I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 680: The Immortal Sword Asks Love

Du Caige stared at her face for a few seconds, then suddenly said, Are you speaking out for a short matter?

Xu Qingya immediately seemed a little guilty. What, I don't know what you're talking about, uncle, please don't say strange things.

Bring it to me and see what you've written.

Xu Qingya finally couldn't resist, and reluctantly handed over her phone.

Du Caige picked it up and took a look. The Weibo post hadn't been sent yet and was still being edited, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the content again, I immediately became furious.

A brain is used to think about things, can you think about things? Except on the set, this was the first time he said such serious words to Xu Qingya.

I thought about it. Xu Qingya pouted.

If you think about it, you will do such a stupid thing!

Xu Qingya was very unconvinced, Why is it called a stupid thing? This is thirty-six tricks, Li Daitao is stiff! Surround Xu Jiuduan!

Du Caige has unceremoniously deleted all the content she edited.

Are you trying to attract the hatred of netizens, make them forget about the short section for a while, and focus their firepower on you?

That's right. Didn't you say that to make Sister Duan's matter go away, another big news is needed? If this is sent out, everyone will only sympathize with Sister Duan, and then condemn me. Sister Duan's troubles will be solved , isn't it? Xu Qingya spoke eloquently.

Then have you thought about it a bit, what should you do? Du Caige glanced at her.

I'm fine, I can handle it. I don't care what people think of me.

But, have you ever thought, Du Caige reminded her, you are the heroine of 'Wulin'? And Wulin is about to be released. If your scandal is confirmed at this time, what do you think will happen to 'Wulin'? If' Wulin' failed at the box office, what will happen to the company?

Every time he said a word, Xu Qingya's face turned pale.

Okay. After he finished speaking, Xu Qingya still bowed her head and admitted her mistake, I didn't think so thoroughly.

That's why you were stupid for three years. What a smart little girl you used to be. Du Caige said with emotion.

Xu Qingya was unhappy: Are you looking down on pregnant women? I've always been stupid. If I wasn't stupid, why would I fall in love with you and give birth to you!

Well, the little fairy has finally become secular, and has learned how to bicker as a couple.

But that's not a bad thing.

Fairies can only be seen from a distance.

What Du Caige needs is a woman who can be intimate with her and snuggle up for warmth.

In short, don't have such thoughts again. Don't meddle in Duan Xiaochen's matter, I will handle it.

Understood. Although Xu Qingya was reluctant, she still agreed.

She also knew that she was impulsive just now and did not think carefully, and indeed she almost made a big mistake.

She just wanted to attract firepower and rescue Duan Xiaochen.

So she edited Weibo at that time, the main content was to show off—Who will get Hemingway? my home!

Yan Yingzhen? Duan Xiaochen? It's all tomorrow!

There is also a photo, which is a selfie of her and Du Caige. In the photo, she obviously has a big belly.

She thought that such a microblog should be able to quickly attract the attention of netizens, make herself a target of public criticism, and free Duan Xiaochen.

It will also make many netizens sympathize with Duan Xiaochen.

Netizens hate her so much,

No matter how disgusted, how sympathetic I am to Duan Xiaochen.

As for her fame? She doesn't care.

She always thought that the matter between her and Du Caige would be exposed sooner or later.

At that time, she would be notorious anyway.

She was already mentally prepared for this.

But after Du Caige said a few words, she realized the immaturity of her thinking.

If her reputation deteriorates at this time, Wulin will also suffer unprecedented criticism.

For Shen Jinsong, the mastermind behind the scenes, this is simply a dream come true!

Thinking of this, Xu Qingya's face also became serious: Uncle, sister Duan's incident was exposed, obviously someone has been following and investigating me for a long time. Tell me, will someone follow and investigate me?

Du Caige thought of this a long time ago, and asked Dai Cong about it.

The answer is that this possibility cannot be completely ruled out, but it is unlikely.

The point is, Xu Qingya seldom makes public appearances outside, especially after pregnancy.

Even when the single Half Husha was released this month, I didn't go out to promote it myself.

And when she went to the hospital for an examination, there was also a special car to pick her up.

It's almost impossible to get a photo of her with an obvious pregnancy.

As for whether Shen Jinsong bribed the doctor to get her pregnancy test results as a weapon against her? This possibility is also unlikely.

After all, Du Caige personally went to say hello to all the doctors in the obstetrics and gynecology department of that hospital, and had offered food and gifts in private.

Ordinary people would not be so hard-pressed to offend a billionaire severely for a small sum of money.

In short, you have to be more cautious next time. As the heroine of the movie, before the movie is released, your reputation must not be contaminated by any right and wrong. Even if there is an affair between you and me, you can't admit it for the time being.

Uncle I know, I will be cautious.

While chatting, Yu Qing called again.

This is the fifth call she made tonight. Du Caige didn't answer the previous four calls.

This time it seems to be unacceptable.

He smiled apologetically at Xu Qingya, walked away with his mobile phone, and said helplessly, Is there anything that must be said tonight?

Yu Qing said hastily: You finally answered the phone. I just want to tell you that my dad didn't do it.

I know.

You know... how do you know?

You said that you have convinced your dad that he will not target me again. I believe you.


... Didn't you hear clearly? I said I believe you!

I heard it, I hate it!

Du Caige was really annoyed at this moment.

Women are so inexplicable... I said I believe you, why do you say hate?

By the way, Yu Qing's voice softened, Thank you for your song.

She was referring to Wishing Love with the Immortal Sword and Slaying the Wolf written by Du Caige for her.

The former is the theme song of the TV series Legend of Sword and Fairy which just ended, and the latter is the ending song.

And there is a very popular episode Drawing the Silk Opera which was sung by Xu Qingya.

The quality of these songs is quite good.

Although Yu Qing has always been a very orthodox actor, graduated from a prestigious school (Liu Zifei's younger sister), has been engaged in the performance industry, and has acted in dramas, TV dramas, and movies, but has never published a song, and rarely participates in variety shows.

But that doesn't mean she doesn't like singing.

Her voice is actually pretty good, and she also trained for a period of time before her debut.

It's just that she feels that her talents are limited, she doesn't want to be distracted, and she doesn't need to make money through singing and performing commercials, so she didn't take the amphibious development path.

Now that there is a song she likes, of course she is happy to open her voice.

This allowed her to have one or two masterpieces, which not only allowed her career to go further, but also enriched her image in the eyes of fans, allowing her to have reserved repertoire when she participated in variety shows; it also satisfied her heart. little wishes.

Once upon a time, she had a trivial little dream: Lin Ke would write songs, she would sing them, and become a famous husband and wife team in the entertainment industry.

The second half is impossible.

But at least the first half was achieved.

It feels good.

Among the two songs that Du Caige gave her, she especially likes The Sword Asks Love.

Those poignant lyrics hit her girl's heart every word - she is a girl forever, even if she is 80 years old, she is still a girl, and she does not accept rebuttals!

How she wished that in order to find her, he could step through the chaotic world with his sword.

How I wish he could not express his affection for me in just a few words.

It's a pity that it can only be Why let it go, I'm lonely, I'm on this side of the world, how can I express how I miss you in thousands of words.

Up to now, it has been not greedy for a wish and only expecting to be drunk once.

Dreaming back in the middle of the night, independent midnight, I think of your face again, the long road of life day and night.

You remember, Your face, look for it, meet in a dream.

When dreaming back at midnight, she leaned against the window and sang many times: If you are with me, I will not envy mandarin ducks or immortals!

It's a pity that I don't have you by my side.

Even if the road ahead is paved with flowers, full of moonlight, and spotlights flashing, there will be endless wealth.

That's not what I want either.

I wish to have one heart and one mind, and the white head will not be separated.

Because in this world, apart from love, there is nothing worthy of my pursuit.

After all, as long as I open my mouth, Dad will satisfy me with anything.

The crowd is turbulent, but I only hope that when I look back, you stand under the lamp and smile at me.

But in the end, none of this is possible.

It can only be fate in this life, and continue in the next life.

What is love, life and death?

However, being able to be in a movie you wrote and sing two songs you wrote for me... It's worth it, it's worth it.

The longing and admiration, the feelings and the loneliness I endured are all worth it.

Brother, Duan Xiaochen's situation is not good. If you don't handle it well, it will even affect the release of your company's works in the future. What are you going to do? Yu Qing asked.

There is no good way. Du Caige confessed frankly.

He is really helpless.

There is a specialization in the art industry, which is not the field he is good at.

I, maybe there is a way. Yu Qing said hesitantly.

Du Caige cheered up, Say it!

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