The old man was so embarrassed, and the old man was so embarrassed.

Liu Yunqing couldn't understand.

Grandma knew that he was working like a cow and a horse for the seven young ladies in Longdu, and it was so embarrassing, but she still asked me to contact him?

And didn't she also know that he was not Grandpa Qin's grandson?

If he was not a grandson, even if Grandpa Qin saved my family's life, he didn't have to repay him with his grandson who had no blood relationship with him, right?

Liu Yunqing didn't understand what kind of twisted feelings this was.

Liu Yunqing's father patted Liu Yunqing on the shoulder and comforted her,

"Qingqing, don't worry."

"Go to that small mountain village as your grandma said."

"Your grandma asked you to understand him, so you take a notebook and write down what he usually does."

"Your grandma asked you to cultivate feelings with him, but feelings can't be forced, don't talk to him, don't pay attention to him."

"According to what Xixi told your grandma, he shouldn't try to please you like other boys."

"Three months later, you came back with cold words and told your grandma that you understood him, but he ignored you and you couldn't cultivate feelings with him."

"The problem is with him. He doesn't like you. Your grandma will definitely not force you to marry him again."

Liu Yunqing shook her head, tears of collapse still flowing.

"No, Dad, you don't know."

"Xixi has just entered society, she doesn't understand men."

"Although Qin Fan behaves very upright and not lustful, he is just pretending."

"I have met him in his village before."

"Dad, you know, he carefully introduced me to every detail of their village bit by bit. Although he behaved very upright and did not look sideways during the whole process, I know men too well. He just wants to make me interested in him by showing himself as a gentleman."

"Playing hard to get, pretending to be so, I have seen too many men like that."

"If I live in his village for three months, he will definitely pester me."

"If he knows that grandma wants to marry me to him, he will definitely take the opportunity to pester me!"

"Dad, I don't want to marry him~"

Liu Yunqing almost collapsed.

"Hey, what you said is possible. After all, you are my daughter and have inherited my beauty. You are so beautiful." Liu Yunqing's father touched his chin and thought for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "Wait!"

Yunqing looked up at her father,

"What's wrong, Dad?"

Liu Yunqing's father shook his hands excitedly. He suddenly grasped a key point, which was equivalent to a bug that would definitely break the game!

"Qingqing, according to what we just said, there are two situations."

"In the first case, Qin Fan is really like what Xixi said. If you don't talk to him, he won't pay attention to you."

"In the second case, Qin Fan is pretending. He can't suppress his inner turmoil because of your beauty and pesters you."

"But in fact, no matter which of these two situations, it is good for you!"

Liu Yunqing stopped crying,

"Dad, why are they both good for me?"

Liu Yunqing's father raised his mouth slightly,

"If the first situation , you can tell your grandma that he doesn't like you. If he doesn't like you, your grandma won't let you marry him. "

"If it's the second case, he's clinging to you because you're pretty, like... like a licking dog, your grandma hates the kind of licking dogs that cling to you the most!"

"Then daddy will help you say a few words, emphasizing that he is not your grandpa Qin's grandson, and he used to be a licking dog for the seventh lady of Longdu, and he pretends to be serious and hypocritical. Your grandma will definitely hate him! She won't let you marry him again!"

Liu Yunqing's eyes were filled with tears, and she suddenly grasped hope.

"Dad, is it really possible?"

Liu Yunqing's father nodded confidently,

"Have you ever thought about why your grandma didn't just call him over to meet him and tell him that she wanted to marry you to him?"

Liu Yunqing shook her head, "Why?"

Liu Yunqing's father raised his lips slightly and said:

"In fact, your grandma also minds that he used to work like a cow for those seven young ladies in Longdu."

"After all, your grandma is not only responsible for her, but also for the face of our entire Liu family!"

"I dare to tell you that if Qin Fan is still working like a cow for the seven young ladies in Longdu, his dignity will be trampled on."

"Even if he is your grandpa Qin's grandson, your grandma will not let you marry him, and will even ignore his existence and not look for him."

"As for the matter between your grandma and your grandpa Qin... your grandma will take you to heaven

Grandpa Qin."

Liu Yunqing suddenly became curious,

"Dad, what happened between my grandma and Grandpa Qin?"

Liu Yunqing's father coughed twice,

"Don't worry about anything else."

"Just follow your grandma's instructions and live in Qinfan Village for three months."

"I have already explained the two situations to you clearly. No matter which one, it will be beneficial to you!"

"Just go with peace of mind."

Liu Yunqing nodded doubtfully,



Longguo X Province H City S County.

Yun Yan went to the Zhao Group office building and sat with his left and right for a while.

"Young Master Yan, you said it was Fanzi who asked you to find General Manager Jiang?"

Yun Yan nodded without hesitation,

"Yes, Brother Qin mentioned Qingyuan Hotel to me, so doesn't that mean I should find Miss Jiang?"

"I still have this reaction speed and understanding ability. ”

"When Miss Jiang heard that it was Brother Qin who asked me to come to her for help, she agreed to lend me the designer without hesitation!"

"Brother Zuo, you envy Brother Qin, right?"

Left and right thumbs up,

"Fanzi is really awesome."

"Miss Jiang, Miss Li, Miss Xue, and by the way, Miss Zhang who told me on the phone that she liked Fanzi."

"Seriously, Mr. Yan, we are like turkeys!"

"Hahaha, I'm jumping!"

The two joked a few words and then got down to business.

"Mr. Yan, I think we can work together to build Zaiya Villa in Fanzi's hometown."

"Boss Zhao originally told me to go to Fanzi's hometown to survey and choose a piece of land to build a leisure and entertainment place similar to the summer resort."

"I think it can be built next to your Zaiya Villa!"

Yan Jun's eyes lit up,

"Brother Zuo, is it true? ”

Zuoyou nodded heavily,

“How could it be false? Young Master Yan, you represent the Yan Group, and I represent the Zhao Group. This can be regarded as the fulfillment of your Yan Group’s dream of cooperating with the Zhao Group!”

Yan Junze laughed heartily,


“I told you long ago, just close your eyes and follow Brother Qin!”

After a while,

Zuoyou sent Yan Junze to the parking lot on the side of the road of the office building,

“Young Master Yan, it’s time to say goodbye again. My old friend came into my dream and I miss him. Every time I reach this time, I feel a little sad.”

Yan Junze held Zuoyou’s hands,

“Brother Zuo, the monkeys on both sides of the river are crying non-stop, but they are not as good as Wang Lun’s love for me. Let’s say goodbye~”

“Fuck, Young Master Yan, you are so talented! Instead of using "The water of Taohuatan is a thousand feet deep" and "The monkeys on both sides of the river are crying non-stop", it is because this city is full of the roar of cars, just as noisy as the monkeys' calls. Using this sentence to follow up "It is not as good as Wang Lun's love for me", isn't it a painting - no matter how noisy the city is, it can't interrupt our brotherhood, it's so appropriate!"

"Young Master Yan," he gave thumbs up, "What a good literary talent!"

"Ah? Hahaha, it's just a spur of the moment, just a spur of the moment~" Yan Jun scratched his head and muttered softly, "Isn't the monkeys on both sides of the river crying non-stop followed by "It is not as good as Wang Lun's love for me"? I just recited it before, did Brother Zuo remember it wrong? "

"Forget it, give Brother Zuo some face and don't remind him. "

"The Qilin son of the Yan family has a high IQ, high comprehension ability, and high EQ! "

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