I just want to torture you to death, don't force me to beat you to death

Chapter 220 Golden elixir monk’s sharing meeting

Fire Phoenix City.


The Lord of Fire Phoenix City broke through to the Nascent Soul. This was not only a grand event for Fire Phoenix City, but also a grand event for the entire Hundred Cities region.

If the city lords of other cities break through the Nascent Soul, the major forces in the Hundred Cities area will have trouble sleeping and eating. But if the city lord of Fire Phoenix City breaks through the Nascent Soul, these forces will only be happy.

The reason is that the Feng family in Huofeng City will not expand their power externally.

Even if the leader of Fire Phoenix City is Nascent Soul, the major forces in the Hundred Cities will not be reshuffled.

On the contrary, the Lord of Fire Phoenix City broke through the Nascent Soul and gave hope to many Jindan monks in the Hundred Cities area, because this man broke the shackles of the Nascent Soul-less monks in the Hundred Cities area.

All major forces from hundreds of cities came to Fire Phoenix City to participate in the grand ceremony. At the same time, the three major sects also sent people.

The emergence of the powerful Nascent Soul means that the Feng family in Huofeng City has the same strength as the four major sects. The only difference is their background.

The reason why there are three major sects is because Xuantian Sect's reputation has been reduced to the extreme in the past two hundred years. The disciples can leave when they should, but most of the remaining ones will not leave the sect.

Shame on being associated with Xuantian Sect.

This is the common understanding of all the monks in the entire Chengshan Domain.

Xuantian Sect disciples will be despised by other monks when they step out of the mountain gate. There are also some extreme monks who assassinate Xuantian Sect disciples outside because a close relative died on the border battlefield.

The decline of Xuantian Sect is a foregone conclusion. The reason why it is still among the four major sects is because Yue Canghai, the strong Yue Canghai of Xuantian Sect, is still alive.

All the sects in the Chengshan Region knew that when Yue Canghai's life span expired, the true decline of the Xuantian Sect would begin.

Chu Ning and Cao Qin went to Huofeng City with their swords. Cao Qin represented the Xiyue Sect.

One of the four late Jindan elders of Xiyue Sect has passed away, and Fei Yuelan, as the sect leader, cannot come in person. Duan Yurong is in retreat, so the congratulations fall on Cao Qin.

When Chu Ning came to Fire Phoenix City again, he found that the temperature in Fire Phoenix City had returned to normal, and the original basin layout in the city had also changed to a flat land layout.

But the stone tower still exists in the center of the city. This stone tower is a symbol of the Feng family. Even if the stone tower is not needed to continue to suppress the earth fire, the Feng family will not demolish it.

The person who greeted Chu Ning and Cao Qin was also an old acquaintance of Chu Ning, the elder Feng Wensu.

Two hundred years have passed, and Feng Wensu has become even older, and even has the aura of twilight in his body. This is a sign that the lifespan of a strong Jindan master is coming to an end.

"Elder Cao, fellow Daoist Chu, please."

Feng Wensu personally led the way and led the two of them to the guest courtyard arranged by the Feng family, two adjacent courtyards.

The Feng Family's Nascent Soul Celebration will be held in three days, but many invited guests came half a month or more earlier.

Chu Ning returned to her yard, and after a while she suddenly smiled and said, "Now that you're here, why are you standing at the door and not coming in?"

As Chu Ning said these words, the courtyard door was pushed open, and a beautiful figure walked in.

Chu Ning's eyes lit up when he saw Xu Ruobing walking in. Xu Ruobing was the best at dressing herself up among the many female cultivators he had seen.

Wearing a quiet aqua-green dress, her waist was tied tightly with a jade pendant, revealing her slim waist. Her beautiful lips were slightly pursed. Under a pair of red shoes, her steps were light. Standing there, she could not be ignored.

"How did you find me?"

Xu Ruobing glanced at Chu Ning. Chu Ning was currently in the middle stage of the Golden Core, and she had already entered the late stage of the Golden Core. After condensing her aura, Chu Ning should not be able to find her.

"One of my characteristics is that I am good at discovering beauty."

Chu Ning smiled slightly. His consciousness was now close to the realm of Yuanying. Even if Xu Ruobing restrained her breath, it was useless.

Xu Ruobing:...

"I'll tell you some good news, that Liu Piaopiao has also entered the Golden Core realm."

Chu Ning:......

"Ahem, Fellow Daoist Xu came to me just to tell me the news?"

Chu Ning chose to change the topic. The days in Jiling City with Liu Piaopiao were indeed a beautiful memory.

I thought that after two hundred years, beauty would grow old easily, but I didn't expect that Liu Piaopiao would step into the golden elixir.

"Recently, there have been many treasure sharing meetings held by Jindan monks in the city. Would you like to participate?"

Treasure sharing party?

Chu Ning was a little surprised. Xu Ruobing saw Chu Ning's confused look and explained: "Every time there is a big event and a group of golden elixir masters can be gathered, many golden elixir masters will come in advance and gather together to take out some precious but personal Share the treasures that you don’t need with others.”

"It's just a treasure trade fair. Take out the treasures you don't need. If someone needs them, you can trade them privately."

Chu Ning instantly understood that there were no markets for Golden Core cultivators in the Hundred Cities area or even the entire Chengshan Domain. Most of the markets sold items for Qi Condensation and Foundation Establishment cultivators.

Golden elixir monks also have trading needs. No wonder when he arrived at Fire Phoenix City, he felt the aura of many golden elixir monks in the city. At that time, he was curious as to what these golden elixir monks were doing here so early.

It is not called a trade fair but a sharing meeting, because I am afraid that the treasures brought out by some golden elixir monks will be looked down upon by others and will not look good on their face.

"Then thank you Daoist Xu for leading the way."

Naturally, Chu Ning would not refuse. He had a lot of spiritual stones and it was time to spend some of them.

A teahouse in Huofeng City.

Xu Ruobing took Chu Ning in and entered the teahouse. Chu Ning felt a few rays of divine consciousness sweep over her body.

When he came, he had already learned from Xu Ruobing that there were many golden elixir sharing sessions in Huofeng City these days, and the one he came to attend was of the highest standard.

The golden elixir monks in the teahouse are not ordinary golden elixir monks. They are either late-stage golden elixir cultivators, or they have the same status as Xu Ruobing and are the leaders of a force.

Chu Ning and Xu Ruobing sat down at a table in the teahouse. There were a total of twenty-three tables in the lobby on the first floor, and most of the tables were occupied by monks.

Some were alone at a table, and some were at a table of two or three people. When these monks saw Xu Ruobing, they all smiled and nodded, but when they looked at Chu Ning, their eyes were filled with doubts.

Xu Ruobing and the others knew each other, but Chu Ning was a stranger in comparison.

This is also because Chu Ning has been staying in Xiyue Sect for the past two hundred years. No golden elixir master will spend most of his life in retreat like Chu Ning. After all, these golden elixir monks do not have as much life to waste as Chu Ning. .

Half an hour later, seven more golden elixir monks came in, four in the late stage of the golden elixir and three in the middle stage of the golden elixir. There were only a few empty tables left in the entire teahouse.

"Everyone, as the host of this sharing session, I will start by throwing some light on the topic."

An old man in the late stage of Jindan stood up with a smile. He was the only one at the table. The old man's words attracted everyone's attention.

"Twenty years ago, I got a piece of clear water sand by chance and shared it with all fellow Taoists."

A storage bag appeared in the old man's hand. He reached out and grabbed the storage bag, and there was a handful of fine green sand on his palm.

Blue water sand.

Water attribute energy treasure.

Chu Ning knew that this old man probably did not practice water-based skills. He had obtained the blue water sand and was ready to exchange it.

"I am quite interested in this clear water sand."

The old man in green robes on the left spoke. Chu Ning glanced at the old man. He knew without looking that this old man was practicing water-based techniques.

Although he has been staying in Xiyue Sect, there are many golden elixir elders in Xiyue Sect. Chu Ning discovered some characteristics of golden elixir monks a long time ago, that is, what kind of golden elixir they practice, and they wear the corresponding color. .

"Bishui Sand, good stuff."

Not only the old man in green robe, but also several other golden elixir monks expressed their interest.

"Fellow Taoists, please come inside and drink tea."

The old man who took out the green water sand made a gesture of invitation with a smile, and the group of people got up and walked towards the inside of the teahouse.

At the Jindan monk's trading fair, it is impossible to take out the treasures you want to trade with in public. Instead, you go inside and take out the treasures in private, and the seller chooses who to trade with.

The five people entered and came out without delaying for long. Except for the old man who took out the Bishui Sand with a smile on his face, the other four people had expressionless faces and it was impossible to tell who got the Bishui Sand.

Chu Ning saw that the expressions of other people in the lobby did not change much, so he knew that everyone was familiar with this trading model.

This trading model is also the best, ensuring that no one knows whose hands the treasure will end up in.

The clear water sand is not enough to make these golden elixir monks think too much, but if anyone comes up with a stunning enough treasure, who can guarantee that these golden elixir monks here will not have other ideas?

Next, several more people stood up and took out the treasures they wanted to exchange, but Chu Ning did not move. Most of these treasures were five element treasures, which were also useful to him, but the price exceeded the cost.

Until a man in the late Jindan stage took out a red crystal, which caught Chu Ning's attention.

"Green Spirit Crystal, used to refine puppets, has a certain chance of allowing the puppets to break through their original realm."

"You have a puppet?"

Xu Ruobing felt Chu Ning's eyes and asked via voice transmission from her spiritual consciousness.


Chu Ning replied, his two puppets were only in the early stage of the Golden Core. With his current strength, if the realm of the two puppets did not improve, they would be useless.

"This person is the deputy master of Haoyue Pavilion. If you want to get this Qingling Crystal, you can trade it with him for elixirs. Haoyue Pavilion is short of alchemists."

In this kind of private transaction, sometimes it is not about who offers the high value of the transaction, but what the seller needs.

"Thank you for reminding."

Finally, there are two Jindan monks who are as interested as Chu Ning. Those two monks are both in the middle stage of Jindan. This also shows that after reaching the late stage of Jindan, many monks no longer focus on puppets. .

To cultivate a puppet in the late Golden Core stage, it would be better to spend more time preparing for the Nascent Soul.

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