The rampage of the No. 375 bus made the intercepting police have to avoid its sharp edge, after all, this is a bus, a behemoth!

If a person is accidentally rubbed and touched, missing an arm and a broken leg, it is a very normal thing.

The faint light of the No. 375 bus reflected on people’s faces.

The less dazzling light makes people not close their eyes.

Rushing to avoid the police on the side of the road….

You can see it clearly.

Passengers on the bus….

Almost all of them are charred corpses!

The pungent smell of burnt smell fills the air, and the disgusting smell makes people shudder.

This is the taste of the meat that is too burnt to grill!

And the taste is particularly strong!

It’s so rich that it’s a bit nauseous!

On the No. 375 bus, Liu Xiaoling clutched the chair tightly, and her eyes stared at several police cars intercepted on the road in front of her, and her whole heart couldn’t help but hang up.

Because the bus did not slow down, it was still driving forward!

There is still a distance of more than ten meters….

You’re about to hit a barricade!

Liu Xiaoling couldn’t help but close a pair of eyes, praying in his heart not to crash into them.

The same is true of Li Xiaomo next to them, and the hearts of the two people are now very panicked!

However, just when the front of the bus is in close contact with the barricade, the expected crash sound, the expected bumpy feeling… It seems, it didn’t happen.

Closing his eyes for ten seconds, Liu Xiaoling opened his beautiful eyes in shock.

Then you will be greeted by the rusty inside of the bus.

The inner walls of the bus are covered with broken rust.

The seat under the seat… There’s even a little moss!

The ghost passengers in the car all disappeared.

The car had stopped at some point.

The flight attendant aunt who had been questioning Liu Xiaoling was gone, and a charred corpse seemed to disappear, and the smell of nausea in the air also disappeared.

It was as if everything that had just happened was an illusion, a dream.

It’s quite a kind of … Very quirky sense of distortion!

If it weren’t for the sirens behind you…

Liu Xiaoling would even be suspicious…

I may have had a dream myself.

“What’s going on?”

Liu Xiaoling murmured a little, hesitated slightly, stood up from his chair, and looked around.

She was shocked to find that the bus, which had been able to run normally before, had now become a wreckage.

Whether it can be launched or not is still a problem.

However, although it looked old before…

But it’s not so broken, right?

I have no problem with my eyes!

“We have already encountered this kind of supernatural event, and it is reasonable for the bus to change like this, although I don’t know why it has become like this.”

Li Xiaomo’s pretended calm voice sounded, but the slightly trembling eyelashes showed that she was not calm at all.

On the contrary, in the heart… Maybe even more panicked than Liu Xiaoling.

However, she knew how to suppress this panic.

So at first glance it seems…

It’s pretty calm.

Within a few seconds… The two men saw several policemen in police uniforms, nervous, and vigilant, pouring into the bus.

One after another stunned, wary, astonished gaze…

Look at the surrounding situation.

But there was nothing around.

Except for two living people.

And a scrap car!

If Liu Xiaoling looks back, he will find that the 375 bus has actually hit the barricade before, but at the moment of hitting the barricade, the bus actually crossed the barricade!

It’s like… Unreal existence alike!

It’s like, elementalization….

Or soulful!

“The first time I felt the police badge was so kind, fortunately the police comrades arrived in time, otherwise the anchor might be cold!”

“What just happened?” In the blink of an eye, the ghost seems to be gone? ”

“I don’t know… Just now, the screen suddenly turned into a snowflake. ”

“My picture also turned into a snowflake, and when I recovered, I saw the police coming.”

“Is it difficult to believe that what magnetic field interferes with the phone?” I heard that ghosts have a special magnetic field! ”

“…… Well, can you ask where you heard about it? ”

“In the novel, it is all said like this!”

“Huh? Am I missing something? ”

“I feel like I’m going to be the first in the hot search…”

“I don’t dare to sleep…”


There are still many bullet screens in the live broadcast room, and the popularity is directly up to the 20 million mark, you know… 20 million popularity, only when LOL S race, there will be so much.

And the live broadcast room of a three-month soul search anchor actually exceeded 20 million popularity!

It also represents the real number of water friends in the live broadcast room….

Definitely over 100,000 real people!

The unimaginable existence of “ghosts”…

It was also the first time in front of the world….

Unveiled a veil!

The whole network vibrates!!

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