The moon was crescent-shaped, and the stars dotted the Milky Way.

Under the night,

Qin Fan was wearing a pair of shorts and taking a shower in the courtyard with well water.

Yan Junze was also taking a shower nearby.

But during this period, Yan Junze looked at Qin Fan several times, wanting to ask something, but hesitated and didn't speak.

Qin Fan had already noticed Yan Junze's expression from the corner of his eyes.

"Young Master Yan, just ask whatever you want to ask, why are you hesitating?"

Yan Junze saw that Qin Fan had already spoken, and put the towel around his neck and came to Qin Fan.

"Brother Qin, why do you think Miss Li brought her brother here?"

Qin Fan wiped his body and asked back:

"Didn't you say before that Li Sien came here for transformation?"

"It was true before, but..." Yan Jun scratched the back of his head, "But it seems not now."


The sound of an unknown bird came from the night,

Qin Fan turned his head and looked at Yan Junze in confusion.

"Not now?"


Yan Junze did not intend to hide it from Qin Fan, and said it directly,

"Brother Qin, guess what Li Sien said to me before?"

"He asked me what I could do to get your approval."


The unknown bird was still calling in the forest at night.

Qin Fan got goose bumps when he heard this.

"Li Si'en, let me ask you, what can I do to get my approval?"

"He is the great Li Shao, why does he need my approval?"

"Yeah, I don't understand it either!" Yan Junze scooped a bucket of water and poured it on his head, "Brother Qin, why do I feel like you are caught in a vortex?"

Qin Fan's brows gradually frowned.

After the person who assassinated him was arrested, there was no clue about the real culprit behind the scenes.

That incident was originally like a stone hanging in Qin Fan's heart,

Now that Li Si'en made this scene, a big question mark was drawn in Qin Fan's heart.

Yan Junze's words made sense,

Qin Fan also felt that he seemed to be caught in a vortex.

The moon was hooked on the tip of the cloud teeth in the night sky,

The light bulb was hung on the wooden pole in the yard,

The cricket chirped,

The toad croaked,

The night sky was clear and quiet,

But Qin Fan's mind was a little confused.

"Forget it, nothing can be thought of."

"When the enemy comes, the general will stop him. When the water comes, the earth will cover it."

"Don't worry about him, just wait and see what he wants to do."

Yan Junze nodded and said nothing more.


The night birds chirped and the night wind cooled down.

After washing, Qin Fan and Yan Junze went back to their rooms to sleep.



The next day,

When the roosters' crowing climbed up the hillside, driving away the night and awakening the day, Qin Fan and Yan Junze got up.

It was still early,

Most people in the village hadn't gotten up yet.

After Qin Fan washed up, he followed Uncle Qin to exercise.

It would be better if he could learn some fighting skills.

After seeing this, Yan Junze also followed Qin Fan and Uncle Qin to practice.

They practiced until the third aunt and the others finished breakfast and called for dinner.

After breakfast,

Wang Xiaopeng from the county garment factory called and said that a new batch of clothes had been packed.

He asked Yan Junze when he could go live to sell clothes.

"Brother Qin, the foundation of my Zaiya Villa has been laid. How to build it? With the designer lent to me by General Jiang, it doesn't matter whether I am here or not."

"I can go live to sell clothes at any time!"

"Then let's go now?"


Qin Fan took Yan Junze to the S County Garment Factory to live broadcast and sell clothes for three days.

In fact, if the goods were to be put up at one time, they could be sold out in one night!

It was the staff in charge of self-media operations who said that they were worried that some fans would not be able to buy them, so they suggested that Qin Fan put up the goods in multiple batches and set a limit of three sets per person.

After three days of live broadcast,

all the clothes produced by the garment factory were sold out!

Qin Fan used the money from selling clothes to pay salaries, and the rest was used to buy new equipment and recruit new employees for expansion.

Now Qin Fan's clothes are in short supply even though they are just a little famous,

and they will only sell better in the future!

The day of making money from the garment factory has not come yet, and we need to continue to expand!

Qin Fan gave a death order to Wang Xiaopeng, who was in charge of the garment factory.

Wang Xiaopeng did not need to worry about the style of the clothes, Qin Fan would personally communicate with the clothing designer to finalize the style.

But Wang Xiaopeng must control the quality!

In addition to the quality of the clothes,

Qin Fan also emphasized to Wang Xiaopeng seriously.

Our workers are our brothers and sisters, not animals.

Eight-hour work system every day, on time

Get off work!

If Wang Xiaopeng secretly asked employees to work overtime because he wanted to produce more clothes, then Wang Xiaopeng would resign!

The workers in the garment factory never thought that they would live a nine-to-five life.

Qin Fan treated them well,

the more seriously they worked, the harder they worked!

Of course,

there were also a few people who took shortcuts and thought they could fish in troubled waters.

Those people were directly fired, and Qin Fan’s company would never hire them for life.

Now not only Qin Fan’s clothes have spread in a small range,

Qin Fan himself has also spread in a small range in S County.

Qin Fan has created employment opportunities for many ordinary people in S County who have no diplomas.

It’s still a nine-to-five workday that they dare not dream of!

The salary and benefits are complete.

Compared with the days of being a cow and a horse, it’s simply a world of difference.

After dealing with the garment factory,

Qin Fan prepared to go back to the short drama company in the provincial capital.

It’s time to withdraw cash again, and the new short drama should be online.

Liang Ruyi said on the phone that someone in the short drama market has started to launch free short dramas.

The person in charge of the platform has talked to Liang Ruyi,

Liang Ruyi has also discussed it with other managers of the short drama company.

Now Liang Ruyi and his team have sorted out the analysis data and proposals,

and are waiting for Qin Fan to go back and deal with it.

"Mr. Yan, it's been so long, why don't you go home?"

Yan Junze looked in the direction of the provincial capital, smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Brother Qin, I am now a general going to war, and I will not return until Rome is conquered!"

Qin Fan:...

"Mr. Yan, I will not return until Loulan is conquered."

"Uh...really? Um, I deliberately changed it to Rome. Isn't Rome stronger than Loulan?"

"Is it stronger?"

"Isn't it, Brother Qin?"

Qin Fan was amused by Yan Junze again.

This guy may not even know how powerful Rome was in history, he just said it casually.


"Mr. Yan, I'll wait for you to conquer Rome and give your dad a surprise!"

"I'm leaving now."

"Brother Qin, be careful on the road. Brother Zuo was almost killed when he returned to Longdu last time."


Before Qin Fan could speak, Uncle Qin leaned out of the car window,


"You little bastard, if you can't speak, don't speak!"

Qin Fan started the car.

Yan Jun stood there scratching his head.

"I'm kindly reminding you, is there anything wrong with what I said?"

"Forget it, Brother Qin went to the provincial capital, I'll go to Brother Zuo for dinner and then go back to Zaiya Village."


After Qin Fan returned to the short drama company in the provincial capital, he took a rest and watched the four newly filmed short dramas.

Not bad,

Most of the newly recruited actors are majoring in acting, and their expressions are all in place.

There are a few girls who look good too, and they can definitely hold up the cover.

After watching the four new short dramas,

Qin Fan looked at the analysis data and proposed solutions submitted by Liang Ruyi and others on the recent changes in the short drama industry.

In short, Liang Ruyi and others insist on making paid short dramas.

But Qin Fan knows that it won't be long before short dramas will all go the free route.

The sooner you sign a free model contract with the platform, the better the contract terms you get!

Of course,

The short dramas here are not really free, Qin Fan doesn't make a penny.

Advertising revenue, derivative sales revenue, platform membership share, sponsor revenue, and even offline activities.

Although it is not as easy and fast to make money as paid, there is still money to be made.

Through a meeting,

Qin Fan finalized the direction of the short drama company in the future.

The seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth short dramas will still be paid models.

But after these four new short dramas are launched,

Qin Fan will sign a new contract with the platform, and the subsequent short dramas will be free models.

Now Qin Fan's short drama company has become famous.

If Qin Fan signs a free model with the platform first, Qin Fan can propose more favorable conditions for him!

Or a larger share, or a stronger push... It will definitely be better than the conditions of signing a free model with the platform later!

Qin Fan stayed in the provincial capital for seven days,

mainly to finalize the general direction of the company in the future, and signed a new contract with the platform.

Since the previous contract was considered invalid, Qin Fan fought for the traffic push of the last four paid short dramas.

Unexpectedly, the platform readily agreed to vigorously push Qin Fan's last four paid short dramas!

Qin Fan estimated that

The last four paid short dramas alone could probably make him earn a small goal!

In fact, if Qin Fan took the previous contract and insisted on the paid model, it would be fine.

But Qin Fan had the experience of his previous life, and he knew very well what would happen if he continued to follow the paid model.

It would be better to sign a more favorable free model with the platform earlier.

Free model.

In life, you have to sacrifice before you can gain.

As for the new free model contract signed between the platform and Qin Fan, Qin Fan felt that if he had more short plays in the future, the income would not be much lower than the paid model!

After dealing with the provincial short play company, Qin Fan cashed out the income from the previous short plays in the background.

Adding the remaining more than 70 million before, Qin Fan now has more than 100 million in his hands.

"More than 100 million, now I can start another industry."

In the previous life,

There is one thing Qin Fan remembers very clearly.

It is said that there is a couple in S Province who brew sake at home, sell it to Chinese people for more than 20 yuan, and sell it to Japanese people directly ten times more!

The police comrade gave them a verbal education and fined them 500, and there was no news afterwards.

In this life, Qin Fan is going to visit and start to set foot in the wine industry!

In the previous life, because the Jiang family industry had a bar, they often dealt with some wine companies and wineries, and Qin Fan knew some stories about wine.

The Japanese like sake very much.

Originally, sake was brewed by Dongdao people based on our Longguo yellow wine.

It was only because the climate and air in Dongdao lacked the bacteria for brewing yellow wine that yellow wine turned into sake.

The wine brewed by the couple in S County now is not yellow wine, but for Dongdao people who are used to drinking sake, the sake brewed by the couple tastes better than the sake they brewed themselves!

First of all, for Qin Fan, it is not a complete novice to want to step into the wine industry.

Secondly, the main support for Qin Fan's idea of ​​entering the wine industry is the wine brewed by the couple!

If the wine brewed by the couple is to fleece the Chinese people, Qin Fan will not be tempted.

The ability to make money from Chinese people is not a real ability,

Making money from foreigners is a real ability!

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