Meanwhile…… In a live broadcast room of Maoya Live, there is a black screen in the live broadcast room, and the screen shows that the anchor has not yet started.

But in the comments at the bottom of the live broadcast room, there are messages that keep popping up.

“Is the anchor cold?” Was it a river crab? But the live broadcast room can still be found! Logically, it should not be blocked, right? ”

“There is an incident on the Internet about last night, and it was deleted by seconds, do you think the anchor is cold?”

“I didn’t sleep all night last night, it’s so scary!”

“It’s mainly that picture, not the usual nausea.”

“Watching the skin fall down, hissing…”

“I have a sense of picture as you said!”

“What’s the use of being here so early?” The anchor is generally broadcast in the early morning, and it is only eight o’clock in the evening! ”

“The first day I didn’t see Xiao Mo’s wife… Miss her~”

“Wife? Damn, draw your sword!!! ”

“Sleeper! Am I hallucinating? Why do I see the anchor seem to be on the air? ”

“Mommy, it’s really airing!!”

“There’s a picture, it’s airing!!”

“Do you want to start airing early tonight?”


After the fermentation of last night’s incident, Liu Xiaoling’s spirit detection live broadcast room, the popularity has been hanging all the anchors of the cat’s tooth live broadcast.

Whether it’s a pig’s head or a vegetable dog… Her popularity can only be compared to a fraction of hers.

When it was found that Liu Xiaoling’s soul detection live broadcast room was launched.

The popularity of the live broadcast room is like a rocket flying!

Millions of people are popular in an instant!

Seven or eight million hits in the blink of an eye!

Of course, the popularity of the live broadcast room is not equal to the number of people, and the ratio of popularity to the number of people on major platforms … Generally it is dozens to one, exaggerated a little, or even a hundred to one!

That is, seven or eight million people are popular inside….

The real number may be hundreds of thousands.

Maybe even tens of thousands.

“Good horror popularity…”

Li Xiaomo just opened the live broadcast with her mobile phone, and found that the popularity of the live broadcast room has been seven or eight million, and there is a hidden trend towards 10 million people, which makes her secretly stunned.

What is the concept of nearly 10 million people at the beginning of the broadcast? LOL’s S events are not so exaggerated!

After all, when the event started… Usually, the narrator is there to talk about the mountains.

Who wants to see a few hosts who don’t know much about Kan Dashan?

But Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo’s soul detection live broadcast room… As soon as it was broadcast, it was nearly 10 million levels of popularity!

This is absolutely unique in the whole network!

The point is that there is no publicity!

After all, who dares to publicize it?

In the case of the official suppression of fishing ships, those staff of the cat’s tooth dare to publicize it?

That doesn’t exist!

Li Xiaomo looked at the rolling bullet screen on the screen, and was very surprised in his heart, and at the same time, he couldn’t help but sigh slightly: “It seems that I and Xiao Lingzi are really on fire!” ”

Of course…… She said these words in her heart, and did not say them in front of so many water friends.

In fact, Li Xiaomo’s current mood can be said to be very complicated.

She felt that these two days of life were like a dream.

Last night I visited the spirit and met a car of wronged ghosts!

Tonight is to exorcise evil spirits with my girlfriend!

Obviously, Xiao Lingzi was frightened last night, and today he gained the ability of the mysterious side.

Wouldn’t this be the protagonist template?

Take your teammates to fly with your teammates?

Count yourself a teammate, right?

She fell into contemplation.

However, Li Xiaomo quickly reacted, pointing the camera at a building directly in front of him, pulling in a few close-up shots, and then moving the camera to Liu Xiaoling.

She is a photography graduate, the basic skills are very stable, before the time of the live broadcast of the spirit search.

Li Xiaomo is basically the one who took the picture with his mobile phone.

After seeing her girlfriend patting herself, Liu Xiaoling calmed her mind for a moment, and she said to the water friends in the live broadcast room: “Good evening water friends, we meet again!” Something not so good happened last night, and tonight we continue with the Souls Quest live! Tonight…… It’s the 34th Spirit Quest live! ”

Her tone was very brisk, her voice was crisp and pleasant, and she couldn’t hear any nervousness.

As a matter of fact…… In Liu Xiaoling’s heart, he was particularly special and nervous!

But this tension certainly cannot be revealed.

And she had to warn herself in her heart….

Never let the tension continue!

“Today, the destination of Xiaomu and I is the building of the Tuoding Group! This time, we are not exploring any urban legends, nor are we exploring any haunted houses. According to what I know, inside the Tuoding Group… A wronged soul has appeared! ”

Liu Xiaoling said in a deep voice, “Our purpose is to destroy the unjust soul that appeared!” ”

After her voice fell, the bullet screen in the entire soul detection live broadcast room was all “????? “。

The water lovers couldn’t believe their ears, especially the water lovers who witnessed the 375 bus incident last night.

They watched the two anchors last night, and they didn’t dare to resist and got on the ghost bus.

And then now… And they said they were going to come out and exorcise evil spirits?

The water friends in the whole live broadcast room are confused!

Is it the wrong way they open it?

Did they get into the wrong room?

Or is it that the anchor has drunk too much?

“But if you eat one more peanut rice when you drink, the anchor will not be drunk like this.”

“Exorcism? Anchor, are you afraid that you are not going to take my wife to death!! ”

“Sleeper! Sleeper! Anchors can’t be stimulated, right? ”

“Sizzle! Fear…… The horror is as good as…”



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