I Just Won’t Play by the Book

Chapter 209: Sin capital

‘The Liu family... The Fang family... The Yu family... Good fellow, I don’t believe that God didn’t arrange me. ’

Looking at the list of families given by the suzerain, Jiang Beiran couldn't help holding his forehead for a while. The families to which the five golden flowers belonged turned out to be the leaders of the towns and cities. This made Jiang Beiran sure that the heavens were really aimed at him.

I also understand why you can trigger the land-level option by talking to them casually.

‘Wait... according to Lin Yuyan’s situation, wouldn’t these five have deep backgrounds? Sovereign, what are you doing! ’

Jiang Beiran really didn't think that a daughter of a small family could trigger the prefecture-level option, so did all the troublesome women with backgrounds in the Guixin sect give him a package?

‘Would you like to be so considerate, old iron! ’

After closing the list, Jiang Beiran couldn't help rubbing his temples.

All the people who gave it to the door had backgrounds, and the two he had looked for were the second generation of Xia, and the other was an orphan.

Although the second generation of Xia is also the second generation, but Xia... is basically equated with poor, this time the incident is completely irrelevant to Wu Qingce's father.

‘Oh, the gap! ’

Sighing, Jiang Beiran threw the roster aside.

He doesn't think it's difficult to persuade these families, but he doesn't want to let Liu Zijin and others help out. Doesn’t it have to make Tian Daole’s buttocks bloom?

‘I have no blessings! ’

Of course the Lin family is the same. Lin Yuyan just caused him such a big trouble, Jiang Beiran was thinking about how to stay away from her, and where could he take the initiative to find her.

"But it doesn't seem to be easy to stay away from her..."

The ominous aura radiating from Lin Yuyan made Jiang Beiran feel a little flustered, and all the knowledge in his mind could not explain why a disciple of the Profound Master Realm could radiate such terrifying anger.

‘The secret in her body is probably not smaller than that of Hall Master Shi. ’

In addition, Jiang Beiran couldn't help recalling that when he strayed into the thief's formation with five golden flowers, Jiang Beiran suspected that Liu Zijin was born with Sanyang Body.

When this physique reaches its limit, the gods and ghosts will not invade, and all the methods will not enter. Simply put, all mental or soul attacks are ineffective against her. It is a very domineering physique, especially in the later stages of cultivation, many strong people are Majoring in spirituality, and the most troublesome thing for this type of cultivator is Liu Zijing's physique.

Jiang Beiran thought he might have thought too much before. After all, there is no one born with three yang bodies, so it is so easy for him to meet one.

But now he is sure that Liu Zijin must have been born with a three-yang body. After all, Liu Zijin was sent to him "by hand" by Heaven. How could it be easy?

‘Good guy, what is the number of the master? ’

If it was said that Shi Fenglan had a profound background, Jiang Beiran felt that it was normal for a sect to find a backer, but now how many "backers" are these? When a dog can't be so half-hearted, it has to be smoked by its owner.

So this made Jiang Beiran have to think about whether Lu Yinlong’s layout was so large that he did not move, and the entire Xuanlong Continent would tremble when he moved, or whether he was actually implicated by himself, and those families would take the "Pearl of the Palm" "Send to Guixinzong, it is completely because the heaven is directed at him Jiang Beiran.

‘Maybe... Sect Master is as bitter as I am? ’

After much deliberation, Jiang Beiran still felt that the latter was a little bit more. After all, Lu Yinlong was just a profound emperor, and it was definitely not enough to support the ambition that Jiang Beiran had imagined.

But then again, he can hide his strength, why can't Lu Yinlong?

‘Forget it, why do you think so much? Anyway, I have a system! ’

No longer thinking about these or not, Jiang Beiran put the roster away to the back mountain.

As soon as I walked into Zizhuyuan, I heard movement in the forging room.

When he walked over and opened the door, Jiang Beiran looked at Gu Qinghuan who was beating Xuan Tie and said, "The profound energy is too scattered. You must concentrate all of it on your right hand and pour it into the hammer, otherwise you will not be able to smash the profound energy in. "

Gu Qinghuan, who heard the senior brother's teaching, was about to put down the hammer and salute, she heard Jiang Beiran shook his head and said, "You don't have to salute, continue knocking, I will help you watch."

"Thank you brother."

Nodding respectfully to the senior, Gu Qinghuan continued to beat the Xuan Tie in front of him.

After Gu Qinghuan mastered the True Yuan Tiangang Judgment proficiently, he fell into a deep confusion. Sora, who had a deep and profound spirit, didn't know how to use it, because he couldn't even use the most basic sword technique in the door. ease-of-use.

Moreover, his majestic profound energy is used to make one-word swordsmanship a violent thing, and he uses the strength of lifting dumbbells to use embroidery needles, really how to practice how to be awkward.

But he couldn't comprehend the other high-level exercises that the senior brother gave him, and it was really uncomfortable.

After observing Gu Qinghuan for a while, Jiang Beiran was sure that he really couldn't do anything besides being a "power bank", and he had simply brought his "partial science" to the extreme.

It turned out that apart from the True Yuan Tiangang Jue, he couldn't practice any other exercises. It was really magical.

After thinking about it, Jiang Beiran decided to let him learn the forging method before he found the next exercise method suitable for Gu Qinghuan.

The biggest difference between top-grade and super-grade weapons is that they contain profound energy, and there are two ways to inject profound energy into the weapon.

The first is a technique like Jiang Beiran, which draws the aura in the world into the weapon, allowing the aura to transform itself into profound energy in the weapon.

This approach sounds simple, but few people can do it.

The second is the brute force type like Gu Qinghuan, who relies on profound profound energy and constantly beats it with profound energy. This forging method has extremely high requirements on the profound energy in the blacksmith's body, because you cannot stop using this method to beat weapons. , It disperses as soon as the breath stops, so it must be hammered to the end in one breath.

In other words, if the profound energy in the forger's body is not deep enough, or the speed of transforming the spiritual energy is not fast enough, it will fail. As for changing people in the middle, don't even think about it. Everyone has different characteristics of the profound energy. It is possible that the weapon is broken directly.

So although this approach sounds like a dumb approach, it can do very little.

It is precisely because the requirements to build weapons of superior quality and above are so high, so the price of such weapons is outrageous.

Half an hour later, Gu Qinghuan, who dropped the last hammer, was exhausted. He sat on the ground with heavy breath and began to regain his energy.

Stepping forward and picking up the profound iron on the anvil, Jiang Beiran felt for a while and said, "You have made rapid progress. It seems that your talent for forging is comparable to your talent for cultivating True Yuan Tiangang Jue."

After breathing well, Gu Qinghuan opened his eyes and said, "Thank you brother for the compliment."

"What's going on with what I asked you to do?"

After listening to the practice, Gu Qinghuan took out a booklet from Qiankun Ring and said: "Although it has not been collected yet, the important parts of your account, brother, have been basically found, and they are all recorded in this book."

Taking the booklet, Jiang Beiran nodded and said, "Well, let's keep moving. I'll look at it for a while."

"Yes." After Ying finished, Gu Qinghuan continued to sit down cross-legged and began to exercise.

Opening the booklet, Jiang Beiran looked at it attentively.

After a cup of tea, Jiang Beiran slowly closed the booklet, while the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

‘Sure enough, Liang Guo is nothing more than that. ’

The next thing he asked Gu Qinghuan to do was to investigate the situation of Liang Guo in various aspects, such as the sect, the strong, the political situation, and the degree of stability.

It is very slow to check these things by one person, but if there are many channels, it is much easier to understand.

And Gu Qinghuan has a very complicated network of relationships.

In the end, as Jiang Beiran expected, Liang Guo and Sheng Guo were completely horizontal countries, and even weaker, because their economic system could be said to be a mess, and there were several powerful sects in the country that depended on grabbing for a living. One.

It is precisely because of this that this group of reckless men who can only **** and cannot produce on their own have sent their ideas to the next door Sheng Guo, intending to get rich in one wave.

It's just that although this group of reckless men is reckless, they are not so reckless. They know that Shengguo is stronger than them, so they secretly use some means to take advantage of the fire.

‘Hmm... If they bit the dog, it should be able to stop for a while, right? ’

Although dog biting usually occurs in the case of uneven distribution of spoils, it is not impossible to let it happen in advance.

After all, a couple can fight if they imagine how to spend 10 million.

In other words, as long as the diseased drawing is round enough, it is enough for these people to fight for how to divide the pie before eating it.

Of course, this is only one of Jiang Beiran's plans. If it doesn't work, he will have a series of follow-ups such as E, C, D, etc.

‘I don’t believe in you! ’

Returning the booklet to Gu Qinghuan who had recovered, Jiang Beiran said, "Well, it's done well, try to check the remaining parts as soon as possible."


Picking up the semi-finished mysterious iron again, Jiang Beiran just planned to give Gu Qinghuan a few more words, and he heard the sound of the dementing bell, and he knew that Wu Qingce was back without asking.

After a while, Wu Qingce opened the wooden door and walked into Zizhu Garden in a stride.

Before he looked around, Jiang Beiran walked out of the forging room and said, "It's time for you to come back."

"Brother!" Wu Qingce yelled excitedly and dashed towards Jiang Beiran.

Because of the different division of labor, Wu Qingce has been running around in Fengzhou in the past few months. Because he has never received an order from his brother, he even heard about his becoming the emperor from Gu Qinghuan.

This made Wu Qingce feel that he was left out, so as soon as he heard the news of his brother's Huizong this time, he hurriedly dealt with the matter at hand and hurried back.


Stopping Wu Qingce, who was rushing, Jiang Beiran said, "Boldly, I haven't seen you for a few months. Doesn't this mean that I am more and more assured of you now?"

After listening to these words, Wu Qingce's grievances over the past few months were wiped out in an instant, and he bowed and said: "According to your instructions, I have made several middle and high-level managers owe favors."

"Well, what are the specific cases?"

Wu Qingce immediately took out a scroll from Qiankun Ring and handed it to Jiang Beiran.

"I wrote it all on it."

Pulling open the scroll and looking at it, Jiang Beiran took a few glances and put it away: "Well, things are indeed much more organized than before. If you continue to work harder, I want you to do more than that."

"Yes!" Wu Qingce arched his hands, "I am coming back this time, because I have something to ask brother for advice."

"What's the matter?"

Wu Qingce immediately took Wanjun from his waist and handed it to Jiang Beiran: "Brother, Wanjun seems to have developed Qi Ling, but I am not sure or how to cultivate it, so I want to ask you for advice."

‘I really made this kid win the prize, possessed by the emperor? ’

Although Jiang Beiran had known before that there were signs of the birth of a weapon spirit, but the signs were only signs, and there were countless weapons that had signs but no follow-up.

But I didn't expect Wanjun to actually cultivate the spirit of the device, which Jiang Beiran never thought of when he built it.

He stretched out his hand to take over Wanjun. As soon as he started, Jiang Beiran heard Wanjun’s sword sound, and even the sword body was trembling, as if expressing nervousness, but soon Wanjun returned to normal, because It sensed a very familiar breath from Jiang Beiran.

"Well, it really is a tool spirit. Although it is still very weak, Wanjun has indeed entered the scope of the magic weapon. It belongs to your magic weapon." Jiang Beiran finished speaking and handed Wanjun back to Wu Qingce.

Hearing the words confirmed by the brother, Wu Qingce was so excited~www.ltnovel.com~ the companion spirit! Even the Profound King, even the Profound Emperor might not have this magic weapon.

"Now this device spirit is too weak and can't stand the temper of too high intensity. You will bring it again when it really turns on the spirit, then I will find a way to raise its upper limit."

"Yes!" Wu Qingce said excitedly.

Seeing Wu Qingce rubbing his face on Wanjun, Jiang Beiran thought about giving him a pill and looking for advanced techniques to push back.

With this magic weapon, it is impossible for Liu Zijin and the others to practice hard to beat him.

Hanging Wanjun to his waist again, Wu Qingce arched his hands towards Jiang Beiran: "Brother, in the palace...Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Oh, I still lack a personal eunuch, do you want to come?"

Wu Qingce froze as soon as he heard it. Knowing that he had asked the wrong question, he had to look at his nose and his heart, and said, "I was wrong."

"You are very idle, right? It seems that I have not given you enough tasks."

"No, no, I know it was wrong." Wu Qingce shook his head after a pause.

"Fengzhou is only initially stable, and there are still many unstable factors scattered in various places. It is your current business to deal with those things, do you understand?" "Yes, I understand." Wu Qingce said.

"Yeah." Nodding, Jiang Beiran put his hand on Wu Qingce's chest, and after feeling it for a while, he said, "Yes, you have almost absorbed the seventy-percent Thunder Yan Body Tempering Pill, if you are ready... "

Jiang Beiran said as he took out a blue spirit pill with a golden pill pattern and said, "I will help you take this ten-year-old Lightning Flame Body Tempering Pill."

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