I Just Won’t Play by the Book

Chapter 208: The disciple is really afraid of trouble

‘Uncle Lu...’

   Eight hundred meters away, with super mental power and keen hearing, Jiang Beiran heard the conversation between the lord and Lin Yuyan.

   Jiang Beiran sprayed when Lin Yuyan called Uncle Lu.

   there is Shi Fenglan in front and Lin Yuyan behind.

  ‘Sect Master, how many palm pearls did you hide in the sect? ’

   Recalling the reaction of the suzerain, Jiang Beiran could basically conclude that the suzerain knew that Lin Yuyan was in danger, but under this circumstance he still put Lin Yuyan in the door.

  The reason for him to do this kind of behavior is naturally that Lin Yuyan's father or the forces behind it made the Sect Master have to bow his head.

   Although Jiang Beiran felt that his suzerain was hiding deep in Shi Fenglan's body, it seems that it is more than hiding deep.

   Because these daughters all represent a backer, then the problem is...

   Guixinzong, how many backers are there?

   Sect Master has so many backers, is he forced to be helpless, or is it intentional?

   Jiang Beiran, who thought more and more deeply, suddenly felt a bit chilly behind him, for fear that the Sect Master would suddenly whisper in his ear.

   "Beiran, times have changed."

   At this moment, Jiang Beiran felt as if he had been overcast by the heavens again. Thinking about it, too, how could the heavens allow him to enter a normal sect.

  ‘Hey, although I felt something wrong with Guixinzong, I didn’t expect it to be so wrong...’

   Just as Jiang Beiran was thinking about what Guixinzong was still hiding, Lu Yinlong suddenly fell in front of him from the air.


   Jiangbei Ran salutes.

   looked at Jiang Beiran, Lu Yinlong asked, "Why did you suddenly think about coming with me this time?"

Just now, Lu Yinlong's mind was full of "something big", so he didn't want to think about anything else, but after discovering that Lin Yuyan had calmed down, he also calmed down. He knew very well what was hidden in Lin Yuyan's body, and it was by no means just relying on him. Evil things that can be suppressed when they appear.

   So the key is naturally Jiang Beiran who suddenly became active.

   But how can Jiang Beiran, who is only in the qi training realm, suppress such evil things, it really doesn't make sense.

   So Lu Yinlong, who had been thinking about this problem all the way, asked this question as soon as he landed.

   Hearing this question, Jiang Beiran, feeling a headache, saw three options jump out.

   [Option 1: "The disciple is only on a whim." Completion reward: Yangling Book (Xuan-level top grade)]

   [Option 2: "The disciple has an important matter to discuss with the suzerain, so he wants to be alone with the suzerain." Completion reward: God's gu axis (medium-level mysterious)]

   [Option 3: "Because Junior Sister Lin has always been interested in disciples." Completion reward: random basic skill point +1]

  ‘Fuck! ’

   Jiang Beiran couldn't help but spray when he saw the third option. This is the safest option? System... I really **** don't understand you.

   But it’s okay to think about it. The Sovereign is definitely not a brash man who doesn’t think at all on the surface. On the contrary, his scheming is so deep that Jiang Beiran can’t guess what game he is playing.

   For such a person, the answer of option one is too perfunctory, but it seems that he has a guilty conscience. Although option two makes sense, it is also somewhat forceful.

   If you choose these two, it might arouse Lu Yinlong's heart, and instead dig out a lot of hidden secrets.

  Only when option three makes this matter clear, can Lu Yinlong's doubts be completely dispelled and he will no longer be suspicious.

  ‘Oh, this woman...has not caused any trouble in a few years, and she has caused such a big one. ’

   With emotion in his heart, Jiang Beiran deleted Lin Yuyan who had just been added to the tool list.

After adjusting his facial expressions, he put two points of melancholy, three points of helplessness, four points of panic and six points on his face, Jiang Beiran sighed and said: "Because... Intentionally?   So when I heard about what Moman had reported just now?   My disciple had already guessed the reason."

   [The option task has been completed, reward: Gu poison +1]


  Lu Yinlong was immediately stunned after hearing it?  He thought that Jiang Beiran would come up with his answers in countless times, but he didn't expect to hear such a sincere and shocking answer.

   Seeing the almost distorted expression of the Sect Master’s shock?   Jiang Beiran felt a little more balanced. After all, he had the same expression in his heart when he saw this option just now.

   Slowing his mind, Lu Yinlong coughed and asked, "Is this serious?"

   "Really." Jiang Beiran nodded.

   "Since when?"

   "Four years ago, the disciple once served as an iron seal for Sister Lin, and then Sister Lin said that she had fallen in love with me. The disciple knew she was not good enough for Sister Lin, so she kept avoiding?  Who knows..."

   Jiang Beiran said with a panic expression, as if he had seen something terrifying.

Having cooperated with the system for many years, the options are the beginning. Jiang Beiran naturally knows how to continue. Although he doesn't know what the shocking secrets are in Lin Yuyan, it is only seven points true with what he sees and hears today. Let's say three points falsely, it's not difficult to mix things up.

  Seeing Jiang Beiran's panic expression?   Lu Yinlong was sure that Jiang Beiran was telling the truth, after all, only he knew the secret truth about Lin Yuyan.

   shook his head, Lu Yinlong sighed and said: "I really didn't expect this to be the case, so although you are here this time, it is because you are worried about Lin Yuyan? Are you afraid of her?"

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   "I was afraid... but the disciple knew that this happened because of me, so..."

   "I can't see it, I'm quite responsible." Complimenting Jiang Beiran, Lu Yinlong pondered for a moment and then said: "So Lin Yuyan's madness this time was caused by missing you?"

   "The disciple... indeed guessed that way."

   Lu Yinlong fell silent again after listening. After listening to Jiang Beiran's explanation, everything made sense, but it seemed that the matter had gone into another kind of trouble.

   A moment later, Lu Yinlong stepped forward and patted Jiang Beiran on the shoulder and said, "Bei Ran, how much do you know about Lin Yuyan?"

   "Except that she is a disciple of Mo Yutang, nothing else is known."

   "She never revealed her life experience to you?"

   "No." Jiang Beiran shook his head again.

"It fits her temperament." With a sigh, Lu Yinlong turned his back and continued: "I can only say that your decision is not wrong. If you are with Lin Yuyan, the resistance you will encounter is It's huge."

   After that, Lu Yinlong suddenly turned his head and stared at Jiang Beiran and said, "You kid wouldn't refuse people thousands of miles away because of trouble?"

   As soon as Lu Yinlong's voice fell, three more options popped up.

   [Option 1: "The disciple just doesn't want to hinder the future of Junior Sister Lin". Completion reward: Locust Rain Demon Classic (Xuan-level middle grade)]

   [Option 2: "Yes". Completion reward: random basic attribute point +1]

  ‘Yes. ’

   Through the two options, Jiang Beiran suddenly felt that he had some understanding of Lu Yinlong's temper, and he also understood how to communicate with this person in the future.

   chose two, Jiang Beiran nodded and said: "Yes."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha."

   Lu Yinlong laughed loudly after listening.

   "Jiang Beiran, Jiang Beiran, I take back the sentence just now, your kid really hasn't changed at all, hahaha..."

   [Option task has been completed, reward: Agility +1]

   After laughing for a while, Lu Yinlong shook his head and said, "So you are not willing to accept Lin Yuyan, but you dare not reject her directly?"

   "Sovereign wise."

   "This matter... I really can't help you. I can only suggest you, even if you don't like others, don't make things too rigid, or you will be in trouble."

  ‘Hey, I want you to remind...I knew that the trouble was big when I first met her! ’

   After spitting out in his heart, Jiang Beiran arched his hands and said, "Remember the lesson of the lord."

"Okay, let's go back first." Lu Yinlong said that he was about to grab Jiang Beiran's shoulder, but he had a sudden meal, "Since this matter is caused by Lin Yuyan missing you, then wait for you to return to Ningdu, isn't it... …How about I think of a way to send Lin Yuyan..."

   Without waiting for the suzerain to finish, Jiang Beiran waved his hand quickly and said, "Thank you for the suzerain's kindness, no need. In the future, the disciples will return to the sect every other day to promise that this will not happen again.

   "Look at what scared you." Lu Yinlong laughed, "But you are serious about it? I think you haven't come back much in the past few months."

   "Now that the disciples have basically sorted out the ruling and the opposition, there is no need to stare at the ministers every day like before."

   "Yes, sure enough, you are very suitable for this kind of brainstorming thing, and when it is good, you can be the first to think of Guixin Sect instead of Covering Moon Sect. This really makes this Sect very pleased."

   "The words of the sect master have broken me, my disciple is a member of the Guixin Sect, and death is a ghost of the Guixin Sect. A heart has always been toward the sect, how can it be..."

   "Okay, okay, even if you don't show loyalty like this, I won't treat you badly after it's done."

   Lu Yinlong grabbed Jiang Beiran's shoulder and flew back to Tianyun Peak with him.

   Back in the Sect Master's Mansion, Jiang Beiran continued to discuss the specific details with several senior officials in the Sect. Two days passed in a flash.

   "Huh..." Sitting at the table full of papers, Gu Yi sighed with relief.

   "In this way, I don't know if this matter will succeed, but it's worth a try."

   The right-hand man, Bai Anfu, nodded and said, "It is true, Bei Ran, if you are not the emperor one day, my right-hand man can be considered a successor."

   Jiang Beiran, immersed in the book, raised his head and said: "The right side is ridiculous. If there are not a few help, my plan is just a castle in the sky. It won't work."

   "Hahaha." Bai Shan Zhu Qiyi took the folding fan in his hand and stood up and said: "When you are right, you can only bend. If you want, I will let you be the white fan."

   "Don't kill me, everyone. Now the plan is full, but there are still many difficulties in implementing it. I need to ask you to help me."

   Zhu Qiyi nodded: "That's natural. The Sovereign has asked us to help you with all our strength. It should be a help."

Closing the previous booklet, Gu Yi raised his head and said: "The first step in this plan is to convince the families. Although the suzerain’s order is sufficient for them to execute, they are afraid that the dogs will not work hard. , Perfunct us."

After getting along with Gu Yi these few days, Jiang Beiran realized that it is not easy for this Zuoxiang who needs to deal with his subordinate families frequently. It is true that the clan chiefs look at the horse head of the sect, but they are all human beings. I don’t see the lord of rabbits and eagles.

   "Those patriarchs let their disciples come out and talk to them."

With a "pop", Zhu Qiyi opened the folding fan with landscape paintings, and smiled: "Just waiting for you, we know your layout ability, but as you said, it's just a good plan. , Then it’s just a castle in the air. Only with strong execution ability can we truly control the overall situation."

   "The disciple went to find the Sect Master first, and then went to consult with several patriarchs."

   Zhu Qiyi nodded: "Okay, you go, the three of us will continue to polish the plan and see if there are any details that can be changed."

   "Then the three have worked hard." After bowing to the three, Jiang Beiran walked out of the White Fan Mansion and walked towards Tianyun Peak.

  Because Jiang Beiran said that he would give a reply in the past two days, Lu Yinlong never went out. As soon as Jiang Beiran arrived, the two chatted together.

   "Do you want to see the patriarchs of all families at once?" Lu Yinlong asked, holding a teacup.

   "Yes." Jiang Beiran nodded: "The disciples think that this kind of large-scale change is better than teamwork. If you have any dissatisfaction or suggestions from the patriarchs, you can also bring them up for discussion."

   "Really?" Lu Yinlong smiled and glanced at Jiang Beiran; "I think you want the minority to obey the majority, so that those stubborn minorities can be too tossed."

   "The sovereign is wise." Jiang Beiran arched his hands.

"Okay, then according to what you said, I will preside over this matter and call them all for you." After Lu Yinlong said, he took a sip from his teacup, and suddenly remembered something: "Pu Nanfu The Lin family is the leader of the three towns. If you can persuade them, you have basically mastered the Punan piece."

   ‘The bad old man is really bad...’

   Looking at Lu Yinlong's ridiculous eyes, Jiang Beiran naturally knew that Lin Yuyan came from the Lin family.

   But Jiang Beiran can be sure that the head of the Lin family is definitely not Lin Yuyan’s father, UU reading www. uukanshu. com, otherwise a small family is worthy of climbing relatives with his Lu Yinlong?

   "Thank you for your reminder, the disciple knows."

   "Also, every big family basically has younger generations in the door, and I will have a list with you later, you can see, if you have someone you know, you can speak for you."

   "Thank you, Sovereign, I'm sorry for your trouble."

   "It's a matter of raising your hand, by the way, have you been to Shuijingtang in the past few days?"

   Facing the sudden problem of the suzerain, Jiang Beiran was stunned, because the suzerain knew about Shi Fenglan's gift of Jia.

   If this happened only once, Lu Yinlong didn't think much, but now that Lin Yuyan was involved again, Lu Yinlong's suspicion could not help beating again.

   It's just that Jiang Beiran did not hide every time he answered, which made Lu Yinlong think that this kid might really be lucky.

   "Naturally, I have been there. Hall Master Shi has taken good care of his disciples, and he will visit every time he comes back."

   "Oh, I haven't been to this seat much recently. When you go again, remember to say hello to the Lord Shi for this seat."


   After a question and answer, the two of them couldn't help sighing in their hearts.

   "This kid (this old thing) hides so deeply."

   But because they are both valuable to each other, there is really no need to tear their faces. It would be nice to get the necessary cooperation first.

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