The atmosphere fell eerily silent, gazing at the corpses that had collapsed to the ground, at the blue-faced heads, at the blood-stained floor, at everything.

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo did not speak very tacitly, because… Can’t find any topic.

They also did not expect that this time the “exorcism” was actually …

This special situation has been encountered!

It’s so special that people don’t know how to deal with it.

Liu Xiaoling had already called the police, and the police officer told her to stay still, after all, she and Li Xiaomo were the first people to discover the murder scene, and they were also the ones who witnessed the murder process.

They definitely needed to stay and make some notes, which made them laugh bitterly and cry without tears.

In the middle of the night last night… They only went to the police station to take a record.

Tonight… I even had to take a transcript.

If that’s the case, repeat it….

It has become a professional household for taking notes!

Li Xiaomo held up her mobile phone and smiled bitterly as if she were laughing at herself, but at this moment, the corner of her eyes seemed to catch a glimpse of a strange object.

It was a very thick black pen, or rather… It was more like a small flashlight.

The diameter is at least a circle or two larger than the thumb.

It seems to be a … Voice recorder?!

Li Xiaomo walked over curiously.

Seeing the situation, Liu Xiaoling hurriedly reminded: “Huan? What are you going to do? This will destroy the scene! ”

However, by the time she reminded her a second earlier, Li Xiaomo had already picked up the voice recorder.

Moreover…… She also pressed the button for the sound to play.

This made the corners of Liu Xiaoling’s mouth twitch slightly.

This girlfriend’s curiosity is really heavy!

Of course, I am also half a pound eight two.

After being reminded, Li Xiaomo also reacted, smiled, and was about to put it down, when the recorder … A calm, clear voice came out: “My name is Li Bao, a manager of the Tuoding Group, 43 years old this year.” On July 3, 2019, I killed an employee of our company, and I faked his death as a suicide scene…”

The sudden sound startled the two people, and also frightened the water friends in the live broadcast room.

But when it was found that it was the voice from the voice recorder….

Both of them were invariably relieved…

They also thought that the ghosts had not been destroyed.

In fact, it really hasn’t been wiped out….

It’s just that they don’t know.

The voice in the voice recorder continued to ring: “On June 4, 2009, I embezzled 20% of the funds of the Tuoding Group, and the amount was about 5.6 million …”

“On January 2, 2003, because I had a highly educated competitor, I did not have enough education, and I was worried that I would not be able to enter the Tuoding Group, so I called out to a few friends and broke the hand bone of the candidate…”

“On June 1, 2017, one of my mistresses concealed that I was pregnant for six months, forcibly irrigated her and the fetal pill, and worried that the medicine would not work, I kicked her stomach more than a dozen times…”

“April 7, 2006…”



The voice in the recorder did not have any sense of madness or lack of concentration, it sounded that his consciousness at that time was very clear, the tone of his speech was also very calm, and the voice was particularly clear and natural.

But…… The content of the voice recorder’s words is really shocking.

Liu Xiaoling listened quietly for a full ten minutes.

Directly put all the evil things that a person has done in his life….

All heard clearly, word for word!

“This… This Nyima is nothing short of personal scum!! ”

Liu Xiaoling felt that her temper was very good, but she couldn’t help but explode.

Look into the beautiful eyes of the severed corpse…

There is no longer any regret…

Some are just disgusted!

“No wonder the two wronged spirits wanted to kill him so much, did they come to take revenge?” Wait a minute…… I’m like… It seems like something has been done wrong. ”

Liu Xiaoling reacted suddenly, people came to seek revenge, and he suddenly intervened to exorcise ghosts…

Doesn’t that mean that you can be considered the same party as the scumbag?

This suddenly made her rise up with various feelings of regret.

Killing to pay for one’s life is a matter of course.

Not to mention that it is still this kind of scum who died….

However, this intervention of one’s own…

What is this!

“Special! It’s day! Lao Tzu not only had to spit out the fragrance today, but also curse the whole family of the dead fat man! This guy is not just a murderer, but a damn traitor! ”

“Grass … I remember the contact information of the spy that the voice recorder said, and I am going to report it and get 500,000. ”

“Do you think you got it?” The official is now afraid that he is also staring at the anchor’s live broadcast room, and it is estimated that he has now acted! ”

“Hell is empty, the devil is on earth, this bastard is ten thousand times more hateful than the devil!”

“That… The recording in the recorder is not evidence, right? ”

“Please be sensible, don’t be taken in rhythm.”

“Sensible hammer! If this bastard is still alive, Lao Tzu will buy a ticket and beat him up! ”

“If snowflakes can crush people, then I’m willing to be the biggest snowflake!”

“Huh… I’m going to hit the big hail that killed this guy! ”

“When the avalanche crushed this bastard, every snowflake was happy, and even laughed out loud.”

“Sizzle… Sand sculpture netizens are still complaining about the passage ah! ”


The content of the recorder caused the excitement of the water friends in the live broadcast room, and they may have seen more scum, but like this type of scum, they may be the first time in their lives to see it!

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