I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 681 It is the time you spend on that rose that makes that rose so special

Yu Qing explained: Actually, after I saw this incident on the Internet, I immediately talked to our company's new media director...

You want to confirm whether it was your father who made the move? Silly girl, it's impossible. Who is your father? Don't doubt what he promised.

Yu Qing stuck out her tongue and turned to look at her father.

Yu Renxue snorted through his nose.

Looking at him, he was not happy.

Of course she won't be happy, after all Yu Qing has done something stupid again.

Hey, why do you say again?

The new media director said that the points that attacked Duan Xiaochen in that article were actually easy to resolve. But the key lies in the emotions of netizens. Netizens don't want to listen to rational analysis, they just want to enjoy this violent carnival. If you want to change public opinion, you must first forcefully and violently change netizens’ impression of Duan Xiaochen. For example, let everyone sympathize with her, so that you can slowly clear up those black spots that slandered her.”

Du Caige thought to himself, just now there was a silly girl trying to make netizens sympathize with Duan Xiaochen. It's a pity that this silly girl's method is too stupid to be operable.

The new media director of your company, did you come up with any good ideas?

He didn't, but I thought of it.

What did you think of?

Go online and have a look.

Du Caige had a bad feeling, What did you do?

Just look at it! Yu Qing hung up the phone.

Yu Renxue put down the Liujin PAD in his hand.

Ever since he knew Du Caige was the major shareholder of Juzhi Investment, and Juzhi Investment was the major shareholder of Liujin Company, he once wanted to switch to other smart device brands.

But unfortunately, other brands do not live up to it.

And he reconciled with Du Caige soon, so just keep using it.

After all... It's not easy to get rid of WeChat, LL, Weibo, Post Bar, Video Network, etc. from your life all at once.

Dad, who are you showing this expression to? Yu Qing knew that her father must be very angry, so she had to preemptively, If you do this again, I will ignore you, and I will go to live with my best friend.

Hey, no, Yu Renxue gave in immediately, and the corners of his mouth curled up into a smile, You misunderstood, I was a little tired just now, so I didn't make an expression to show you!

Although he has a lover who gave birth to him a son outside.

But... Where is the life of grace and the nourishment of grace?

In the book of fairy tales written by Hai Zha called The Little Prince, there is a sentence that made him stunned.

It's the time you put into that rose that makes that rose so special.

This girl Yu Qing is neither beautiful nor cute.

If it wasn't for twenty years of getting along day and night, it wasn't for him raising her with feces and urine, teaching her to speak, playing with her, sending her to the hospital, telling her stories to put her to sleep, checking her homework, taking her to school every day, and examining everyone who came close to her. Her boy... Except for missing that sea scum, he has always been conscientious.

If it weren't for these twenty years of upbringing and companionship, where would such deep feelings come from?

Of course he also likes the child born to him by his lover outside.

But none of them could match Yu Qing's status in his heart.

He still feels indebted to her, because when she was a child, the family conditions were not very good, he did not give her the best toys, did not give her the best milk powder, did not let her go to the best school, did not buy her the most beautiful clothing.

To her, Yu Renxue is always more tolerant and pampered than anyone else.

Yu Qing pouted and said, For the sake of your sincerity, I will forgive you this time. Don't show me face in the future! I am a little public servant,

do you know! You have to spoil me, love me, protect me, and don't bully me!

I know, I know!

Only then did Yu Qing turn her anger into joy, and petted her father's dog's head... No, she petted her father's gray-haired head in the same way as petting a pet dog.

I just want to repay my kindness. After all, he asked me to play Lin Yueru and wrote me two such beautiful songs.

The song is actually mediocre, it's because you sing well... Yu Renxue lowered his head and muttered.


No, I said you'd be fine.

Yeah, it's really okay. Netizens have a very short memory. Although I may encounter a little cyberbullying for a while, their attention will soon be diverted. Yu Qing comforted her father with a smile.

Well, I don't worry, you are a big girl, you can handle it well. Yu Renxue said with a smile.

Internet violence? What cyberbullying? Where did the cyberbullying come from?

You think my sailors are idlers!

As long as there is one who dares to spray you, I will let ten sailors spray back!


After finishing the call with Yu Qing, Du Caige hurriedly went online to check Yu Qing's activity.

After reading this, I feel very complicated.

There are gratitude, guilt, appreciation, and other emotions that are hard to explain.

Except love.

That is really not.

Love can be broadly divided into two types.

love at first sight.

And long-term companionship, long-term love.

For Yu Qing, neither of these two kinds is available.

He sighed.

This favor... is hard to repay.

If it is another female star, with a few good songs and a few roles, she can pay off her favor.

But for Yu Qing, she doesn't lack these, and she doesn't want to.

Du Caige always feels that whether she is acting or singing, she is mostly just playing for fun, and she is not really involved.

She lacked that genuine love and drive to improve herself no matter what.

So he never thought of cooperating with Yu Qing - if Yu Qing came to his crew, he would definitely be scolded to death by him.

As for money and status... Is Yu Qing someone short of money?

never mind.

You can only pay back slowly later.

Du Caige was about to go back to Xu Qingya's bedroom when Duan Xiaochen called.

He quickly hid on the balcony to answer.


Where are you?

Uh, outside.

Duan Xiaochen didn't delve into it, Go back and rest early.


Where is Yu Qing, did you ask her to post on Weibo?


Duan Xiaochen's tone was not very good, You tell her that I accept her love, but if she thinks that she has a chance to rekindle with you by showing her affection, then she is wrong, you let her die as soon as possible.

Duan Xiaochen knew the story of Du Caige and Yu Qing.

She had seen Yu Qing chasing after Du Caige's ass.

Uh... You're overthinking, what's the resurgence of old feelings, nothing happened. Du Caige categorically denied it.

It's best if you don't have one, Duan Xiaochen's voice became softer, I'm fine, you don't have to worry. So many people are caring about me, try to help me, I will cheer up. It's impossible for mere trifles to defeat me .”

That's good. Let's meet and talk tomorrow.


Du Caige exhaled heavily, and returned to Xu Qingya's bedroom.

Xu Qingya didn't ask him who was calling, but just acted like a baby and begged for a hug.

After being intimate for a while, Du Caige took the initiative to say, Yu Qing called just now. She did what you wanted.

Xu Qingya quickly took out her phone: Let me see!

After finding Yu Qing's Weibo and looking at it, she winked at Du Caige mischievously: I just said, that Mr. Yu had a problem with your attitude at that time. So that's what happened! You never said that You and Yu Qing have a history of dating.

She was talking about meeting Yu Renxue at the Baiyang Literature Award ceremony.

After a pause, she said again: I'm not blaming you, I just said it casually. After all, it's not easy to explain all of the hundreds of women you have dated with.

Judging from her tone, it didn't look like she was about to lose her temper. Du Caige accompanied her carefully and said: Yu Qing is not bad. She posted such a Weibo, Xiao Duan's side is much better. I won't talk about this matter. That's all. I'll make him pay.

Who should pay the price? Xu Qingya was a little puzzled.

Du Caige didn't explain in detail: Let the people who play tricks behind your back. Don't worry about it, just keep your mood happy.

En. Xu Qingya continued to look down at Yu Qing's Weibo.

That Weibo is spreading rapidly at a geometric speed.

is constantly being forwarded.

The Weibo posted just 20 minutes ago has now been forwarded more than 30,000 times.

This data is a bit scary.

You must know that Yu Qing is not the first-line, but close to the first-line. The number of fans is more than 7 million, and some of them are still a little watery.

There are such a number of forwarding times, which means that there are too many netizens who are paying attention to this topic.

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