It’s a pity… In fact, the two of them can also play a little more exaggerated, such as the body being “burned” by the flames to dissolve, or pretending to resist and scare others.

However, after all, I am not from the performance industry, and it is already rare to have this acting skill.

At least everyone present, including the water friends in the live broadcast room.

No one found those two powerful ghosts…

In fact, it is only the drama on the line of acting.

Everybody thought it was [the fire charm]…

There really is this lethality!

When the flames dissipated, all that appeared in front of everyone’s eyes were floors, desks, and… A human head stained with scarlet blood!!

The big head rolled on the ground until it hit the foot of the desk and stopped rolling.

The dazed, distracted expression froze on his face.

In the bloodshot whites of his eyes, there was an endless panic.

A faint smell of blood filled the air….

It’s a disgusting smell.

Rao is Liu Xiaoling’s bloody horror film to watch a lot, at this time can not help but be slightly white.

Darkly swallowed his spit and stared at the severed section of the skull.

The broken section of the neck is very ugly and ugly.

It’s like, not cut off….

It was squeezed off!

“A little late… Before he died, he must have been tortured some time, right? ”

Li Xiaomo’s heavy voice sounded from behind Liu Xiaoling, and although the bloody scene did not make her vomit, this kind of picture was still very disgusting.

Her tone is slightly flatter, and she is more able to control her emotions.

Liu Xiaoling had some urge to gag, but he resisted it.

Her wary and nervous gaze swept around and she murmured, “This seal is so powerful, can it destroy two evil spirits with just one piece?” But…… These two strange ghosts, why did they kill this middle-aged man? ”

Liu Xiaoling’s eyes turned to Li Dolphin’s corpse, which was already in a different place.

The strange expression on the head was really quite chilling.

But relieved… There wasn’t much of a choking impulse.

But Liu Xiaoling also knew that he was in trouble!

After all, this is a murder case!

She watched the other person die!

Watch the head fly…

That picture is unforgettable.

“I’ll call the police!”

Liu Xiaoling’s first reaction was to take out her mobile phone to call the police, she may now have a little “self-confidence” in such a thing as exorcism.

But the work of dealing with homicide cases … Or those police uncles are the most reliable!

What she just didn’t expect was that before the two wronged souls were “destroyed”.

He even killed this middle-aged man directly…

Is there any hatred between the two sides?

Maybe there’s something catty in this?

Liu Xiaoling dialed the “110” alarm hotline while secretly thinking in his heart.

“Ghosts… The ghost is gone? Hey, just now that was the flame? Lying in the groove, is it difficult for the anchor to be a person with the ability to burn fruit? ”

“Fart, blind? This is clearly the art of the Fire Ball of Fire! ”

“You are deaf and blind! Didn’t you hear the anchor chanting a mantra? Didn’t you see the anchor take out a yellow charm? This is clearly Taoism! ”

“Ma Ya, the anchor is a legendary Taoist monk???”

“In this world… How could there be such an unscientific thing as Taoism? ”

“There are all kinds of ghosts, so why can’t we have Daoist skills?”

“Didn’t the anchor get scared half to death last night… Why is it suddenly so violent today? ”

“It could be … Because you didn’t bring a spell out last night? ”

“Sleeper… Isn’t your point on the death of a living person? I’m dripping Mom, the body is still convulsing! ”

“So bloody… What if I can’t eat tonight? ”

“Fortunately, Lao Tzu ate early today!”

“I’ve thrown it all out.”

“Day, this is a murder!”


The popularity of the soul detection live broadcast room has completely exceeded the 30 million mark, and the crazy rolling bullet screen in the live broadcast room has made the water friends who are not very good in the network speed, and the mobile phone is directly stuck!

There are many people in Liu Xiaoling’s live broadcast room, including some anchors on the Maoya platform.

And the managers on the cat’s tooth platform, a whole bunch of overtubes, supervisors, managers…

Even the chairman of Cat’s Tooth Live is paying attention to the live broadcast room!

The bloody footage in the live broadcast room made some supermanagers very hesitant….

This man’s head has rolled down….

There is also a real corpse!

Isn’t it too bloody?

Do you want to seal it?

But…… More than 30 million people! And popularity is threatening to hit 40 million!

At this moment, the traffic of cat’s tooth live broadcast has also reached an unprecedented peak!

Obviously, many people on the Internet have come to visit!

Plus it’s only eight or nine o’clock in the evening….

It is the most active time period for netizens!

“Director Liu… This, this live room is left to chance? Or put it on hold for the time being! ”

At the headquarters of Cat’s Tooth Live, a supercontroller who had just been employed for a short time weakly inquired.

Director Liu frowned, but also felt quite a headache: “This… Hey, let’s wait and see! ”

The traffic of the platform is surging madly because of this soul detection live broadcast room.

Cat’s Tooth Live is likely to be because of this Spirit Quest Live Room….

And the rare phenomenon of achieving a crazy surge in traffic!

This year… Traffic is equal to money!

If this soul detector room is banned, is it not a rare opportunity?

Plus… The boss and his old man are also paying attention to the live broadcast room.

Since the boss did not speak let the live broadcast room be banned.

Now it’s better not to do anything.

Do nothing!

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