Many people prefer to believe that what they see tonight is nothing more than some illusion, or dream.

But reality told them that they were not dreaming.

This kind of thing that is usually said and almost no one believes…

In real life, it really happened!

There were at least hundreds of thousands of witnesses!

Various topics overnight….

Detonated on the web!

Although Liu Xiaoling has turned off the live broadcast and followed the police car to do the transcript, the huge storm on the network … It didn’t stop because of her pause in the stream.

Bib, Tie Bar, Forum… And a variety of dating chat platforms.

There is about tonight’s event….

Almost burst the network!

In addition to witnessing what happened to the water friends in the live broadcast room, other night owl netizens heard the news, and their first reaction was, is this difficult to be a new stem?

After some videos were circulated, the second reaction of passers-by netizens was—————————–

However, when more and more people say on the Internet that this is a real thing that happened.

Passers-by netizens who like the night owl….

It’s a complete and utter blindfold!

Do ghosts really exist?

Still encountered?

Soulhunter Live?

Spotted a ghost?


When it was three o’clock in the morning, close to four o’clock, the willow wind that was brushing the neck of the bib heard the crisp doorbell.

After walking over and opening the door, I was greeted by … It was two girls about twenty years old.

The two girls Willow Wind naturally knew each other and were also very familiar.

Because the two of them are Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo!

By three o’clock in the morning….

They finally finished taking notes.

And back to the villa area.

After seeing the door open, Liu Xiaoling hurried into the house, as if staying outside for one more second would encounter some danger.

Immediately, she smiled reluctantly and said to Liu Feng, “Brother, Xiao Mo is going to come to our house for the night today.” ”

Liu Feng nodded and smiled, “Yes, welcome to the extreme.” ”

“Brother Liu, excuse me!” Compared with Liu Xiaoling, who was still flustered, Li Xiaomo was quite calm.

“Don’t bother, anyway, there are a lot of empty rooms in the house.”

Liu Feng smiled and said a word.

He naturally knew why Li Xiaomo came to spend the night, because Li Xiaomo’s parents were out on business for many years, and she was often the only one in her family.

And tonight, she ran into bus 375 again….

In this case, even if Li Xiaomo is very good…

Although one hit a few is not a problem….

But she couldn’t help but panic!

Dare to be alone at home?


When Li Xiaomo entered the house, Liu Feng closed the door, and then listened to his sister, spitting bitter water with himself.

The so-called “bitter water”… In fact, it was her bad luck tonight.

“Brother, did you see me live before?” I really met today… Encounter some kind of dirty thing, who would have thought that the 375 bus is actually a real supernatural event! ”

Liu Xiaoling looked nervous, and some wanted to cry without tears, and complained: “Almost your lovely sister can’t come back!” ”

“That’s not because you guys like to die… Why not do it, but to be a spirit detective anchor. ”

Liu Feng rolled his eyes, because from the beginning to the end, it was really Liu Xiaoling who was dying.

If she wasn’t going to die waiting for the 375 bus….

May encounter supernatural events tonight….

It’s someone else!

However, in order to ease the mood of this little girl, Liu Feng still said: “If you are still afraid, when you go to sleep later, I can make a floor in your room.” ”

Liu Feng paused and smiled, “Hurry up and take a shower, see you two are scared and sweaty, after taking a shower, go to sleep!” Little girl, you borrow a set of clothes to change and wash Xiao Mo. ”


After watching the two women go upstairs, Liu Feng smiled and shook his head, not knowing if he would tell the truth… Will it be mixed doubles between the two of them.

Of course, there was nothing he could possibly reveal to anyone about the horror advent system.

The strength of the system, this time Liu Feng also really felt it.

It took 1000 scary points to create a horror scene….

Not only did he return to his book in less than one night….

And the blood makes thousands of dollars!

[Host: Liu Feng (22 years old).]

Equivalent: Sporadic

Item: None

Balance: 16130

Scene: Bus No. 375].

Among the personal interfaces that look very simple and easy to understand at first glance, the most conspicuous is the 16130 scary point balance.

This is the startling point that Willow Wind harvested this evening.

And that number is rising!

Because there is a video about the live stream….

It has already been circulated.

This is also because there are many people who do not believe that this is the real event that happened.

Otherwise, the balance of the willow wind….

Probably up to 50,000!!

But more than that….

He was satisfied, too.

“Sporadic… The star scale is the level used by the system to sort, sporadic lowest, ten highest, sporadic shows that I am still an ordinary person, without any special abilities. ”

After Liu Feng muttered, his mind moved, and the mall panel appeared in front of his eyes.

Although in the villa area, there is hardly any danger….

But improve your basic skills.

Still nothing wrong!

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