I Just Won’t Play by the Book

Chapter 243: The rules of the arena, singled out

"I'm sure, the heat source should be underground."

By the river, Gu Qinghuan put his hands in the soil and said.

"Awesome... Can you perceive such a subtle difference?" Wu Qingce asked, who was still in shock.

Wu Qingce has carefully compared the soil in the two areas just now, and there is almost no difference in color, but when you pinch it carefully with your hands, you can feel that the soil here is indeed a little dry.

Gu Qinghuan nodded: "Well, it's probably because of the relationship between Zhenyuan Tiangangjue, and my five senses are particularly acute."

"Then what shall we do next, dig up the soil and see what's underneath?" Wu Qingce asked while looking at the ground.

"It's better not to mess around. Brother just let us observe what is happening." After thinking about it, Gu Qinghuan stood up and said: "I will send a letter to the brother now and tell him the situation."

"Well, you go, we just need to stay here." Wu Qingce nodded.

But after all, there is actually nothing to guard. Such a hidden vision is impossible to be discovered.

When Gu Qinghuan left, Wu Qingce looked at the two juniors and said: "Let's find a place to hide first. It is too conspicuous to stand here."

"Yes." Luo Wenzhou and Qu Yangze responded at the same time.

However, when Wu Qingce was looking for a better place to hide, he suddenly felt several powerful breaths falling from the sky.

'what happened! ? ’

Wu Qingce's heart was stunned, and he hurriedly covered the two juniors and hid in the shade of the trees, and then only heard a "boom" when a figure plunged into the stream, splashing water in the sky.

But soon, the figure with the knife rushed out of the water and went straight into the air.

"Go! Leave me alone!"

Hearing the words like Hong Zhong, Wu Qingce, who was hiding in the shade of the tree, raised his brows and looked at the figure.

‘Mu Jiu Ri! ? ’

Wu Qingce really didn't expect to meet him here. As Yin Jianghong's eldest son, Yingjie will be the second place in the martial arts competition. Mu Jiuri's highlight moments in this half of the year are no less than Wu Qingce.

If Wu Qingce is the most outstanding disciple here, then the most representative disciple in the Demon Cult must be Mu Jiuri.

As the two most outstanding disciples of the two realms of Zheng Mo, Wu Qingce and Mu Jiu Ri have not only secretly competed, they have also cooperated many times, and they specialize in those hard bones.

After going back and forth, the two also have the kind of friendship that is both rivals and friends.


A violent explosion awakened Wu Qingce from consternation, and looked into the sky, only to see Mu Jiu Ri's signboard "Junxue" Wan Xiangying forced back several blue-clothed men, and at the same time blocked several men wearing magic education. In front of the disciple of the service.


Mu Jiu Ri shouted.

Although the demon cult disciples were not hypocritical, they turned around and planned to run, but found that the escape route had been completely blocked.

"Pang Gu, go and set up the Sanyang Formation to seal the entire canyon."

"Good." A young man holding a long stick responded and flew towards the distance.

When Pang Gu Feiyuan, the blue shirt youth who gave the order just now looked at Mu Jiu Ri with a grinning smile, "Don't even want to run today either of you."

Seeing that he and the others were surrounded, Mu Jiuri put the Zhaohuang knife in front of him and said: "Then you have to see if you have this ability." At the same time, he whispered to the demon disciple behind him: "Wait a while. When you get up, look for a chance to escape. Your stay here will only become a burden to me."

Several demon cult disciples nodded together, and responded in a low voice: "I see, Brother Jiu, be careful."

"Don't worry, you can't die."

After talking about Mu Jiuri, he waved the Zhaohuang sword at the blue shirt youth in front.

"Ten Thousand Shadows!"

Compared to the time when the heroes were meeting, Mu Jiu Ri's ten thousand double shadows were more powerful, and hundreds of phantoms were all slashed towards the blue-shirted youth like substance.


The young man in blue shirt burst out, his clothes burst instantly, revealing granite-like muscles.

"Xuan Yin Palm!"

The blue shirt youth blasted out a palm, and a blue bell on his wrist shook violently, emitting bursts of sound.

The strong sound wave instantly blasted away the phantom that hit him, but the sound wave only blasted away a part of the phantom and was unable to succeed. The subsequent thousands of phantoms still swallowed the blue shirt youth in an instant.

But before Mu Jiu Ri could swing a second knife, he felt a strong murderous intent.

At the moment of his death, Mu Jiuri slammed his body sideways, and then saw a black streamer lashing towards him, directly piercing his shoulder.

From a position point of view, if it hadn't been for Mu Jiuri's body that had been forcibly tested just now, it would have been his heart that had been pierced by an arrow.

"Tsk, it's a pity, it's worthy of being the first rookie of the Demon Cult. This makes you react."

In the distance, a young man holding a long bow said with regret.

As soon as the long bow youth's voice fell, two more people attacked Mu Jiuri from left to right.

The person on the left holds a sword, the person on the right holds a sword, one attacking the three lanes and the other attacking the three lanes.

Mu Jiu Ri didn't have time to accumulate energy to blast out the Ten Thousand Shadows, so he could only directly meet him with one enemy and two!

However, although Mu Jiuri was strong, the five people who chased him this time were all great profound masters, and they were all nine-tier great profound masters one step away from the profound spirit!

These five people were originally the foreign patrol of the poisonous moth sect, and they were specifically responsible for hunting down apostate disciples or those who wanted to disadvantage the sect.

Because the methods are extremely cruel, these five people are very famous throughout Tingshi County and are called the Tingshi Five Tus.

These five people eat the same food, and sleep in the same bed. So, over the years, they have cultivated an excellent tacit understanding. Coupled with the strength of the peak Great Profound Master, as long as the five of them work together, even the profound spirits Fight on a fight.

As a leader in the new generation, Mu Jiuri, if he is alone, even if his cultivation is only the seventh rank of the Profound Master, he is not worthy of any one of these five slaughters.

But when the five massacres joined forces, Mu Jiuri also knew that he had no chance of winning.


After a sound of metal crashing, Mu Jiuri blocked the feat of the person holding the knife on the right, but the waist was stabbed by another person's sword.

I didn’t have time to cry, I took out a scarlet dagger from Qiankun Ring and thrust it towards my chest.

The people present obviously didn't understand this scene, and none of them felt that Mu Jiuri was the kind of person who would end up on his own.

In the next second, a burst of red profound energy sprayed out from Mu Jiu Ri's body, and at the same time the penetration wound on his shoulder and the sword on his waist began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Mu Jiuri, who had seen the strength of five people, knew that he could no longer keep a trace, and used the mysterious magic weapon that his father had given him.

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[Blood Yao Dagger]

Once this dagger is inserted into the body, he will gain an immortal and powerful body for a period of time, but the price is that once the effect is over, his body will be on the verge of collapse.

As soon as the wound recovered, Mu Jiuri pushed a hand of the demon cult disciple who was also stunned and said, "Run!"

Several demon cult disciples no longer hesitated anymore, and fled with all their energy.

The Four Slaughters didn't chase them either, because they knew that Pang Gu had already set up a formation. With those kittens and puppies, it was impossible to escape.


In the immortal state, Mu Jiu Ri's attacks never retained anymore. Every move was sent in exchange for life, and the four slaughters that had been hit for a while also retreated.

"This kid's magic weapon is really powerful." Zhou Zhiru retreated wildly after suffering Mu Jiu Ri's stab.

As the head of the five massacres, Zhou Zhiru was the first among the five to be promoted to the ninth-order great profound master, and also the first to attack the mysterious spirit realm.

However, he did not expect that his charge would last ten years!

For a whole decade, he tried countless ways to break through to Xuan Ling, but all ended in failure.

This made Zhou Zhiru feel desperate. Although he was indeed not a masterpiece, his cultivation speed was also considered to be mid-level among his peers. This sudden blow almost collapsed him.

People who have lost hope are terrible. When Zhou Zhiru realized that he had no hope of being promoted to Profound Spirit in this life, he became like to torture and kill those cultivators whose realm was lower than him.

Until one day he met Mu Jiuri.

This person whose cultivation level was clearly lower than him by a whole level was able to suppress him with exercises, which made Zhou Zhiru determined to kill this **** genius in the cradle!

Seeing that Mu Jiuri was about to use Ten Thousand Shadows again, Zhou Zhiru, who swallowed a Spirit Pill, roared, "Don't hide, the more you hide, the more flaws! He can't stay in this state forever! As long as you drag on, He must die!"

At this time, Pang Gu, who had gone to set up the formation, also happened to return, and the Five Tus formed a Yang Fury formation and fought against Mu Jiuri.

‘Damn...he is so calm. ’

Mu Jiuri originally thought that the opponent would try to delay the time after realizing that he could not kill, avoiding his own attack, and that would inevitably reveal flaws. At this time, Mu Jiuri was the only possibility before the **** dagger effect ended. Chance to kill these five people.

However, with Zhou Zhiru's words, his hopes were completely shattered, and he could only fight with all his might!

However, a seventh-order profound master had a tacit cooperation with the five great profound masters, even if he was a genius among geniuses, the difference in cultivation level still made her unable to cause fatal injuries to any of these five people.

On the contrary, his own left hand has been cut off and grown back three times. Except for the head he tried to protect, almost all other parts have been injured nearly a hundred times.

"Is it over..."

Although the effect of the blood dagger has not ended yet, Mu Jiuri knew that if the stalemate continued, once the effect of the blood dagger ended, he would be torn to pieces by the five people in front of him.

"I hope they can all run out..."

This is Mu Jiu Ri's last concern.

"Hold on, he is about to die!"

Seeing Mu Jiu Ri's expression of despair, Zhou Zhiru shouted with a grinning smile.

Although at this moment he also had many wounds cut out by Mu Jiu Ri with Wan Double Shadow, they were not fatal wounds, and they did not prevent him from killing a peerless genius.

Seeing Mu Jiuri getting weaker and weaker, Wutu's smile became more and more ferocious, they couldn't wait to get rid of this little **** who had caused them countless troubles.

Finally, Mu Jiu Ri's scarlet profound energy slowly disappeared, and his whole body fell to the ground like a kite with a broken string.

Seeing this scene, Wutu also fell down happily.

"Killing this kid directly is too cheap for him." Zhou Zhiru said as he stepped on Mu Jiuri's head, "How about removing his legs first?"

"You are the boss, you have the final say." Archer Jia Xiaobo smiled heartily.

"Okay, let's take off his legs first, the third child, you can do it."

"Haole, I like to do this." After He Qing finished speaking, he slashed it down without any hesitation.

Mu Jiuri broke both legs at the sound of a "click".


Mu Jiu Ri, who was pale, let out a scream, which caused the Five Slaughters to laugh.

Laughing Zhou Zhiru was about to let the third child cut off Mu Jiu Ri's hand again, when suddenly he saw the third child's head flying.

"Someone attacked!"

Zhou Zhiru yelled and blasted out a palm, and a sound wave erupted from the yin wind chime on his wrist.

At the moment when he heard Zhou Zhiru's call, Jia Xiaobo guarded his vitals as instinctively, and in the next second, he felt a sword thrust into his heart.

At the same time, there is a strong electric power of thunder, which makes him unable to move for a while.

Just when Zhou Zhiru was going to support Jia Xiaobo, Mu Jiuri, who had been lying on the ground and serving as a mermaid, suddenly jumped up, and the two legs that had just been chopped off had recovered.

Wan Chongying shot, Zhou Zhiru could only reluctantly adjust his posture to block him in a hurry, but when he blocked Wan Chongying, he couldn't help shouting in his heart.

'Oops! ’

Because he found that this blow was not directed at him at all!


With a scream, Jia Xiaobo let out a scream that was controlled by the electric current, and three stab wounds with deep bones appeared on his back. If he hadn't fully protected his heart vein the moment he reacted, he would have died at that moment.

The sneak attack and Mu Jiu Ri's resurrection took place almost at the same moment. After almost sacrificing two of his companions, the remaining Santu finally recovered and launched a counterattack.

Mu Jiuri and Wu Qingce also accepted as soon as they saw each other, and later withdrew from a few of them and distanced themselves from Santu.

"You also let me wait too long." Mu Jiuri said, looking at Wu Qingce.

"Who makes you die for so long, it would be nice to fall off earlier."

After hearing this, Mu Jiuri laughed and said, "I owe you this time."

"It was you who owed me."

When Wu Qingce learned that it was the Tingshi Wutu who was chasing Mu Jiu Ri, he knew that he would never make a rash move.

These five people are also well-known players who have caused them a lot of trouble in cleaning up the rebellion. Wu Qingce knows that even if he goes up to help, he and Mu Jiuri are unlikely to be opponents of the five massacres.

So when Mu Jiuri fell into despair, Wu Qingce used the sound transmission to tell him the news that he was below.

Hearing Wu Qingce's transmission into secrets, Mu Jiuri was instantly refreshed. As the only opponent he recognized among the younger generation, Wu Qingce's appearance was simply a dawn in despair for him.

But this kind of joy did not flow to the surface, but immediately used TRANSSION to become fascinated and discussed the battle plan with Wu Qingce.

Both of them know very well that even if the two of them work together, it is difficult to get a bargain from the Tingshi Five Tutu, so they must give them a blow when the five Tutu are most relaxed!

After deciding on the plan, Mu Jiuri immediately began his acting skills. He quietly suspended the recovery effect of the Bloody Dagger, making it impossible to recover his wounds, giving the Five Tux the illusion that he was already at the end of the battle.

Then he didn't make any resistance after his legs were chopped off, which made Wutu's alertness to the extreme.

So when Wutu laughed wildly, Wu Qingce, who thought the time had come, took action.

A quick thunder move directly cut off a head, but he didn't expect these five people to react so quickly. When he was about to cut another head off, that person had already reacted and protected his neck. In desperation, Wu Qingce could only change the sword path and stab towards the person's heart.

Although the implementation of the final plan was a bit flawed, it also resulted in one death and one serious injury in the Tingshi Five Massacre, which was quite good.


Taking a deep breath, Mu Jiuri said to Wu Qingce: "I can't hold it for too long. Let's make a quick fight."

"I deal with the two on the left."

"Okay, I'll deal with the one on the right."

After speaking, the two simultaneously waved their weapons and rushed towards their target.

"You two little babies are deceiving too much!"

Zhou Zhiru recognized at a glance that it was Wu Qingce who had come to help, after all, his iconic Thunder Spirit was so easy to recognize.

At the same time, this was also a peerless genius who made Zhou Zhiru feel uncomfortable from the bottom of his heart.

Looking at the head of the youngest child, Zhou Zhiru felt terribly cramped. Their five brothers have been together for decades, and they didn't expect to fall into the hands of these two younger generations today.

"Protect the second child, kill that Wu Qingce first!"

Although Zhou Zhiru was out of anger at this moment, his sanity was still there. He knew that Mu Jiu Ri could not kill him now, so it was the first choice to solve Wu Qingce first.

The remaining two of the five massacres were not immersed in sorrow, and fed the seriously injured second child a pill of Hui Ling. At the same time, they cooperated with the boss Zhou Zhiru and rushed towards Wu Qingce.

Wu Qingce didn't have the immortal body of Mu Jiu Ri, facing the attack of the three pinnacle great profound masters, he could only choose to avoid their sharp edges.

However, just after he finished, the three of them used their own stunts to attack him at the same time.

Wu Qingce, who had nowhere to hide, was about to take it head-on, when he saw Mu Jiu Ri coming to his side and taking all the attacks from Santu.

Wu Qingce didn't waste this precious opportunity either, and directly swung Wanjun towards the man with the sword!

Kong Yingqi, holding the sword, saw that the sword was unremarkable, and was about to launch a counterattack next time, when he heard Zhou Zhiru sternly shout: "Dodge!"

However, it was too late. Kong Yingqi found that he could not stop Wu Qingce's seemingly unremarkable sword, and he was directly pierced with a big hole in his chest.

'How can it be! ? ’

Kong Yingqi's eyes widened, and he couldn't understand why this sword without any profound energy was so powerful!

Seeing that Wu Qingce had to make another sword, Zhou Zhiru rushed towards him like crazy, shaking Wu Qingce away with sound waves.

"Fourth old, are you okay!?" Zhou Zhiru asked while looking at Kong Yingqi with concern.

Spit out a mouthful of blood, Kong Yingqi nodded and said: "Fortunately, it is not a fatal injury."

"Be careful, this Wu Qingce should have the ability to hide the breath of moves, don't be fooled by the illusion on the surface."

"I underestimated the enemy..."

"Mujiuri! Take advantage of it now!"

Wu Qingce knew that this trick would only work so well for the first time. If they can take advantage of the situation and solve another one, the victory will fall to them.


Mu Jiu Ri promised, and the Zhao Huang knife emitted bursts of black light, with a shocking aura.

Wu Qingce also quietly took out three shadowless darts and threw them at Zhou Zhiru and the others.

The silent shadowless dart is simply impossible to guard against. When Zhou Zhiru was conscious, there was already a sharp pain in his neck.

And at the moment he lost consciousness, Mu Jiuri had already arrived in front of him.

"not good!"

Feeling the overbearing black profound energy on Mu Jiuri's Zhaohuang sword, Zhou Zhiru knew he was going to finish.

"give me……"

Just when Mu Jiu Ri was about to say the word "death", she suddenly felt soft and fell straight to the ground.

The effect time of the blood dagger.


"Your uncle!"

Wu Qingce couldn't help but burst out a foul language, such a good opportunity was so wasted!

Mu Jiuri, who fell on the ground, also felt very ashamed, but there was no other way. At the moment when the effect of the blood dagger ended, his body completely collapsed, and he couldn't make it out even a little bit of strength.

‘I’m sorry...I will leave the rest to you. ’

Mu Jiuri, who couldn't even transmit the sound, could only shout in his heart.

Zhou Zhiru, who had escaped a catastrophe, took a few rough breaths, and when his emotions calmed down, he looked at Wu Qingce viciously.

"Hmph, it seems that God is not on your side." Zhou Zhiru said viciously.

When Zhou Zhiru spoke, Jia Xiaobo, the archer Jia Xiaobo who had just eaten the spirit pill, had slowly recovered, and he was standing with the other Santu.

At the same time, Kong Yingqi, who was stabbed with a sword in the chest, had also healed herself, and the eyes of Wu Qingce were full of anger and killing intent.

In an instant, the situation completely reversed, and Wu Qingce, who was about to destroy the five massacres, turned to fight against the four of them by himself.

He glanced at Mu Jiuri who was lying on the ground very resentfully.

‘I was really killed by you this time...’

Even now, Zhou Zhiru didn't bother to ask why Wu Qingce appeared here. At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind, and that was to kill him!

Looking at the four menacingly, Wu Qingce didn't have any intention to make peace with them. He took out an advanced version of Kamishu Pill from his arms and swallowed it. With his physical ability reaching the limit, he was ready to make a desperate fight!

"No matter what you see, you are not allowed to come out and help."

Using the sound transmission to secretly confess to Qu Yangze and Luo Wenzhou who were about to move behind them, Wu Qingce took the initiative to launch an impact with Wan Jun Chao Si Tu.

"Duke Lei, help me!"

With Wu Qingce's burst of shout, the sky instantly covered with dark clouds.

But the Four Tus were not scared. Although Wu Qingce was full of momentum, he was only a profound master after all, and they had no reason to be afraid of him!


Zhou Zhiru took the lead and Wu Qingce rushed over.


As an extremely strong and violent thunder fell, Wu Qingce and Zhou Zhiru collided.

"Dang!" "Dang!" "Dang!"

After several metal collisions, Wu Qingce turned into a thunder and lightning and broke through the circle of four.

"So fast..." Zhou Zhiru exclaimed, and a large amount of blood spurted out of his chest.

"Big Brother!" The other Santu shouted at Zhou Zhiru anxiously.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a small injury." Zhou Zhiru shook his head, pressing one hand on the wound and starting to heal.

At this time, Wu Qingce, who rushed out of the four-person encirclement, coughed out a large mouthful of blood, and four deep bone wounds appeared on his body.

‘Is it too weird to be one enemy four...’

After only one round of offense and defense, Wu Qingce realized that he would never have beaten the four pinnacle great profound masters.

‘I’m still too weak...’

With a sigh in his heart, Wu Qingce slowly turned around and set an attacking posture again.

Zhou Zhiru, who was still healing, smiled: "I admit that you are the most powerful profound master I have ever seen, but you can only be a profound master in your life." After speaking, his face sank, and he whispered. Shouted: "Kill him!"

Following Zhou Zhiru's instructions, Si Tu rushed towards Wu Qingce at the same time, and at the same time brewed his strongest ultimate move.

And Wu Qingce didn't mean to sit still, he first whispered to Wanjun, and then swallowed the second lesson, Shen Shu Wan.


Both sides shouted at the same time.

"Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!"


In a scream, Si Tu who was supposed to fight Wu Qingce suddenly flew upside down, all of them rubbing their chests and moaning in pain.

"The rules of the rivers and lakes, singled out, it is one against the other, no one wants to foul."

A figure in a black robe stopped between Wu Qingce and Si Tu with a smile.

Hearing this voice, Wu Qingce relaxed instantly, with a bright smile on his face~www.ltnovel.com~ Although God is not on my side, I still have a senior! ’

The four Tutu who had slapped their chests hadn't figured out what was going on, all of them stared at the black-robed men in front of them vigilantly.

The four of them looked at each other for a while, and they all expressed that they hadn't seen the person clearly just now.

‘This person...who is sacred! ? ’

Settling down, Zhou Zhiru first approached Jiang Beiran and asked, "I don't know which senior senior? Can you..."

Halfway through Zhou Zhiru's words, he saw the black-robed man wave his hand and said, "I'm not interested in talking nonsense with you. I have already said that the rules of the rivers and lakes, singled out, if any of you can beat him, you can go and lose. Leave your life if you are, is there a problem?"

Zhou Zhiru couldn't help shaking after hearing this. At this moment, he had already determined that the mysterious expert in front of him was standing on Wu Qingce's end.

And Wu Qingce also trembled all over, the senior brother would say so, and obviously he meant to punish him.

‘I’m wrong...’

Wu Qingce believed that if Mu Jiu Ri could act according to his plan, the two of them would definitely have the opportunity to destroy the Tingshi Five Massacre. Who knew that Mu Jiu Ri would lose the chain at a critical moment.

‘Oh...Originally, it was possible to ask the brothers for credit, but now that’s fine, I must be scolded. ’

At this moment, Wu Qingce's resentment towards Mu Jiu Ri was even greater than before.

Making a gesture to Zhou Zhiru to make him retreat, Jiang Beiran said: "Both parties will rest for half an hour. Those who don't want to rest can also find me to practice hand skills."

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Zhiru and the others could say anything, so they had to obediently begin to meditate on the spot, praying in their hearts that this expert would keep his promise and would let them go.

Wu Qingce took out a bottle of white tiger ointment and put it on the wound.

‘Sure enough, brother still takes care of me. ’

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