The golden elixir realm is divided into five elements, so every golden elixir expert must choose the five element attribute exercises that suit his or her own golden elixir.

It's not that you can't practice other exercises, but it's just that the progress of other exercises is not as fast as the exercises with the same attribute as the golden elixir.

Therefore, anyone who is strong in the Golden Core will choose the exercises that are suitable for their own attributes, because I have never heard of a strong person in the Golden Core realm who practices methods with different attributes to break through to the Nascent Soul realm.

At the same time, some powerful secret techniques also require corresponding attribute golden elixirs to exert their ultimate power.

If they have different attributes, the power of the secret technique cannot be brought into full play.

The Immovable Mountain Technique allows the golden elixir to be converted among the attributes of the five elements. This means that he can practice secret techniques with different attributes at will, and can maximize the power of the secret technique. He only needs to change the attributes of the golden elixir when using it. .

This is one of the reasons why Chu Ning is excited, but there is another reason. The Five Elements Golden Pill can be transformed, which means that he can practice in some special environments.

For example, this stone tower space is the most suitable place for cultivating for fire attribute monks because of the earthly fire below.

And the map of the entire Chengshan Domain that he knew was suitable for cultivating wood-attribute monks, but the address was the Monster Mountain Range.

I went to the Demonic Beast Mountain Range to practice because I thought my life would be too long.

Chu Ning was only briefly excited before she regained her composure and began to practice quietly.

Cultivation takes no time.

As long as you practice, time will pass quickly.

One month, two months...

One year, two years...

As Chu Ning continued to absorb the energy from the earth fire, the flames below began to surge and boil. Feng Ange, who was in the middle, felt the surge of the earth fire below, and his eyes were filled with surprise.

"This Chu Ning Golden Pill is of fire attribute. What kind of technique does he practice that can absorb so much earth fire energy?"

Feng Ange became curious about Chu Ning for the first time. The outside world knew that there was an underground fire in Huofeng City, but they did not know that the underground fire in Huofeng City was not a third-level underground fire as the outside world had guessed.

The earth fire in Huofeng City is the fifth level earth fire.

This secret is only known to the previous city lords.

The fifth-level earth fire, let alone the strong ones in the Golden Core Realm, even the strong ones in the Nascent Soul Realm cannot cause the earth fire to have a big reaction.

A strong fifth-level Earth Fire Nascent Soul was injured even if he was accidentally contaminated. The reason why he was able to activate the Earth Fire energy was because of the Feng family's special cultivation techniques and the natal contract with the monster beast.

The surge of earth fire energy was a good thing for her. The more earth fire energy surged out, the more stable the formation arranged by the ancestors of the Feng family would be.

This fifth-level earth fire was sealed here by the ancestors. The purpose of sealing this earth fire was to make a natal contract with the Golden Crow for the Feng family.

The Golden Crow was injured and needed the energy provided by the Earth Fire to heal, but this process was long. The purpose of all generations of the Feng family staying in Fire Phoenix City was to protect the Golden Crow.

However, the ancestors ignored a problem. The fifth-level earth fire extraordinary creature was not willing to be sealed like this, and had been accumulating energy. Once the energy accumulated to a certain level, it would burst into a devouring formation.

Once the fifth-level earth fire escapes, the entire Fire Phoenix City, or the entire Hundred Cities area, will cease to exist.

The fifth level of earth fire ignites everything, and there is almost no resistance under the Nascent Soul.

Even at that time, this fifth-level earth fire will even bite back the Golden Crow and devour it.

Therefore, even if she could ignore the life and death of the monks in the Hundred Cities area, just for the sake of the Feng family's own interests, she could not allow this to happen.

The purpose of taking the Origin Return Pill is because the Jinwu and the Feng family signed an extremely special natal contract. As long as the descendants of the main line of the Feng family will have the blood of the Jinwu in their bodies after birth.

But after so many years, this bit of Golden Crow blood has become very thin, and it is impossible to communicate with the sleeping and healing Golden Crow through this blood, so it is necessary to use the Ancestral Pill to make the Golden Crow blood in the body pure.

Taking the Origin Return Pill refined by Chu Ning, Feng Ange successfully purified the Golden Crow blood in his body and established a connection with the Golden Crow under the earth fire.

Jin Wu told her that this formation had been extremely unstable after being hit by fifth-level earth fire for so many years, and Jin Wu's injuries had not yet recovered and he could not free his hand.

The only way is to let the energy of the earth fire vent, so that the formation will bear less pressure, so as to ensure that the formation will not be destroyed by the earth fire.

What Feng Ange was doing during this period was to continuously absorb the energy of the Earth Fire, but the Earth Fire seemed to be aware of it. The entire Earth Fire began to become stable and could absorb very little energy.

Now the earth fire has become surging because of Chu Ning. This is a good thing for her. She can absorb more earth fire energy.

She would take advantage of this opportunity to absorb more earth fire energy.

The third year, the fourth year...

Lao Hei has shed his skin five times, and at this moment, the entire stone tower space is boiling and splashing with molten metal, as if the underground fire below is about to burst out in the next moment.

Chu Ning opened his eyes, felt the lava around him, and quickly stopped practicing.

Have you gone too far?

Will it disturb the cultivation of other city lords?

Chu Ning glanced at the center of the stone tower and found that the lava burst there was more serious than here.

Damn it, it really affected people.

When I wasn't practicing before, there was no lava bursting out.

Forget it, it’s better not to practice, so as not to annoy others.

Chu Ning decided to stop practicing. The main purpose this time was to let Lao Hei form elixirs. Lao Hei had already shed his skin five times, and he only needed to shed his skin four more times to successfully form elixirs.

If you don’t practice, then practice Soul-Destroying Thorn.

In the center of the stone tower, Feng Ange was absorbing the energy of the earth fire, and suddenly found that the earth fire below was stable again.

After a quick scan of his consciousness, he discovered that Chu Ning had stopped practicing.

This made her feel a little uncomfortable.

If she had not experienced so much earth fire energy before, she would not be uncomfortable, but now that she has experienced this steady stream of earth fire energy, she has returned to the rhythm of a steady stream, and her mentality is somewhat unbearable.

Well, maybe Chu Ning needs to take a rest and just wait.

This wait is one month.

Over the past month, Chu Ning continued to compress his consciousness. At the same time, he also noticed the center of the stone tower.

Sure enough, as he thought, he had disturbed others before.

If I don't practice, the stone tower space has returned to peace. I guess in the past two years, people tolerated me because I refined the Return to Origin Pill, and I have to be self-aware.

However, he had trained the Soul-Destroying Thorn to the extreme and could no longer compress it.

If you can't practice, and you don't need to practice the soul-killing thorn, what should you do?

Chu Ning thought for a moment and took out a lot of jade slips from her storage bag, which was a formation book.

Since you can't practice, then take this opportunity to practice the formation.

Originally, in Chu Ning's mind, he only needed to practice alchemy, but after experiencing so many things, he suddenly felt that formations were also important.

Many forces will have formations to protect them, and even some secret realms have formations. The deeper you understand the formations, the greater it will help you.

Chu Ning was reading the formation book with great interest, while Feng Ange was a little confused.


You are a fire attribute golden elixir monk. There is so much fire attribute energy here. Instead of taking the time to practice and absorb it, you study the formation.

It’s not like you have no chance to study the formation after leaving the stone tower, but it’s impossible to come back in after leaving the stone tower.

Feng Ange knew that the jade slip Chu Ning was reading should be a formation book, because while Chu Ning was reading it, he also took out some formation materials and arranged them there.

What kind of person is this?

Feng Ange was helpless. Her original plan was not to communicate with Chu Ning.

But now we can’t communicate without communication.

"Ahem, fellow Taoist Chu, don't you want to practice?"

Chu Ning, who was studying the formation, was stunned for a moment when he heard the voice coming from his ears, and then looked at the center of the stone tower.

Is this city lord asking himself?

So it's not that I tolerate myself, it's that I couldn't find time to practice before, but now I stopped and started to settle accounts with myself.

Thinking of this, Chu Ning said sincerely, "City Lord, I didn't know that practicing would cause the fire in this place and disturbed the City Lord's practice. I apologize to the City Lord."

He is a strong person in the late stage of Jindan, and he has to bow his head under the eaves.

And it is true that you have disturbed others. You should admit your mistake when you should, and you should not hit the wrong person without hitting him.

Feng Ange:......

She really wanted to say it didn't bother her and there was no need to apologize. ,

"No need, fellow Daoist Chu just needs to continue practicing and will not disturb this city lord."

"Believe it or not."

Chu Ning muttered in her heart, why would she bother to ask specifically if she really didn't want to disturb him? This was a polite way of saying that he knew he had a good attitude and would not get angry.

The other party said polite words, but you had to show your attitude.

"Don't worry, City Lord, I won't practice anymore."

"No, you have to practice!"

When Feng Ange heard this, he couldn't help but speak immediately.

Chu Ning:......

Feeling that his tone was a little anxious, Feng Ange was silent for a while before continuing: "What I mean is that even if you practice, you will not disturb me. What I said is the truth and is not polite. words."

"Forget it, it would be good for me to study the formations. There happens to be earth fire here. I can verify several formations related to earth fire."

Feng Ange bit her silver teeth lightly, she had said so, and she hadn't practiced yet. She couldn't tell Chu Ning the true situation of the earth fire under the stone tower, because it was related to the Feng family's biggest secret.

"Fellow Daoist Chu, what do you need to do before you are willing to practice?"

Chu Ning's expression was a little weird. What do you mean, do you mean I must practice?

Sensing Chu Ning's silence, Feng Ange felt helpless. He couldn't say, "I beg you to practice."

After thinking for a moment, Feng Ange raised his jade arm, and a jade slip flew out of the flames and flew towards Chu Ning.

"Inside this jade slip is a secret method of fire attribute. Fellow Daoist Chu can practice this secret method here."

Chu Ning took the jade slip, glanced at it with his consciousness, and a smile appeared on his face.

It seems that this city lord is not just talking politely, but really wants to practice on his own.

This secret method suits me very well.

ps: Looking for the guaranteed monthly pass at the beginning of next month

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