Chapter 104 A Ming’s photo (3, please complete the order)

For Xia Guoren, early in the morning, he received enough news from the West.

The Star Flag State Space Station, under the instructions of NASA on the ground, explored and surveyed the Earth’s Atlantic Ocean, and then discovered the remains of a prehistoric civilization!

In addition, NASA has also directly released many high-definition large pictures, attached to the news, and spread to the world!

Many people can see such a direct picture, at the bottom of the huge Atlantic Ocean, vaguely, a shadow of a civilized building appears, lying quietly at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

NASA directly disseminated this kind of pictures, thus directly detonating the global network.

However, in these news, NASA also directly admitted that they were measuring according to the theoretical knowledge taught by “Mr. Civilization”, and only then did they discover the relics of civilization at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

In addition, in NASA’s official speech, he also expressed his gratitude to Liu Qiming.

It’s just that, although it is from the Star-flag country, the civilization remains at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean have been discovered.

However, the area where this civilization relic belongs is within the scope of the “high seas”.

The so-called high seas, that is, public ocean areas, do not belong to any country.

It is also because of this that NASA and the Star and Flag country officials are so generous to announce these findings in the rain.

And when it announced its speech, NASA also said: “The discovery of the relics of prehistoric civilization is not our credit, but the’Mr. Civilization’.

“We are willing to explore the civilizational relics at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean together with capable powers.

In NASA’s speech, there was almost no concealment, and he was “pleasing” Liu Qiming.

Moreover, it is also obvious that he has shown goodwill to Xia Guo.

Although NASA said in a statement, it is willing to explore together with other countries.

But at present, Xia Guo is the one with the highest technological content for seabed exploration in the world!

In some small countries, even submarines cannot dive below 10,000 meters. Naturally, there is no saying that they can explore the remains of civilization together.

On the other hand, the civilization remains in the Atlantic Ocean, which originally did not belong to the Star-flag country.

In any case, because of NASA’s discovery, the whole world is a sensation.

The remains of civilization from the bottom of the sea!

There are also many people who rushed directly into Liu Qiming’s live broadcast room.

“Does the anchor know that there are civilization relics on the seabed for a long time?”

“I suddenly thought of a possibility, did the anchor get the heritage of that civilization?”

“I was shocked, the knowledge spread by’Mr. Civilization’ is so useful.,

“It’s another discovery that shocked the world, and it came from the hands of’Mr. Civilization’ again!”

On the Internet, various opinions have emerged, and many people are linking this news to Liu Qiming.

But Liu Qiming himself couldn’t help but associate this discovery with the system.

“Is there any connection between the system and that civilization? I don’t know at present, and the system has not responded to me.”

Liu Qiming’s eyes, looking at the news, the picture taken from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean: “Only when there is a certain result of the exploration of civilization relics in reality, can we know whether this has anything to do with the system.

Liu Qiming realized this and was not too curious.

Liu Qiming turned off the mobile news, then sorted it out, and then he was about to set off to the hospital for a “re-examination.”

As a patient who has been injected with “anti-cancer drugs”, Liu Qiming also needs to cooperate with a daily review.

The data of all patients will be integrated together and then used as the real data of the medicine.

As Director Cao said, for the country, they are the first batch of “experimenters” since the birth of “anti-cancer drugs.”

After the anti-cancer drug was born, even the white mouse experiment was not done, and it was directly used on this cancer patient.

“The next day in the love diary, I saw Amin again in the hospital, and he also came to the hospital for review.”

“Our situation is beyond imagination. I have never thought that the cancer that can torture me for more than half a year was wiped out in a short period of two days.”

“And Amin recovered faster. Almost all the cancer cells in his body were almost wiped out. He should have another re-examination and he does not need to come to the hospital again.

“According to Director Cao, the cancer cells in my body will disappear completely in about six days.

“In other words, after six days, I will return to my previous life.”

w~ But I was a little bit reluctant, because once I left the hospital, I was not as good as I am now, and I could see Amin often. ”

“But I heard that Amin will also go back to school and start his studies.

“Hehe, then if I want to see Amin later, I must go to his school to find him.”

“At the same time, I have to work hard.

On the Internet, in addition to the news about the discovery of the civilization remnants of the Atlantic Ocean by Star and Flag, there are others who were not shocked by the news.

On the Internet, the blogger named “anti-cancer diary” has quietly disappeared, and the anti-cancer diary has been completely updated.

However, none of the followers felt that it was a pity, but they were all happy for it.

In addition to being happy, there are also some followers who are curious about what happened to the diary owner after his recovery.

Then, someone discovered the “love diary”.

Some followers of the anti-cancer diary came to the love diary and looked at (Zhao Qianhao) the record of the love diary. They seemed to have seen the optimistic and kind diary owner again.

And in the diary, that bright and warm young student.

“I hope the blogger can be with Amin smoothly.”

“Come on, blogger, looking forward to the update.

“I really want to see Amin’s photos, I’m curious about what Amin looks like.”

“I beg the blogger to explode.”

When it was the “anti-cancer diary” before, the followers never asked for anything.

However, under “Love Diary”, many followers are very concerned about some issues.

And a girl who was hospitalized in the First People’s Hospital of C City, she hesitated after looking at many curious comments in the comments.

She sent a picture up, and one quietly took the back of “Amin”.

The back is facing the sun, it seems that the whole person is shining, the body is thin, and the hands are slender and white.

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