Chapter 105 Brainwash the world, explore the earth (4, complete customization)

After returning from the hospital review, Liu Qiming called his tutor and agreed on a time for the visit.

After returning home, Liu Qiming breathed a sigh of relief.

“The identity is whitewashed, and there is no need to pretend or anything in the future.”

After two inspections, Liu Qiming has gone from being a “cancer patient” to becoming a normal person.

From then on, he didn’t need to use any means or disguise, worry about attracting attention.

“I have washed my identity, and I will be able to go to school in the future.” Liu Qiming thought in his heart.

After a while, Liu Qiming sat in front of the computer and was about to start today’s live broadcast.

Although he is very interested in the relics of the Atlantic Ocean undersea civilization discovered by NASA, Liu Qiming also knows one thing.

He himself cannot intervene in such things from reality.

Only through the live broadcast, through his “leading civilization” identity, can these things, and even for some countries, have some influence and be guided to a certain extent.

However, when the computer was turned on, Liu Qiming found that he had received a’private message’ before the live broadcast started.

“Huh?” Seeing this private message, Liu Qiming immediately understood that the 787 was white. This was the official Xia Guo, and he contacted himself again.

Because in the previous two times, initial communication has been established, and there has been a certain amount of interaction.

So even this time, Liu Qiming did not ignore this private message.

I directly clicked on the private message, and Liu Qiming checked what the other party sent.

Judging from the tone of voice, as expected, it still comes from the official information of Xia Guo.

At the beginning of the message, the other party first represented the country and expressed his gratitude to Liu Qiming, saying that both the country and the many cancer patients in the country are sincerely grateful to Liu Qiming.

After this initial greeting, it was a “work report.”

The work report is to tell Liu Qiming about the country’s current production of anti-cancer drugs, and give a data that shows that the first batch of anti-cancer drugs has saved a batch of cancer patients.

There is another part of the work report, which is about the “Civilization Fund”.

The other party directly stated that the current Civilization Fund has officially begun to be applied, and the country can guarantee that there will be no awkwardness in the Civilization Fund, and it is completely possible to use every penny in the right place. .

After such greetings and work reports, the other party really entered the topic of this exchange!

The other party is not straightforward, but he did not express his doubts too obliquely. He expressed curiosity and doubts about the relics of the Atlantic Ocean’s submarine civilization and asked Liu Qiming’s thoughts.

In addition, it also meant to ask Liu Qiming whether he knew the civilization relics.

Looking at this private message, Liu Qiming held his chin, thought for a moment, and then responded.


After Liu Qiming’s reply was sent, he immediately became busy in the distant “Find X” base.

“The target responded.

“Started the third communication with the goal of the official and the whole process of this exchange is recorded.”

“View the target’s response information.”

“Summarize the target response information.”

“Target responded positively to our questions.”

“The target didn’t know about the civilization relics, and the other party said it was just spreading’planetary knowledge.”

“In addition to the positive response, the goal has its meaning, which means that he is only spreading planetary science knowledge, saying that human beings have too many things that they don’t understand about the earth, and they should explore more.”

“The communication ends here, because the target has already started live broadcasting.”

“The live screen recording mode is turned on, and the target language is refined and analyzed.


After replying to the official news from Xia Guo, Liu Qiming chose to start the live broadcast.

As soon as the live broadcast was started, many barrage appeared in the live broadcast room.

Many of these barrage also asked Liu Qiming about his views on the discovery of the civilization of the Atlantic Ocean under the Star Flag State.


“Front row!”

“Master Patriarch knows that Star Flag Nation discovered the remains of Atlantic civilization?”

“Does the anchor know in advance that there are civilization relics on earth?

“Is the anchor the heir of the prehistoric civilization? That’s why he understands so many things.”

“Ask, “Mr. Civilization” do you know what the relics of the undersea civilization are?”

Sure enough, most of the problems in the barrage were aimed at the news today, about the discovery of the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean by the United States, the relics of civilization.

Liu Qiming waited for a minute or two, which was a buffer time for the audience who came in.

It seems that because of the impact of the news about the discovery of civilization relics, Liu Qiming now has a lot of people in this live broadcast room.

Just one minute after the broadcast, the number of people has exceeded 50 million.

It was at this time that Liu Qiming coughed a little bit, cleared his throat, and then spoke.

“Everyone is very curious, what are the relics of civilization on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean?”

“In this regard, I cannot give you an answer.”

“Because we humans now live on the earth, but we know too little about the earth.”

“Therefore, I spread the theory of planetary science to enable our civilization to do more explorations on our own planet and to better understand our planet.”

“And now, the Star and Flag State has already explored the earth and has made preliminary discoveries, which are the civilization relics on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

“This is a small achievement that we humans have achieved when we started to truly explore the earth.

“As for what the civilization remains and what it means, or what kind of prehistoric civilization is that civilization?”

“These problems, I think, we need to continue to explore the earth, human beings and our earth civilization.

At this moment, Liu Qiming responded positively during the live broadcast, saying: “The unknown of the earth, for our current earth civilization, there are many more.

“We need to explore one by one and discover the unknown.”

When answering the question, Liu Qiming did not forget. In addition to his words, he gave a kind of “hint, suggesting that humans still need to explore the earth.”

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