“I seriously suspect that the anchor is drunk, or stimulated, and not a Taoist monk, how do you exorcise ghosts?”

“Wait a minute… I’m a newcomer, so why are you all talking about gods and ghosts? ”

“The new water friend asked Baidu to explore the live broadcast of the event, of course, may have been deleted almost.”

“That’s too deadly, isn’t it?” Hiss…… Fantastic! ”

“Isn’t the focus on the inside intelligence of the anchor?”

“Yes! Where is the intelligence of the anchor? ”

“I’m afraid it’s not fake…”

“Definitely fake!”

“Last night I encountered a supernatural event, it is already the same chance of winning the lottery, can a person still win the lottery twice?” And it’s continuous? ”

“Why do I have a bad premonition…”

“Bad premonition plus one!”

“Plus two!”


The water friends in the live broadcast room did not believe Liu Xiaoling’s words, after all, she was frightened last night, and tonight she said that she would drive away ghosts and exorcise evil spirits… How to see it, I think it is very unreliable!

However, Liu Xiaoling did not explain too much, and she did not have time to look at the bullet screens on the screen.

She looked up at a building in front of her that wasn’t particularly tall.

Involuntarily took a deep breath, the white smooth right hand, involuntarily touched the side of the pants pocket.

The ten [fire charms] in her trouser pocket were her courage.

If one day she knew that [the fire charm] was only of a performing nature….

I don’t know how wonderful the face will be.

It is estimated that it will be regarded as unbearable….

Black historical moments… One!

“Are we going in?”

Li Xiaomo held up her mobile phone to shoot, and she couldn’t help but feel a little nervous in her heart, and she inquired curiously.

“Well, go inside!”

Many floors in the buildings of the Tuoding Group are rented out to some companies and used as office buildings.

After all, the market value of the group is only tens of billions, and it is not hundreds of billions, or even trillions of tycoons…

Therefore, the employees of the Tuoding Group could not occupy so many floors.

In this case, only some floors can be rented out to other companies.

As for why get a building as a liability?!

This may be a common problem of many old entrepreneurs….

When you have money, you like to build a taller building.

So Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo are two people…

It was easy to blend in.

The staff at the front desk… They thought they were employees of an unknown company.


At the same time, in a certain building of the Tuoding Group Building, the surveillance camera on the corridor corridor suddenly snowflakes.

Let the several security personnel who stayed in the monitoring room be stunned.

But before they could get up and go over and see what was going on…

The screen of a snowflake returns to normal.

This is even more confusing.

Maybe… Normal condition?

After all, the equipment is aging….

It’s normal.

What they didn’t see was a ghost walking on tiptoes, wandering expressionlessly in the corridor.

Moreover…… This wronged soul is very purposeful, and it knows exactly where it should go.

It looked as if it could penetrate a wall.

Eventually, its eyes locked in one direction!

“Li Dolphin!!!”

A resentful hoarse tone emanated from its [hanging ghost]’s mouth, and its memories of its own life were very clear, and its current sanity was also very clear.

Although extremely angry, but… It’s still good to keep yourself sane!

Because the master said that if its sanity ran out of control.

It will directly deprive it of this ghost state!

It had died once.

Don’t want to “die” again.

In an office less than a hundred meters from the [hanging ghost], a bald middle-aged man with a big belly involuntarily sneezed hard: “Ah… Sneeze!!! ”

The greasy fat face was full of doubt, wiped his nose, and he muttered somewhat puzzledly: “Cold? No, it shouldn’t… On a hot day, how can you have an inexplicable cold? ”

He suddenly and inexplicably shivered, always feeling that the air around him was a little cold.

It’s hard to do… Is it because the air conditioning is a little too low?

Just as he slowly stood up, moving his fat body, ready to get the air conditioner remote control.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the floor-to-ceiling window next to him.

But it was such an inadvertent glimpse…

But it made his whole body stand up!

It’s like being put in an ice cellar!

The bald middle-aged man’s head spilled layers of fine sweat on the door, and his eyes stared at the floor-to-ceiling windows in front of him.

His face was filled with horror and disbelief.

“Illusion… Hallucination? Still is…… Dreaming? ”

He quietly pinched himself.

Pain rushes up to the brain.

“You, you, you…”

His tone became a little shaky, and he let out a question: “You… You are not already… Already dead? ”

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