Night, starry sky, looking out through the window into the distance… Liu Xiaoling was both a little nervous and a little excited.

On her wrist, she wears a simple bracelet that is close to her skin, and at first glance she thinks it is a ring tattoo.

“The first mission… The group has been wronged and needs to be dealt with by the nearest person. ”

Liu Xiaoling murmured the first “task” received this evening.

She was naturally very excited about the first time she went on an exorcism mission…

But at the same time as she was excited, she couldn’t help but be a little nervous.

Nervous because she didn’t know herself….

Whether or not the evil spirits can be successfully exorcised.

Will I die if I fail?

Shouldn’t it be?

She felt that the elder brother could not let himself go to death, so the strength of the wronged soul she faced next should not be very strong, and with the ten [Sacrifice Fire Charms] given by the elder brother during the day, she should be able to give that wronged soul a complete and complete excess!

Liu Xiaoling’s self-confidence comes entirely from Liu Feng because she believes in her brother.

What she’s struggling with now is… Do you want to take Li Xiaomo with you?

The two have been… They are all live looking for spirits together.

The relationship can be said to be as close as a sister.

And the elder brother also said that he could bring …

But…… Dare to let Li Xiaomo contact that circle, contact with this kind of supernatural event, will it have any irreparable impact on her?

The unjust soul that lurks in the Tuoding Group… Will it hurt Li Xiaomo?

A cute new of your own… Can you protect your girlfriend?

These are all questions she has to think about carefully now.

“Little Lingzi, what are you calling me to do on this big night?”

At this time, the door was pushed open, and a pleasant sound came into Liu Xiaoling’s ear.

She could hear it all at once….

It was her girlfriend’s voice.

Li Xiaomo went home in the afternoon, and when it was daytime, her courage was still bigger.

But because of Liu Feng’s conversation with Liu Xiaoling today.

Let Liu Xiaoling call his girlfriend over again.

When she turned back, she did see Li Xiaomo, dressed in sportswear, standing in front of her.

Liu Xiaoling sipped the pink lip flap, took a deep breath, her beautiful eyes gradually firmed up, and said seriously: “Xiao Mo, if… If I said I had some magical powers and was ready to continue the Souls Quest live tonight, would you join me? ”

Before Li Xiaomo could react, she reminded her in advance: “Tonight this time, no safer than last night, maybe… More dangerous, maybe! ”

Li Xiaomo was stunned, and looked at Liu Xiaoling suspiciously, wondering, “Do you have a fever?” ”

“…… Oh, I’m sober! Liu Xiaoling said seriously, “Xiao Mo, I’m not joking!” ”

Looking at the girlfriend’s serious expression, Li Xiaomo was silent.

“A magical power you mastered?” Be…… Does it refer to the kind of Taoist priests in film and television dramas? ”

Li Xiaomo suddenly inquired.

Liu Xiaoling nodded slightly.

“Going out tonight to catch ghosts?”

She nodded again.

“Let’s do it together!”

Li Xiaomo smiled, she understood the meaning of her girlfriend. Although she didn’t know why Liu Xiaoling suddenly gained some mysterious power overnight, she wouldn’t ask too much.

Li Xiaomo continued: “The two people at least have a care, although I don’t know those things, but… I’m better than you, and maybe I can be an assistant to you. ”

She smiled, looked at Liu Xiaoling with beautiful eyes, and said, “We’ve always been together, haven’t we?” ”

Liu Xiaoling froze, and the corners of his mouth curved: “Then let’s explore the spirit duo, continue to broadcast live tonight!” ”

“Huh? Live broadcast? Xiao Lingzi, you wouldn’t be going to live stream to catch ghosts, would you?? ”

“Well, to broadcast the whole live, we are set on fire this time!”

“…… But aren’t you afraid of being discovered? ”

“Rest assured, don’t worry about this.”

“Is this so… That’s OK! ”


The two girlfriends for many years have formed a different kind of tacit understanding, Li Xiaomo knows that tonight may be very dangerous, she also knows Liu Xiaoling’s appearance, it does not seem to be joking.

But letting her girlfriend go into danger alone is not her Li Xiaomo’s style.

Have to say… Whether it is Liu Xiaoling or Li Xiaomo.

Both men are very… Will die!

Otherwise they wouldn’t have been able to probe.


Located in the downtown area of Tianhai City, Tuoding Group is a well-known listed private enterprise group in Tianhai City, with a market value of eleven digits and a huge enterprise of tens of billions.

In recent months, the group has been working with a state-owned enterprise… Strategic cooperation has been formed.

But what everyone in the group doesn’t know is …

The core content of their group’s cooperation with state-owned enterprises …

It has already been leaked out!

In the darkness of the night, a ghost passed through the wall and appeared inside the building of the Dingding Group.

The camera inside the building was filming the ghost.

The picture inexplicably turned into a snowflake!

If anyone sees this wronged soul…

will find it on its neck….

There are clear strangulation marks!

The resentment that haunted it kept tumbling, and the dark and angry eyes turned in one direction, and a hoarse and complaining murmur spat out from its mouth: “I, again… Moreover, the master’s sister should be almost there, right? ”

It’s [Hanging Ghost]! It is placed here by the willow wind, and its every move is also in the perception and control of the willow wind!

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