I just want to torture you to death, don't force me to beat you to death

Chapter 202 The Fifth Level Earth Fire Spirit (please vote for the big chapter)

The golden crow turns into a rainbow!

This is the name of this secret technique that Chu Ning learned from the jade slips.

This is an escape method.

He has practiced to the extreme and his speed is unimaginable.

For Chu Ning, this is what he lacks most now.

On the offensive end, he now has the Soul-Destroying Bracelet, two puppets, the Soul-Destroying Thorn, and some spells. On the offensive end, his firepower is sufficient.

If you can beat it, you will be covered by fire!

If you can't beat him, then run away.

This is Chu Ning's principle, defense is not the best choice.

If Chu Ning was given the choice between escape and defense, he would choose to escape without hesitation.

To escape is to take your life into your own hands.

Defense means betting on the opponent's attack power.

One hit kill.

If you can't kill them, then retreat thousands of miles away.

Therefore, he was very satisfied with this escape method.

The first step to transforming a golden crow into a rainbow is to turn yourself into a golden crow.

Chu Ning didn't waste any time and started practicing directly.

And as he mobilized the Immovable Mountain Technique to activate the Golden Crow Secret Technique, the originally calm Earth Fire began to surge again. Feng Ange breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene.

The secret technique she gave her was not in vain. The Golden Crow Rainbow Transformation Technique was one of the three major secret techniques of the Feng family, and ordinary members of the clan were not qualified to practice it.

But it is impossible for her to teach the other two secret techniques to Chu Ning. In comparison, this Golden Crow Transformation into Rainbow is the most suitable.

call out!

call out!

call out!

Three months later, in this stone tower, a golden figure shuttled quickly like a rainbow, the speed getting faster every time.

Five years later.

Chu Ning was suspended in the air of the stone tower. The next moment, his body suddenly turned into a flame. The flames burned blazingly, and a golden crow emerged from it.

And at the moment when the Golden Crow's figure appeared, Chu Ning's figure appeared on the other side of the stone tower.

"A hundred miles in an instant, this speed is five times faster than my original speed, and this is not the limit, both in terms of speed and distance."

There was joy on Chu Ning's face. The Golden Crow Rainbow Transformation Technique lived up to its name. He was just getting started now, and was still limited to the space of this stone tower. If he used it with all his strength, he could persist to thousands of miles away.

"Even if I face a strong person in the late Golden Core stage, I should have no problem escaping."

Chu Ning was very satisfied with the speed of the Golden Crow Rainbow Transformation Technique, and in the center of the stone tower, Feng Ange, who had witnessed Chu Ning's practice progress from beginning to end, had a look of shock on his pretty face.

The Golden Crow Rainbow Transformation Technique is one of the three major secret techniques of the Feng family. The reason why ordinary people cannot learn it is not only because they are afraid of the leakage of the secret technique, but also because it is not easy to get started with this secret technique.

Back then, it took her three years to practice this technique, and it took Elder Feng ten years. However, the average clan member would have trouble starting it in less than twenty years.

Before the Golden Pill, the tribesmen focused more on realm breakthroughs. If too much time was spent practicing the Golden Crow Rainbow Transformation Technique, it would actually affect the progress of the practice.

But Chu Ning only took five years to get started, which was beyond her expectation.

She was able to get started in three years because she had Golden Crow blood in her body, which was helpful in practicing the Golden Crow Rainbow Transformation Technique.

The Golden Crow Rainbow Transformation Technique has also been leaked to the outside world. In the records of the Feng Family's major events, for some reasons, the city lord at that time handed over the cultivation method of the Golden Crow Rainbow Transformation Technique to outsiders.

But one of the outsiders who practiced the Golden Crow Rainbow Transformation Technique failed, and the fastest among the remaining four took fifteen years, and the slowest took a full thirty years to get started.

How did Chu Ning do this? He couldn't possibly have Golden Crow blood in his body.

Chu Ning didn't know what Feng Ange was thinking at the moment. When he was practicing the Golden Crow Transformation into Rainbow Technique, the waterfall transformed from the longevity fruit on the Dantian mountain peak poured on the golden elixir, providing him with some special energy. .

It was this energy that allowed him to finally transform into the Golden Crow.

At this time, Lao Hei had already shed his skin for the eighth time and was just short of the last one.

Chu Ning did not practice any more. This last time, he planned to pay full attention to the whole process. If there was any accident, he would immediately remedy it.

Feng Ange did not call Chu Ning to continue practicing this time. She had absorbed enough earth fire energy in the past few years. Even if the earth fire energy continued to pour out, she would not be able to absorb it.

And she was also curious about what would happen to this snake after shedding its skin.

She had never heard of a snake demon that shed its skin nine times before forming a pill.

"Old Hei, come on."

Chu Ning looked at Lao Hei. After eight molts, Lao Hei's body had shrunk to three feet in length, and his four claws had turned completely white.

Black body and white claws.

"What kind of snake is this guy, Lao Hei?"

Chu Ning also murmured in her heart that snakes have no claws, but not only does Lao Hei have claws, but it is becoming more and more obvious now.

half year later.

Chu Ning stayed in Shita for the tenth complete year.

The snake skin on Lao Hei's body slowly fell off again. The first thing to fall off was the snake's head. The entire snake's head did not change much from before. As it fell off the body, new shiny black scales were exposed. Chu Ning discovered the difference.

The original scales on Lao Hei's body were similar to diamonds, covered layer by layer like roof tiles, but now the scales on Lao Hei's body have become round.

In addition to the change in the shape of the scales, the direction of the scales on Lao Hei's abdomen is also opposite to that on the back and sides.

The scales on the back and sides start from the snake's head and cover downward layer by layer, but the scales on the abdomen start from the end and cover towards the back of the neck.

Opposite directions, same shape.

Seeing the changes in the scales on Lao Hei's body, the word "reverse scale" subconsciously appeared in Chu Ning's mind.

When thinking of Ni Lin, he thought of a familiar folk proverb from his previous life.

The dragon has reverse scales, which will cause anger if touched.

Lao Hei is actually not a snake, but a dragon?

Chu Ning was frightened by the speculation in her mind. She shouldn't have been.

Is Long Long as wretched as Lao Hei and so afraid of death?

If Lao Hei were a dragon, he would also be a wicked dragon.

The snake skin shed little by little, and when Lao Hei's tail also shed from the snake skin, Chu Ning stared intently, and Feng Ange's consciousness fell on Lao Hei.

Nine transformations and elixir formation.

What kind of pill will form?

Lao Hei, who escaped from the snake skin, suddenly began to wander quickly, doubling in size every time he wandered around.

In just a few breaths, his body size was dozens of times his original size.

A huge monster aura spread out from Lao Hei's body. Chu Ning didn't feel anything about this aura, but Feng Ange's expression changed.

She felt her blood boiling, and murderous intent flashed subconsciously in her eyes.

This intention to kill did not come from her original intention, but from the golden crow bloodline in her body.

"Jinwu has murderous intentions for this snake demon?"

Feng Ange frowned. Could it be that this snake demon really has a great origin and is still an enemy of the Golden Crow clan?

While Feng Ange was thinking, Chu Ning's expression also changed slightly. It was not that he felt Feng Ange's murderous intention, but that Lao Hei's voice came from his mind.

"Damn it, with the help of the demon power of heaven and earth that appeared at the moment of forming the pill, I felt that there is a lingering demon beast below. If I swallow it, we will be in trouble."

Lao Hei was very excited. Without waiting for Chu Ning's reply, he dived directly into the magma below.

Chu Ning was a little confused. There were monsters in the ground fire below. It must be related to the Feng family. If you go and devour them, can the Feng family let us go?

Chu Ning glanced in the direction of Feng Ange. Because he was surrounded by flames, he couldn't see Feng Ange's expression clearly, so he could only shout in his heart: "You bastard, if you don't want to die, come up quickly and don't cause trouble. "

Unfortunately, there was no response from Lao Hei.

Feng Ange was a little shocked when he saw the black snake pouring into the magma below. There was a fifth-level earth fire down here. The pill-forming monster must not be burned to ashes if it went down. Is this snake looking for death?

However, just a few breaths later, Feng Ange's expression changed because she felt the surging fire below.

Unprecedented surge.

This fifth level earth fire seems to have been stimulated by something, and is hitting the formation crazily.

What's going on down there?


A wave of fire suddenly shot out, and Feng Ange slapped it with his palm. However, the wave of fire was not scattered, but instead roared towards it and swallowed it up.

Feng Ange retreated, and Chu Ning on the side also dodged and left the place. A wave of fire fell down where he was standing before.

Boom boom boom!

The jets of two fire waves seemed to turn on a certain switch. The fire waves below were one after another, and Chu Ning and Feng Ange had to keep moving.

The fire wave of the fifth level earth fire was not something that two people could contend with.

"What did your spirit beast do?"

Feng Ange dodged a wave of fire and shouted and questioned Chu Ning.

At this moment, Feng Ange's body was no longer in flames, and his true appearance was revealed, his cold face covered with frost.

"City Lord, please calm down. My spirit beast has sensed the strangeness of the ground fire below and is going to go down to investigate. I don't know why it is like this now."

Chu Ning quickly gave herself a cunning excuse. If she told the truth, she might end up with the Windy City Lord chasing her down immediately.

Feng Ange took a deep look at Chu Ning. The next moment, his figure kept changing positions in the tower to avoid the fire waves. His hands did not stop, but he was quickly forming a complicated hand seal.


After the handprints were formed, Feng Ange gave a soft drink, and an invisible force seemed to appear in the magma below, directly splitting the magma in half.


Chu Ning stared at the inside of the magma. As the magma was squeezed to both sides, a vacuum zone without flames appeared in the middle.

Looking down, Chu Ning saw Lao Hei, a huge golden egg, and a fire dragon.

Feng Ange also saw this scene. His pretty face changed and he immediately shot downwards. Chu Ning hesitated for a while, but finally chose to follow.

"I almost got hit. I thought I could get a mouthful, but I didn't expect that there was a sixth man hiding next to me. He unexpectedly attacked me at the last moment. If I hadn't reacted quickly, I would have been roasted."

Chu Ning fell down and heard Lao Hei's words in her ears. The corner of her mouth twitched. Sure enough, this change had something to do with Lao Hei.

"What did you do to end up in this situation?" Chu Ning asked in her mind.

"What can I do? Didn't I tell you that there is a big tonic hidden in the ground? It's this golden egg. As long as we eat this golden egg, it will be fine for both of us to go straight to the Nascent Soul. But I just thought about it. Mouth, this fire dragon suddenly appeared, if I hadn't reacted quickly, I would have been burned into snake meat."

"What is the origin of this fire dragon?"

Chu Ning was a little curious, could this fire dragon be the guardian monster of this golden egg?

"What other origin could there be? It's the fire spirit of this earth fire. This guy also regarded this golden egg as something on the plate. He just wanted to keep it. When he saw me coming to snatch his food, he became furious."

Listening to Lao Hei's words, Chu Ning understood, so Lao Hei came to grab food from others and made them angry, which was why there was such a wave of fire.

While Chu Ning and Lao Hei were talking, Feng Ange's face looked extremely ugly, and at the same time, there was a chill in his heart.

Although she didn't know what happened specifically, when she saw this fire dragon, she knew that she, the previous city lords of the Feng family, and even the Golden Crow had all been deceived by this fifth-level earth fire.

The fifth-level earth fire had already given birth to spiritual wisdom, otherwise this little fire dragon would not have appeared.

Huo Ling has deliberately hidden himself for so many years, and his purpose is self-evident.

If it hadn't been for today's incident, Feng Ange felt chills in his heart when he thought about the possible consequences.

Chu Ning glanced at Feng Ange, and from the look of fear that just flashed across Feng Ange's face, he had a rough guess about Feng Ange's psychology.

"Lord Wind City, my spiritual beast noticed the existence of this fire spirit. I knew that this fire spirit had evil intentions, so I came down to lure this fire spirit to show up!"

Chu Ning's bold words made Lao Hei admire him very much, and he nodded his head in cooperation.

Before Feng Ange had any reaction, the little fire dragon became furious, confusing right and wrong.


Purple flames filled the air from the small fire dragon and began to surge around it. Each surge caused the surrounding temperature to rise horribly, and even the space was burned and torn apart.

"not good!"

Feng Ange's expression changed, and he quickly formed seals with his hands again, and rays of light appeared in this space. These rays of light crisscrossed and soon formed a network of light, covering the fire dragon.

The fire dragon roared, the purple flames on its body surged, and the light nets were burned into nothingness as soon as they touched the purple flames.

But even so, more and more optical networks continue to compress towards the fire dragon. The number of optical networks is extremely huge, and even the flames of the fire dragon cannot withstand such consumption.

After a few breaths, the purple flames on the fire dragon's body began to dim, and Feng Ange breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

She had just activated the formation left by her ancestors, and she could use this formation to suppress the fire spirit.


The light net continued to compress, and Huo Ling also felt that his situation was not good. Purple flames emerged from the dragon eyes. After a roar, his body actually hit the light net directly.

Rampant, the light net broke wherever it went, like a giant beast struggling in a giant underwater net.

The sudden violence of Huo Ling caused Feng Ange's expression to change. Chu Ning immediately stepped back several hundred meters. The purple flame gave him a feeling of palpitations. If even a ray of it was contaminated, it would all turn into ashes. .

Feng Ange had a solemn expression on her face. If the fifth-level Earth Fire Fire Spirit faced him head-on, she would have no chance of winning.

This fire spirit has not been born for a particularly long time and has not yet fully grown up. If we do not take this opportunity to trap it, the entire Feng family will be destroyed.

Thinking of this, Feng Ange also had a look of determination on his face. He bit his silver teeth lightly, quickly formed seals with his hands again, and shouted softly:


With a "lock", the light network dissipated, but instead black chains as thick as arms appeared from the void.

These chains were engraved with runes. At this moment, these runes glowed brightly. These rays turned into beams of light and rushed towards the fire dragon, directly piercing the body of the fire dragon.

At the same time, these chains also climbed up along the light pillar and entangled the fire dragon.


The fire dragon roared and tried to break free of the chain, but the chain locked it tightly. Chu Ning, who was standing hundreds of meters behind, also took a breath when he saw this scene.

This formation is really powerful.

You must know that this is the fire spirit. The earth fire spirit can turn into flames and dissipate at any time, but it was pierced by this light pillar and bound to death by chains.

"Damn, this bitch is really awesome."

Lao Hei's voice sounded in Chu Ning's ears. Chu Ning curled his lips. Was he scared at this time?

"I feel something is wrong. Be careful. If anything goes wrong, run away immediately."

Chu Ning reminded Lao Hei. As for why he didn't remind the Wind City Lord, it was natural that someone would have to drag the fire spirit behind him when he ran away.

Seeing that the fire spirit was locked, Feng Ange was relieved. The ancestors had guarded against such a move and specially arranged the spirit locking array to lock the earth fire spirit. They didn't expect it to happen. Comes in handy.

Feng Ange's eyes fell on the golden egg, and he activated the secret method to try to communicate with the Golden Crow.

However, a strange scene occurred.


Feng Ange failed to establish communication with Jinwu. Instead, he spurted out a mouthful of blood and his cold face turned pale.

At the same time, a purple flame appeared on the surface of the golden egg.

And the trapped fire dragon's purple eyes flashed with a very human and cunning look.

The fire dragon began to struggle. Although it failed to break free of the chains, the surrounding space began to become unstable, and one or two clusters of flames emerged.


Without saying a word, Chu Ning used the Golden Crow Rainbow Transformation Technique and headed upwards. It was obvious that the Wind City Lord had been fooled by the fire spirit. The emergence of these flames meant that the formation space was unstable.

A rainbow light escaped from Chu Ning. Lao Hei glanced at the golden egg and hesitated for a moment. The next moment, the snake's body suddenly rolled up, wrapped the golden egg, and flew upward.


When the fire dragon saw Lao Hei wrapping up the golden egg, he ran away instantly. Clusters of flames emerged from all sides and turned into pillars of fire to block Lao Hei's way.

Chu Ning, who had already escaped to the top, was speechless when he saw Lao Hei trapped below.

Hasn't this guy never heard the saying that people die for money and birds die for food?

Is the temptation of this golden egg so great?

Chu Ning couldn't let Lao Hei be trapped below, so he had no choice but to use the Golden Crow Rainbow Transformation Technique again, and his figure appeared next to Lao Hei.

Lao Hei immediately escaped into Chu Ning's body, and the golden egg naturally fell into Chu Ning's hands.

With the golden egg in hand, Chu Ning was about to put it into the storage bag, but found that she couldn't put it in.

This made him look surprised. This was the first time he had seen something unable to be stored in a storage bag.

"Give me the golden egg!"

Over there, Feng Ange looked pale, but still spoke to Chu Ning with a cold face.

Chu Ning hesitated for a moment, but finally threw the golden elixir towards Feng Ange.

Although he likes treasures, this golden egg belongs to the Feng family, so he still can't do anything as shameless as Lao Hei.

"Lord Feng City, the golden elixir is returned to its original owner, and I will leave first."

When the golden egg was thrown, Chu Ning's figure moved upward again, but the next moment, Chu Ning's figure stopped and looked at the sea of ​​fire above with an ugly expression.

The sea of ​​fire surged, blocking the way like a huge wave.

Obviously, the fire spirit even cares about Chu Ning.

Outside the city, all the Feng family disciples were looking in the direction of the stone tower in horror at this moment, looking at the stone tower being burned by the flames, with incredible looks in their eyes.

The stone tower is the symbol of the Feng family.

After standing on the earth fire magma for so many years, suppressing the earth fire, they never imagined that one day the stone tower would be burned down.

Feng Wensu stood on the broken bridge, with a look of anxiety on his face, and the next moment, several figures appeared on the broken bridge, and they were all late-stage Jindan monks.

The strength of the four late-stage Jindan cultivators of the Feng family far exceeds those of the outside world.

"Second Elder, what's going on?"

"I don't know what happened. The city lord also lost contact."

Feng Wensu looked solemn, and with a tap of his right hand, the flames on the stone tower were extinguished in one place. However, the next moment the flames came back, and they were even more fierce than before.

The flames rose up, and one of the fire waves hit the stone bridge. The expressions of Feng Wensu and the other four people changed and they quickly retreated.

The power of this flame exceeded their expectations.

"Evacuate the clan members immediately and leave Huofeng City."

Feng Wensu looked solemn and issued orders one after another. She could not guarantee that the flames would not spread. If the flames really spread, it would be a disaster for Huofeng City.

The two late-stage Golden Elixir masters quickly left to arrange evacuation, leaving Feng Wensu and another late-stage Golden Elixir monk alone on the stone bridge.

"Fourth sister and I will arrange the seal together to buy time for retreat."


The other remaining late-stage Jindan strong man nodded heavily. If the flames were allowed to escape, the Fire Phoenix City would be reduced to ashes in an instant.

Inside the stone tower.

Chu Ning's face was also extremely ugly. He had been harmed by this guy, and now he couldn't leave even if he wanted to.

At this moment, the flames are constantly compressing the surrounding space. If this continues for up to a quarter of an hour, he will be buried in the sea of ​​​​fire.

"Lord Feng City, is there any way to save me now?"

Unable to leave, Chu Ning could only hope that the Feng Family City Lord would find some way to break the situation.

"To suppress this fire spirit, the only way is for Senior Jinwu to take action. But now I have lost contact with Senior Jinwu and cannot awaken it."

Feng Ange's words made Chu Ning's eyes narrow and he said: "Since Lord Feng City has no other solution, you might as well let me give it a try."

"Do you have any idea?"

“It never goes wrong to try.”

Feng Ange looked deeply at Chu Ning, and after a while, he threw the golden egg towards Chu Ning again.

After receiving the golden egg, Chu Ning whispered: "This senior monster beast has offended me."


Chu Ning punched the golden egg. Since there was no way to contact him through normal methods, he smashed the egg. I believed that if the eggshell was broken, the senior monster would definitely be able to sense it.


Feng Ange saw Chu Ning's behavior and immediately shouted loudly.

"Lord Feng City, it's now time. If you don't smash the eggshell and let this senior monster beast sense it, in the end, both of you and I will be buried in the sea of ​​fire, and this golden egg will also fall into the hands of the fire spirit."

Listening to Chu Ning's words, Feng Ange fell silent, because she knew what Chu Ning said was right.

Regardless of what Feng Ange was thinking, Chu Ning punched one after another without hesitation. Every time the fist landed, golden light flashed on the surface of the golden egg.

"This egg shell is harder than a turtle shell."

Seeing that he couldn't break it open, Chu Ning used the Mountain Moving Seal.

The mountain peak appeared and fell heavily.

Feng Ange blinked his eyelids, but Chu Ning didn't dare to think about Feng Ange's inner thoughts at this moment. The mountain disappeared, and when he saw cracks on the golden egg, his face showed joy.

Sure enough, moving the mountain seal is more effective.

A crack appeared in the golden egg, and a ray of golden light shot out from the inside. Chu Ning stared at the golden egg.

There was a ray of golden light at first, then a piece of it. The next moment, the entire golden egg shell shattered, and a three-legged turkey broke out of the shell.

Three-legged Turkey is the name given by Chu Ning.

The monster beast that emerged from the eggshell looked exactly like a chicken, with three legs and a faint flame all over its body.


A high-pitched chirping sound came from the turkey's mouth, and the next moment the turkey turned into a golden light and shot into Feng Ange's eyebrows.

Feng Ange's aura suddenly rose, and the fire spirit who was bound by chains seemed to feel the danger and struggled wildly. Every time he struggled, the surrounding sea of ​​fire surged fiercely.

The fire spirit also seemed to know that if it no longer used flames to devour this space, it would bring danger to itself.

Chu Ning set her sights on Feng Ange, and now her hope lies in Feng Ange.

After a while, Feng Ange opened his eyes, a pair of phoenix eyes with flames burning in them.

This is a pair of emotionless eyes.

"You, damn it!"

Feng Ange vomited lightly, and Chu Ning's expression changed instantly. Damn it, this three-legged turkey knew what Lao Hei had done before.

"Senior, we are facing a powerful enemy. We should deal with this fire spirit first."

Chu Ning saw the gloating expression on the fire spirit's face and immediately chose to divert the misfortune to the east.

Huo Ling's body trembled. He didn't expect that this human being was more shameless than him, but it was obvious that Chu Ning's trick worked, because Feng Ange's eyes turned to Huo Ling.


Feng Ange shouted softly, and a scorching sun appeared behind her. This scorching sun actually tore through the sea of ​​fire. Wherever the sun shone, all the flames dissipated.


The fire spirit roared, and the two horns on its head flew out at this moment, turning into two purple flying swords in the air.

One of the purple flying swords was dissipated by the sun before it came close to Feng Ange, but the other flying sword arrived in front of Feng Ange.

At the same time, Huo Ling's huge body twisted, and the untied dragon tail suddenly surged, hitting the blazing sun behind Feng Ange.

Chu Ning was taken aback by this scene, so this fire spirit didn't try his best before. He is really a fucking idiot.

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