Liu Xiaoling looked at the violently trembling [ghost seeking] in his hand, and listened to the vagueness coming from inside… With a slightly eerie movement, she took a deep breath, squeezed the seal with one hand, and pushed open the door.

The door was pushed open by her, and the cold breath struck her, which made people shiver.

Subsequently…… Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo saw a scene in the office with their own eyes!

An obese middle-aged man sitting in a black office chair.

His face was very bruised, and his thick neck revealed a series of vicious green tendons.

Usually, only the eyes that are the size of mung beans are staring at the boss at this time.

But it was unexpected not to struggle.

His face was very unfocused.

It’s like… I can’t feel the suffocating feeling of the rope tightening my neck at all!

However, his body was trembling slightly.

Although his brain did not realize the feeling of suffocation.

But the body still reacts!

Li Xiaomo’s camera had already been pointed at Li Dolphin, and she saw the tight rope around Li Dolphin’s neck, and… Standing next to Li Dolphin, two ghosts full of resentment!

There are really evil spirits doing evil! Hiss…… This made Li Xiaomo involuntarily inhale a cool breath.

She instinctively turned her gaze to Liu Xiaoling on the side.

At this time, Liu Xiaoling was also a little confused…

[Ghost Hunting] is finding a ghost…

But now the problem comes.

Why two?

No wonder [Ghost Seeking] trembled so badly just now, the Qiding Group actually had two wronged souls!

This…… Can this solve these two wronged souls?

One is already very choking, right?

Two… Who can stand this!

“Oh! What are the special effects of those two ghosts? Could it be a new holographic projection technology? ”

“New technology, you’re big!” Is this Nyima a real ghost!!! ”

“Sleeper Sleeper Sleeper T I met it!! ”

“Anchor, aren’t you supposed to be the legendary person born in the lunar year, the lunar month, and the lunar day?”

“I only met once last night, and I met again tonight!”

“That… That fat man, is he dying? ”

“Sleeper, neck is bleeding!”

“Bullet Shield!” Body protection! Body protection! ”

“Bullet Shield!” Barrage Protector! ”

“Bullet Shield!!!”


[Ghost] glanced at the camera phone in Li Xiaomo’s hand with a cold gaze, and the cold breath made Li Xiaomo and the water friends in the live broadcast room can’t help but breathe at the same time.

The most important thing is the appearance of [ghosts], which is too easy to scare people.

Unlike [hanging ghosts], [ghosts] die in a car accident.

It was killed by a luxury car racing around the city.

The death was very miserable, covered in blood!

One side of the head sunk in, and an eyeball burst out, with a shaky sense of immediacy.

Two arms… It is strangely twisted in an irregular shape.

Its chest was also sunken in.

His face was covered with scarlet blood….

Coupled with the cold temperament of the one-star ghost itself, people can’t help but feel that their scalps are tingling.

“Hasty and hasty !!! Nyima almost scared me to pee! ”

“Anchor, don’t you die!” Quickly take Xiaomo’s wife and run away! ”

“Polite and easy-going, I couldn’t help but shout: Grass !!!”

“Bullet Shield!” Hurry up and protect the body!!! ”

“I’ve called the police!”

“There is still a month or two before the Zhongyuan Festival, why are there so many ghosts in Tianhai City?”

“My dripping mother… I peed! ”

“Sizzle… Terrible…”



The bullet screen in the live broadcast room is frantically brushing the screen, and the popularity of the live broadcast room is soaring at a terrifying speed, and in just a dozen seconds, the popularity directly rushed to more than 28 million!

There is still a gap of about one or two million popularity, which can break the 30 million mark that was not broken last night!

At this time, the real number of people in the live broadcast room, I am afraid … There are already hundreds of thousands of people!

The live broadcast room was not banned because the detective met the real ghost.

If it is really banned, wouldn’t it be a cover for the ringer?

Isn’t there no silver in this place for three hundred and two?

But what the official did not expect was…

Less than a day later, Liu Xiaoling has been live searching again. I have encountered a real ghost again!

On weekdays, no one has ever seen a real ghost…

Why did these two days come together?

Countless people were confused.

A look of confusion!

At this time, Liu Xiaoling was too lazy to care about the bullet screen reaction in the live broadcast room, and her whole person was as if she had been poured a basin of ice water, and the excitement in her brain had all disappeared.

Cold sweat couldn’t help but overflow from her forehead, and she could see it… Those two wronged souls are watching themselves!

This made one of her white hands that was tightly tugging at the seal of the rune, and she couldn’t help but tremble slightly.

But I remembered my brother’s words…

Liu Xiaoling’s heart was fierce, and he directly bit through the tip of his middle finger, pointed the blood on a [fire sacrifice charm], and quickly recited a mantra that Liu Feng had taught her: “Taishang Wuji, Heaven and Earth Sanqing, Xuanhuo Edict, Sacrifice Xuandu, Hurry Like a Law… Chi!! ”

As soon as her voice fell, a [Fire Sacrifice Charm] in her hand suddenly turned into a golden red flame and surged towards the front!

[The hanging ghost] was stunned for a moment, and then exchanged a look with the [ghost] tacitly.

Facing the “sacrificial fire” that had no lethal power, they screamed in unison.

The desolate howl of the two one-star ghosts stabbed people’s eardrums with pain.

Half of the building couldn’t help but tremble in their hearts.

They all heard a terrible howl!

Floor-to-ceiling windows on the walls….

Directly shattered!

The figures of the two powerful ghosts became more and more “weak” in the “fire”, and their figures became more and more illusory.

Before disappearing, [the hanging ghost] shook his fist slightly.

The rope that was tied around Li Dolphin’s neck began to retract violently!

A big head soared into the sky!

Accompanied by the howl of the ghost…

With the spilled blood….

And the sky full of fire….

Li Dolphin… Die!

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