I Just Won’t Play by the Book

Chapter 244: Blazing Heart


In the camp, Mu Jiu Ri slowly opened his eyes, and then suddenly got a shock. He wanted to sit up, but felt pain all over his body.

"Lie down for a while. You don't have a good bone in your body, and your organs are all twisted together. I applied medicine to you and you should be able to move at night."

Hearing Wu Qingce's relaxed tone, Mu Jiuri's heart that was hanging up just now finally fell a little, at least it didn't seem that both of them were arrested and locked up.

"You actually won the four slaughter?" Mu Jiuri, who had been slowed down, asked in surprise.

At the moment he passed out, he thought that both of them were dead. After all, he could really imagine that Wu Qingce could defeat the four great profound masters on his own.

"Well, yes... I won." Wu Qingce replied with some embarrassment.

With the help of the spirit pill given by the senior, Wu Qingce just consumed a cup of tea and healed all the hideous wounds on his body.

As for the next heads-up, as long as it wasn't for the profound spirit realm that had undergone a qualitative change, Wu Qingce, who was able to beat himself in a heads-up by the Great Profound Master, had never encountered it.

After cleaning up the remaining four butchers, Wu Qingce returned to their camp with Mu Jiuri, who was unconscious, after a training session.

‘It’s...? ’

Mu Jiuri frowned slightly, and she didn't understand what this "calculated" meant.

After trying to remember for a moment, Mu Jiuri suddenly remembered that he seemed to have heard a somewhat familiar voice just before fainting, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it.

Seeing that Mu Jiu Ri didn't mean to ask further, Wu Qingce changed the subject and said, "Why did you come here?"

"An informant came to report that there was a Toxic Moth Remnant Party in Chuanzhong County, so I organized a manpower to come and investigate. I didn't expect to fall into the trap of the Na Tingshi Five Massacre. I am ashamed.

Hearing Mu Jiu Ri was also ambiguous, he didn't mean to reveal the details, Wu Qingce smiled slightly, and didn't question him either.

"I owe you my life."

Mu Jiuri said after a moment of silence in the camp.

"Yes, think about it."


For a while, the room was quiet again.

At the other end, Jiang Beiran had just been led to the dry land by Gu Qinghuan.

After exploring the underground with mental power, Jiang Beiran found that there was indeed an object emitting strong heat in his body.

"But this is too deep..."

Muttering in his heart, Jiang Beiran looked at Qu Yangze and said, "Yangze, you have never dig down in this position. Stop when you dig until your body can't bear the heat, don't hold on."

"Yes." Qu Yangze promised. He didn't know when his hands turned into sharp claws. Without a word, he began to dig down, and the speed was extremely fast.

"Junior Brother Qu is really talented." Gu Qinghuan exclaimed when he looked at Qu Yangze, which was more than ten feet away.

"It's just that he is still small in mind and naive, so he will have to rely on you to teach him more in the future."

Gu Qinghuan immediately handed over and said: "Don't dare to speak or teach, I am willing to make progress together with my junior."

"Yeah." Jiang Beiran nodded and asked curiously: "How did you discover this."

This vision is so deep that it is not easy to find it.

Gu Qinghuan originally wanted to ask her brother about the five senses, and when she heard the brother's question, she described what had happened to him.

"Have you tried to use the five senses to the limit?" Jiang Beiran asked.

"Tried." Gu Qinghuan nodded, "I feel that the world has completely changed, and countless spots of light that I usually can't see surround me.

‘It’s okay with countless points of light...I’m afraid you are not going to enter the field of quantum mechanics. ’

Judging from Gu Qinghuan's statement, Jiang Beiran felt as if he had entered a certain microscopic field, and he could perceive things that can only be observed under a microscope by relying solely on his facial features.

‘Zhenyuan Tiangang Jue still has this effect...’

After a moment of contemplation, Jiang Beiran took out a stone from the ground and threw it to Gu Qinghuan, "Can you perceive what this stone is made of?"

Gu Qinghuan stopped asking.

‘Stone... Isn’t it made of stones? ’

But Gu Qinghuan knew that Senior Brother would definitely not ask such boring questions, so he tried his best to urge the five senses to observe.

At first, the little stone stood in front of him like a big mountain. However, as Gu Qinghuan observed carefully, he found that the surface of the stone had various structures that were definitely invisible to the naked eye.

They are a little dense and some have huge gaps.

Feeling that he has discovered things in the Holocene, Gu Qinghuan put away the Zhenyuan Tiangang and resolutely said: "Brother Huijin, it is a variety of tiny things that make up stones."


Jiang Beiran, who suddenly jumped to the Natural Science Channel, suddenly became interested.

‘Qinghuan has become a human microscope? This is too instrumental. ’

Thinking that Qinghuan could be used to observe the structure of various magic weapons in the future, Jiang Beiran suddenly felt that he would really need this good helper in the future.

"How long can you maintain this state now?" Jiang Beiran asked.

"About half a time for the incense stick, during which you may suddenly lose consciousness."

"How long will it take to recover?"

"This... haven't tried yet."

"Then starting from today, your main homework is to practice your five senses repeatedly to lengthen the time you stay in this state."


"In addition, observe various things during practice, especially minerals. This award will greatly help your forging skills."

The so-called forging is actually using the plasticity of metal to change its structure. If Gu Qinghuan can only develop to see the molecular structure...

‘The perfect combination of science and metaphysics? This is punk. ’

"Yes, I would like to follow the teachings of the brothers." Wu Qingce arched his hands.

While talking, Qu Yangze's voice suddenly came from the cave.

"Master~~Father~~, it's too hot down here!"

"Come up if you can't hold on." Jiang Beiran shouted toward the entrance of the cave.


In a short while, Qu Yangze crawled out of the hole and said with a flushed face: "Master, I feel that my clothes are about to burn."

"Well, go wash it."


Putting on the Five Elements Dunjia from Shi Fenglan, Jiang Beiran jumped into the cave.

The speed of the fall was very fast. After a while, Jiang Beiran felt the heat against his face, but Jiang Beiran was very confident in his body’s high temperature resistance. This has been fully demonstrated in the forging room. Taking hot red iron has long been a basic operation.

Falling to the bottom of the cave, Jiang Beiran could feel that he was not far from the heat source. After touching the red mud beside him, Jiang Beiran felt that they were almost liquid.

After confirming the underground situation, Jiang Beiran took out a few Fuzhuan and Fubao from the Qiankun Ring and set up a six-pack formation.

The effect of this formation is very mysterious and has the effect of isolating space. It can be understood as a large transparent house appeared out of thin air. Things inside cannot affect the outside, and things outside cannot affect the inside.

After finishing the arrangement of the Six Ding and Six Jia Formations, Jiang Beiran took out the Yellow Magic Treasure Juling Banner from the Qiankun Ring and placed it in the center of the formation.

"Qianzun Yaoling, Kunshun is in the camp."

"Eryi pays for Thailand, and wants to be together."

"It is worthy of the world, Yongning will be cleared!"

As the last clear word fell, an air wall instantly separated the upper and lower layers of soil, forming an independent space.

"Let me see what a good baby it is."

After Jiang Beiran finished speaking, he banged his fist on the soil under his feet, and immediately drew a path.

Walking down slowly, Jiang Beiran quickly saw a piece of ore shining with hot white light.

"this is……"

Jiang Beiran stepped forward and touched it, feeling a bit hot.

‘Could it be... Blazing Heart! ? ’

Jiang Beiran couldn't help his eyes widening, and was shocked by his own guess.

The Heart of Blazing Flame is a famous top mineral material on the rare spectrum. It is rumored that it will continue to absorb the heat and energy deep in the heart of the earth. Once it is absorbed and formed, it will explode amazing heat, and this heat will continue to grow. The more terrible it is, it will even desertify thousands of miles.

‘In terms of the hexagram, this blazing heart should have just absorbed the heat and just started to show its head. ’

If it is not discovered early, the terrible heat that it erupts will soon attract powerful practitioners.

‘But now it’s mine. ’


Taking a deep breath, Jiang Beiran suddenly slapped the heart of flames the size of a stone lion with a palm, and then saw that the heart of flames was divided into eight evenly.

Putting the split blazing heart into the eight Universe Rings, Jiang Beiran withdrew the big array and jumped out of the hole.

"I got the things, you did a good job." Jiang Beiran said while looking at the three disciples waiting at the entrance of the cave.

"Thank you, Master (brother) for the compliment." The three of them saluted.

Nodded, Jiang Beiran took out a map and handed it to Gu Qinghuan, saying: "The place marked on the map is rumored to have been inhabited by Qingluan. Please investigate."

Hearing the word "Qingluan", Gu Qinghuan was stunned. This is one of the five phoenixes in the legend, and it symbolizes auspiciousness. Where such a bird inhabits, there must be rare things.

"Yes." Gu Qinghuan took the map and saluted.

"Well, go find Qingce, I am waiting for your news."

"Yes." Qi Qi saluted Jiang Beiran, and the three of them walked towards the camp.

But Jiang Beiran boarded Xiangyun and flew to the palace.

On the way, Jiang Beiran kept thinking about how to make good use of this blazing heart.

‘It’s a waste of such a big piece to make weapons. Let’s try the refinery. ’

When he came to the palace, Jiang Beiran first came to the backyard and threw a spar for the six-tailed fox. Before the six-tailed fox began to perform his talents, Jiang Beiran left and returned to the study.

"The emperor~" As soon as he saw the emperor push the door in, Kong Qianqian who was reading with Mu Yao immediately rushed over to salute and said: "See the emperor for slaves."

Taking a look at Qianqian, Jiang Beiran suddenly asked, "How long have you not practiced?"

If Mu Yao has learned quite a lot during her time in the palace, then Kong Qianqian has really been eating, drinking and having fun from start to finish. She probably eats more dishes in the palace than Jiang Beiran.

"This..." Kong Qianqian, who was still elated, suddenly twitched, and replied with a smirk: "The servant only wants to serve the emperor and has no intention of practicing."

Ignoring Kong Qianqian's answer, Jiang Beiran looked at Mu Yao and asked, "Is she very poor in cultivation qualifications?"

"Not bad, but just lazy." Kong Qianqian replied very directly.

"Senior Sister~" Kong Qianqian yelled while twisting his body, expressing his dissatisfaction.

"Why, did I say you wrong?" Mu Yao looked at Kong Qianqian.

"That's not true, but can you be more euphemistic next time."

"for example?"

"For example..." Kong Qianqian looked at the ceiling for a long time thinking hard, and heard the emperor on the side say: "Why don't you just say you are waiting for the opportunity."

"Yes! Just waiting for the opportunity!" Kong Qianqian clapped his hands after listening, "The emperor is still smart."

‘Oh, there is no help. Jiang Beiran shook his head and sat down on the Long Case.

Just thinking about writing something, Jiang Beiran saw Mu Yao approaching him and whispered: "Qianqian doesn't practice, I should practice, your lord, you should teach me the moves today."

Because he was quite satisfied with the ice silver ring before, Jiang Beiran agreed to Mu Yao's request to teach her the exercise.

It's just that I'm having trouble teaching her some exercises, so I keep dragging her.

"I still didn't expect to teach you anything, just wait." Jiang Beiran replied ~www.ltnovel.com~ Are you still waiting? It's been half a month. "Mu Yao pouted.

"If you don't want to wait, don't ask me to teach."

"It's not equal, I'll wait, I can't wait." With a sigh, Mu Yao was about to sit back when she heard Jiang Beiran say

Taking a look at Qianqian, Jiang Beiran suddenly asked, "How long have you not practiced?"

If Mu Yao has learned quite a lot during her time in the palace, then Kong Qianqian has really been eating, drinking and having fun from start to finish. She probably eats more dishes in the palace than Jiang Beiran.

"This..." Kong Qianqian, who was still elated, suddenly twitched, and replied with a smirk: "The servant only wants to serve the emperor and has no intention of practicing."

Ignoring Kong Qianqian's answer, Jiang Beiran looked at Mu Yao and asked, "Is she very poor in cultivation qualifications?"

"Not bad, but just lazy." Kong Qianqian replied very directly.

"Senior Sister~" Kong Qianqian yelled while twisting his body, expressing his dissatisfaction.

"Why, did I say you wrong?" Mu Yao looked at Kong Qianqian.

"That's not true, but can you be more euphemistic next time."

"for example?"

"For example..." Kong Qianqian looked at the ceiling for a long time thinking hard, and heard the emperor on the side say: "Why don't you just say you are waiting for the opportunity."

"Yes! Just waiting for the opportunity!" Kong Qianqian clapped his hands after listening, "The emperor is still smart."

‘Oh, there is no help. Jiang Beiran shook his head and sat down on the Long Case.

Just thinking about writing something, Jiang Beiran saw Mu Yao approaching him and whispered: "Qianqian doesn't practice, I should practice, your lord, you should teach me the moves today."

Because he was quite satisfied with the ice silver ring before, Jiang Beiran agreed to Mu Yao's request to teach her the exercise.

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