The mountain does not know its strength.

The earth does not know its breadth.

So the river never stops flowing.

Just fifty years.

A bird flew into the Xiyue Sect's mountain gate and landed on Niantang Mountain.

In the past fifty years, the peach blossom forest that has been the favorite of the female nuns of the Xiyue Sect in Tangshan has been. Behind the forest, a figure came out.

"Has it been fifty years?"

Chu Ning looked a little dazed. This was the longest time he had been in retreat.

Fifty years of seclusion finally allowed him to break through to the middle stage of the Golden Elixir.

If we count from the time he entered the Golden Core, it took him nearly ninety years from the early stage of the Golden Core to the middle stage of the Golden Core.

Ninety years is already a long life for ordinary people.

"There is a peach blossom forest on the mountain. My wife planted it when she left. Now it is like a canopy."

Looking at this peach blossom forest, Chu Ning whispered.

This peach blossom forest was planted by him and Tang Ruowei before Tang Ruowei left Chengshan Domain.

Fifty years have passed since Tang Ruowei left.

After fifty years, Tangshan has already reached a thousand feet high.

With such a height, it would have been considered a high mountain in the previous life, but in the Chengshan Region, the Qianzhang Peak was still very immature.

Just in the Sun and Moon Mountains, there are hundreds of peaks above a thousand feet.

Chu Ning sighed softly, raised his right hand, and the bird that flew into the mountain turned into a rainbow light and flew towards him, and finally turned into a jade slip when it landed in his hand.

This letter was written by Ji'an. After reading the content of the letter, Chu Ning looked in the direction of Liang Chao, with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

Liang Dynasty, Raozhou.

Liu Mansion.

Two old people were sitting in the courtyard, and Liu Jian, who was already middle-aged, was walking around anxiously.

As the head of the Shangyun Sect, he had not had such an anxious expression for a long time in the late stage of foundation building.

"What are you dazzling in front of us? It's an eyesore. Get out." Liu Junshan opened his eyelids with some difficulty and cursed.


"Ji'an, go out and let Yaya and Jin'er come in to accompany us."

Chen Jingyi then spoke, and Liu Jian was helpless. He could disobey his father, but he would never refute his mother's words.

"Okay, I'll let Yaya and Jin'er come in."

Liu Jian bowed his head and walked out of the yard. Outside the yard, a beautiful woman stood there holding two children.

"Yaya, Jin'er, please go in and accompany your grandfather and grandmother."

The two children ran into the yard happily, and the beautiful young woman had a worried look on her face: "Ji'an, aren't my father-in-law and mother-in-law willing to take medicine?"

Life-sustaining pill.

It can add ten years to one's life. This was found by her husband at a great cost in order to extend the life of his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

But her father-in-law and mother-in-law refused directly. She didn't understand why her father-in-law and mother-in-law refused. It was always a good thing to live ten more years.

"Father and mother don't want to eat. They are now waiting for senior brother to come."

Liu Jian shook his head. As early as a month ago, he wrote a letter to his senior brother, with the purpose of asking his senior brother to persuade his father to take this life-extending pill.

"Senior brother?"

Zhang Qian had doubts in her eyes. This was the first time she heard Ji An mention a senior brother.

"Well, I have a senior brother who is my father's disciple, not a few senior brothers from Shangyun Sect."

Liu Jian held his wife's hand: "My senior brother's situation is a bit special. He doesn't come here on weekdays. After my senior brother comes this time, I will introduce you to my senior brother."


Zhang Qian nodded, listening to her husband's words, the senior brother's status was very unusual.

How special could it be that my husband never mentioned it in the past?

My husband is already in the late stage of foundation building, and my father is a strong person in the golden elixir. There is no way that Ji'an's senior brother is also a strong person in the golden elixir.

Thinking about it, Zhang Qian just thought it was impossible.

My father-in-law was only in the late stage of Qi Condensation, so how could he have a disciple of the Golden Core? Ji'an's current cultivation was due to the training of the Shangyun Sect.

One day later.

Heavy snow.

"Come out, do you think you will take this life-extending pill if you hide as a teacher?"

In the yard, Liu Junshan suddenly whispered, and after a while, a helpless voice sounded.

"Master, why are you and my wife so stubborn?"

Chu Ning's figure appeared in the yard and stood in front of the two old people.

He had arrived as early as yesterday. The reason why he did not show up was because he hoped that the teacher would take this life-extending pill in order to wait for him to come and see him for the last time.

I just didn't expect that the teacher had seen through my thoughts. If I didn't show up, the teacher wouldn't take the life-extending pill.

"Are you willing to show up?"

Liu Junshan snorted coldly, and Chu Ning touched his nose and said, "Master, you and my wife don't have to be so stubborn. These two life-extending pills are Ji'an's filial piety, and they must be fulfilled by Ji'an."

"This time I have fulfilled my filial piety. What about ten years from now? Will I fulfill my disciple's filial piety again?"

Liu Junshan directly saw through Chu Ning's thoughts and said: "Your wife and I have both figured it out. It's enough to live for so many years and travel a lot in the Chengshan region. How can we survive with only one breath left? What’s the point?”

"No need to persuade me anymore. That kid Ji'an can't understand. You should know what it means to be a teacher."

Chu Ning's eyes dimmed, he knew what his teacher was thinking.

The teacher has lived a comfortable life all his life, but now that he is old and in his twilight years, he no longer wants to live anymore.

Even if there is a life-sustaining pill that adds ten years to the life span, the aging of the body cannot be changed. The life-sustaining pill only prevents the body from continuing to age and cannot rejuvenate the body.

Teacher, I don’t want to live like this.

"I'll leave it to you to persuade Ji'an. He listens to you." Liu Junshan changed the subject and asked, "Tell me about you and Ruowei. When are you going to go see Ruowei?"

"Be prepared to wait for a while before looking for Ruowei."

"Well, you are now at a higher level than the teacher. The teacher has nothing to teach you. The only thing he can say to you is to cherish the people around you."

Liu Junshan slowly raised his eyes and said: "Don't be blinded by cultivation. You can achieve immortality through cultivation, but not many people can live forever. Even if you really stand at the top, there is no close relative around you. What's the point of immortality?" significance."

"The teacher doesn't know how high you can reach in the future. The teacher just hopes that you will reach the end and not become a loner."

"Well, disciples should remember the teacher's teachings."

Liu Junshan did not speak anymore, but grabbed Chen Jingyi's hand, and the two skinny hands were tightly held together at this moment.

The two old men had peaceful smiles on their faces.

A white cloth was hung in the Liu Mansion, and many guests came to express their condolences.

As the head of the Shangyun Sect, Liu Jian could not reduce some rituals, and when the guests who came now saw Chu Ning standing in front of the mourning hall, they all had curiosity in their eyes.

"Dad, this is my father-in-law's disciple and Ji'an's senior brother."

Zhang Qian led an old man to the mourning hall. When the old man saw Chu Ning, he was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Dare you be Daoist Fellow Chu?"


Chu Ning nodded. He had never seen this old man before. He must have seen him before.

"Your condolences."

After confirming the identity of the other party, Zhang Zhen was shocked. He didn't even know that there was such a disciple in his own family.

My own in-laws really kept it a secret.

However, Zhang Zhen also knew that this was not the time for communication, so he took the initiative to leave the mourning hall after offering condolences.

"Dad, do you know Senior Brother Chu?"

Zhang Qian led her father out of the mourning hall and asked curiously in a low voice.

Three days ago, his father-in-law and mother-in-law passed away, and a young man walked out of the yard. Ji'an said that this was his senior brother.

Because his father-in-law and mother-in-law were gone, Ji'an was busy with funeral arrangements and hadn't had time to tell her about the origin of his senior brother.

"I know him, but he doesn't know your father."

Zhang Zhen smiled bitterly: "Let's put it this way, despite your father, I am also a strong person in the golden elixir, but compared with this one, I am completely incompetent."

Zhang Zhen recalled that when he first met Daoist Fellow Chu, this Fellow Daoist Chu made a sensation in Wenjin City and became a genius alchemist.

At that time, he himself was in the late stage of Qi Condensation. Later, he joined a sect, and he even found out that Chu Ning was the son-in-law of Xiyue Sect.

What kind of existence is Xiyue Sect, a behemoth in the Chengshan Domain, and then there is the Domain War. He participated in the Domain War at the foundation-building level, and survived by luck. Relying on the rewards given by the Domain Alliance, he finally survived in thirty years He broke through to the golden elixir realm before.

However, Zhang Zhen knew that the early stage of Jin Dan was the upper limit of his life.

"You have found a good husband."

Zhang Zhen felt a little emotional. When his daughter was with Liu Jian, he was still a little opposed to it.

Although Liu Jian was the heir to the head of the Shangyun Sect, there was no golden elixir expert in the entire Shangyun Sect. He just couldn't resist his daughter's liking, and Liu Jian's own talent was also good. It was the middle stage of foundation building at that time, so he agreed to the marriage.

Now it seems that his daughter's vision is better than his own.

Chu Ning is Liu Jian's senior brother, and there is hope for Liu Jian to form an elixir.

Half a month later, Chu Ning left Liang Chao.

Looking back at the Liang Dynasty, Chu Ning knew that after leaving this time, it would probably be a hundred years before he came back.

After taking care of the funeral affairs of his teacher and his wife, he left some elixirs to Ji'an. These elixirs could help Ji'an launch an attack on the golden elixir, but whether they could form elixirs still depended on Ji'an's own luck.

In addition, he also went back to Daning County. He wanted to move his old aunt's grave to Niantangshan, but he found that the old aunt's grave was well taken care of. After asking around, he found out that It was Liu Da's descendants who cleaned it.

Liu Da has passed away long ago, but Liu Da made a family rule before his death. Generations of descendants of the Liu family must clean and guard the grave of the old aunt.

The descendants of the Liu family have implemented this clan rule very thoroughly.

Because of this, Chu Ning did not move her grave. She had been buried here for so many years and would not disturb her rest.

He arranged a formation on his old aunt's grave and left several treasures.

If the descendants of the Liu family keep guarding the old aunt's grave, a hundred years later, when this formation dissipates, the descendants of the Liu family will discover these treasures.

With these few treasures, it is enough to protect the descendants of the Liu family.

In addition to visiting her old aunt when she returned to Daning County, Chu Ning also visited Ji's house.

The head of the Ji family, Ji Yuanshan, has passed away a long time ago. The current patriarch has been replaced by the third one. As for his cheap apprentice, he has not been back to the Ji family for fifty years.

Originally, Chu Ning planned to take Half Year back to Xiyue Sect, but when he failed to find Half Year, he left a storage bag for the head of the Ji family, which contained some pills and some spells he had left for Half Year.

After returning to the Ji family for half a year, the head of the Ji family will give the storage bag to the Ji family. If he does not come back for half a year, then the storage bag will be given to the talented members of the Ji family.

Time flies, the stars change, spring and autumn pass by several times.

Nian Tangshan has grown to a height of two thousand feet, becoming the thirty-sixth peak of the Sun and Moon Mountains.

Time has come to the three hundredth year of Chuning calendar.

This is the 300th year since Chu Ning came to this world.

Three hundred years old.

For those who are strong in the golden elixir, they have already entered middle age.

Since the end of the domain war, the entire Chengshan domain has been peaceful for nearly two hundred years.

The domain war caused the Chengshan Domain to lose many monks, which resulted in the major sects not lacking territory at all, but new blood.

Nearly two hundred years have been enough for a new generation of monks to grow up.

This generation of monks is also a happy generation, because each sect is eager to train new disciples and provides several times more training resources than the disciples of each sect before the Domain War.

Xiyue Sect also has new talented disciples.

However, the emergence of new people also means the withering away of the older generation.

Ten golden elixir masters from the Xiyue Sect failed to break through to the next level and died at the end of their lifespan. Chu Ning attended the funerals of every golden elixir elder.

These Jindan elders all made a request to bury themselves on Nian Tang Mountain.

There is no other reason. Nian Tangshan is bustling. Compared with the cold back mountain cemetery, these Jindan elders prefer Nian Tangshan.

Of course, another reason is that Tangshan Mountain is Chu Ning's peak. Chu Ning can make the decision himself. The other mountains in the Sun Moon Mountain Range belong to the sect's peaks.

The Xiyue Sect has a rule that disciples of the sect are not allowed to be buried at will on other mountain peaks.

Faced with the request of these Jindan elders, Chu Ning could not refuse, so in the end he had to set aside a special area on Niantang Mountain to bury these Jindan elders.

In addition to attending the funeral of Elder Jindan of Xiyue Sect, Chu Ning also attended the funerals of some other seniors.

The friends of his master are also slowly dying, as well as the elders of Wenjin Sect.

The current leader of Wejin Sect is an early Jindan monk, a newcomer who has appeared in the past two hundred years. Xiang Zhaozheng, the previous leader of Wejin Sect, also passed away ten years ago and was buried on Nian Tang Mountain.

These seniors seem to think Tangshan is a good place to study.

In fact, Chu Ning knew in her heart that it was not that Nian Tangshan was a good place, but that these seniors knew that someone like herself would accompany them when they were buried in Nian Tangshan.

Sect Leader Xiang chose to be buried in Nian Tangshan because of Senior Brother Gu. Two hundred years later, there is still no trace of Senior Brother Gu. He is either dead or no longer in Chengshan Domain.

Sect Leader Xiang hopes that one day, he can meet Senior Brother Gu, and that one day Senior Brother Gu can burn a stick of incense in front of his grave.

He seemed to have become a mourner.

"All immortals are mourners, so it seems appropriate to hide this."

Chu Ning laughed to herself and continued to study the restriction on her hand.

For more than two hundred years, Chu Ning knew that his cultivation was slow, so he chose to study formations while practicing.

Although he is dull, two hundred years of research have allowed him to enter the third level of formation.

In addition to the improvement of his attainments in formations, his spiritual consciousness has also reached a terrifying level under the infusion of the longevity fruit waterfall over the past two hundred years.

As early as twenty years ago, when his consciousness swept through the Sun and Moon Mountains, he was able to discover the Yuanying Master uncle of the Xiyue Sect.

In terms of spiritual consciousness, he is already comparable to the powerful Nascent Soul.

"If I continue to live like this, when the mountain reaches a height of three thousand feet, I will be able to leave Chengshan Domain."

Chu Ning whispered and was about to walk back to the cave, but stopped the next moment.

Fifteen breaths later, a figure landed on the mountain peak.

"Master, why are you here?"

Chu Ning looked at his master with a look of curiosity on his face. The master was now in the late stage of the Golden Core and was beginning to ask Nascent Soul for preparations.

"I'm here to give you an invitation, an invitation from the Feng family in Fire Phoenix City."

Xie Shouping said with a smile, waved his hand, and an invitation fell into Chu Ning's hand.

"The Lord of Fire Phoenix City has successfully broken through to the realm of Nascent Soul and is about to hold a celebration ceremony. He is also the first Nascent Soul to exist in our Hundred Cities Region."

The Lord of Fire Phoenix City broke through the Nascent Soul, which gave Xie Shouping confidence, because it broke the vacancy in the Hundred Cities area where there had been no strong Nascent Soul for a long time.

Since the Lord of Fire Phoenix City can break through to Nascent Soul, he also has a chance to break through.

"The Lord of Fire Phoenix City?"

Chu Ning's expression became a little strange. Did Feng Ange break through to Nascent Soul?

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