more than hitting yourself.

After finishing talking with Xu Qingya, Du Caige drove home.

Not long after, Xu Qingya called again.

Du Caige answered immediately, because she was worried that it was her frequent fetal movement and physical discomfort.

But Xu Qingya came to tell him, Boss Yan has made a move.

What move? Du Caige was simply at a loss.

She posted a photo on Weibo. It was a group photo of her, Sister Duan, and several other girls. The pose was very intimate. The photo was taken this year, because the fashions they wore and the phones they used in the photo were all different. It's this year's.

Du Caige immediately understood, In this case, there will be a flaw in that article.

Because the article said that Duan Xiaochen was the one who stole the love, so the relationship between her and Yan Yingzhen must be very stiff.

But now Yan Yingzhen tells everyone through the photos in Moments: No such thing, I have a good relationship with Xiaoduan.

Although Yan Yingzhen's Weibo doesn't have a lot of fans, it's far behind those traffic stars.

But there is a behavior in this world called forwarding.

I believe that by tomorrow, netizens all over Dahua will know that Mr. Yan and Duan Tianhou have a good relationship.

This solved Duan Xiaochen's urgent need.

However, if Duan Xiaochen wants to resolve this crisis, he still needs to solve two problems: the experience of the liquor girl,

And that nondescript wedding.

Although people close to him know what the truth is.

But many netizens don't need the truth.

They just want to vent their emotions.

I just want to release the malice in my heart.

They will even reject the truth, stubbornly clinging to some rumors that they themselves do not believe, because in this way they can continue to yell outrightly - it doesn't matter who they scold, the important thing is that there must be someone, and everyone will come together scold.

Beat out the most vicious and obscene curse words that you would never say to your colleagues, friends, vegetable vendors, and girls in bun shops on weekdays.


ohh, it's so cool.

As for how the person being scolded will feel?

Why consider this.

At this time, the scolded person is just a symbol, an image lacking in reality, a symbol.

Therefore, the cyberbullying that Duan Xiaochen suffered would definitely not end just because Yan Yingzhen came forward to defend her.

Especially when Shen Jinsong's navy team is fanning the flames in the dark.

In fact, as long as Duan Xiaochen can hold on by himself, nothing else matters.

On earth, among those famous female stars, who hasn't been discussed right and wrong?

Open any news app and you'll see lots of these headlines. The price of sleeping with XXX actresses was exposed, XXX was accused of derailment in marriage, XXX's xingai video leaked and so on.

Then I actually clicked in, and found that the content inside was: The news that XXX actresses sleep with wealthy businessmen is widely circulated on the Internet, and there is even a price list for sleeping with them. However, the team of XXX actresses has clarified and pointed out that This is a rumor, please don't believe in rumors and spread rumors.

Or Recently, xingai videos of XXX actresses have been widely circulated on the Internet, but the management team of XXX actresses has issued a statement that the heroines in those videos are not XXX actresses. If the media catches the wind and fabricates rumors, the team will pay Various legal weapons. The editor also reminds everyone, don’t believe in rumors and don’t spread rumors, rumors stop with wise men”

What is the difference between this so-called news and cyberbullying?

It's just a facelift, using a sensational headline to consume the celebrity's popularity, taking advantage of people's dark psychology, and earning traffic. In fact, it is also a kind of cyber violence.

There are many people who are popular.

Because you are so popular, any fake news that touches you can earn traffic.

And if it's pornographic news that people like to hear, the traffic will double.

For these traffic, for the advertising expenses attracted by the traffic, the unscrupulous media will not care about the truth of the matter.

Therefore, Du Caige dared to conclude that Duan Xiaochen's matter would never end here.

Unless there is some other big news that can attract people's attention, the unscrupulous media realize, yo, following up on that big news can attract more traffic.

At that time, Duan Xiaochen's incident could calm down.

Du Caige parked the car on the side of the road, and expressed emotion to Xu Qingya.

I also want to do something for Sister Duan. Xu Qingya said quietly.

It's not something you should worry about. You just need to wait for the birth with peace of mind.

The main reason is that this matter is not only related to Sister Duan, but also to the company's image. If it is not resolved for a long time, it will affect the company's IPO.

Du Caige tried hard to dispel her thoughts: So many people are working hard to deal with this crisis, I believe it will be resolved soon. Don't think too much, go to bed quickly, you are already going to bed later than usual.

After hanging up the phone and driving for a while, Du Caige was worried that Xu Qingya would suffer from insomnia.

Although pregnant women are lethargic, they are also prone to tangles.

Because the secretion of hormones in pregnant women is relatively disordered.

Sometimes when I encountered a problem and couldn't figure it out, I would toss and turn all night.

He simply turned around and drove towards Xu Qingya's house.

If she is in a bad mood and can't fall asleep, he will accompany her and put her to sleep.

When we arrived at Xu Qingya's house, it was already early morning.

As soon as he opened the door with his fingerprints, a nanny came up to him.

Is she asleep? Du Caige asked.

Not yet. Mr. Du, do you want to change clothes?

Because the rain was too heavy, Du Caige's clothes were also wet a little.

No. After all, it's June and it's not cold, what is she doing?

Playing with my phone. The nanny betrayed Xu Qingya without hesitation.

Du Caige tiptoed to Xu Qingya's bedroom, wanting to catch him.

But when he reached the door, he deliberately landed heavily.

Don't scare pregnant women.

It will be troublesome if the baby is born prematurely due to fright.

Not asleep yet? I'll come and see you. Du Caige said loudly, and pushed open the door.

Xu Qingya quickly hid the phone behind her back, looking a little startled.

Which handsome guy are you chatting with? Du Caige deliberately joked.

Xu Qingya bit her lip, looking like she was caught doing something bad.

Of course Du Caige knew that it was impossible for her to hook up with others. In terms of character in this aspect, she was many times better than herself.

But looking at her like this, she must be doing something that she knows she won't allow.

Bring me the phone. He held out his hand.

No, people have privacy! Xu Qingya said softly.

Du Caige said ruthlessly: Hurry up, don't be verbose.

Xu Qingya also has a way to deal with it, she has a big belly, If you have the ability, grab it!

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