“Professor Niu! The magnetic field in this place fluctuates very violently, and the wavelength is particularly weird, so strange that the instrument faintly shows signs of failure, and the current temperature is also very wrong! Temperature…… The temperature has reached minus one degree! ”

At the same time, at the head of the Fengmen Village, a researcher was snorting and hurriedly reporting the situation.

Professor Niu just wanted to say something, but the cold air made him can’t help but sneeze a few times in a row!

The cold chill of the forest through the thin clothes…

People can’t help but shiver!

Who would have thought that on a summer night…

It can be so cold!

And even if it is a winter night, it should not be so cold, after all, the city where the village is located is a very southern city, the kind that has not snowed for decades!

In a southern city like this, even in winter, the temperature will never drop below zero.

And then…… Now the air temperature shown by the thermometer …

It does show that it is below zero degrees Celsius!!

This makes Professor Niu not generally puzzling…

Why does the temperature drop suddenly?

Obviously a few minutes ago…

The temperature is still in the twenties!

In addition to Professor Niu’s great surprise and doubt, Liu Xiaoling felt very confused.

Feel the thick and appalling yin qi and resentment in the air.

Feel this cold to the bone-chilling sub-zero temperature…

She also couldn’t help but snort…

You must know that she wears a long sleeve, and she is afraid of mosquitoes to wear long sleeves.

Otherwise…… She’s wearing short sleeves!

But now this eerie low temperature…

Make her want to wear a down jacket!

The kind that wears several pieces in a row!

Every time Liu Xiaoling exhaled, those water friends in the live broadcast room could clearly see that she spat out a white mist, as if an old smoker was smoking… It gives people the feeling of clouds and fog.

“Anchors don’t smoke, do they?” This…… Girls smoking? Is the anchor a bad girl??! ”

“Could it be that upstairs is the legendary straight man of steel?” You men can smoke and women can’t? ”

“I think girls smoke… There’s a different kind of temptation! ”

“Indeed… Girls smoke, there is always a special sense of flattery! ”

“Hey, hey, a few upstairs, don’t you all know that smoking is bad for your health?”

“…… Poof, what you’re talking about is a bit crooked, right? The anchor has a cigarette in his hand, and he can also catch a cigarette in his mouth and smoke a fart cigarette! This is clearly a cold weather, exhaled hot fog! ”

“You’re even more unreliable!” This big summer’s… How can the weather be cold? ”

“This… Xiao Ling’s wife seems to be already cold and shivering! ”

“The screen is shaking, and Xiaomo’s wife is also shivering?”

“Impossible, right? How can a summer night be so cold? This is not in the North and South Poles! ”

“Sleeper Sleeper Sleeper Sleeper Sleeper! Something went terribly! Go to Brother Boxer’s live room! Something went wrong!! ”

“Hurry up, there is a big problem in the live broadcast room of the domestic violence man!!!”

“My mother! The domestic violence man who was fighting the shark next door was actually also probing the spirit in the live broadcast of the sealed door village, he had just broken the iron wire wrapped around a coffin with pliers, and then… Something went wrong!! ”

“What’s the situation? What Fighting Sharks? What domestic violence man? Isn’t this the cat’s tooth? ”


The bullet screen in the live broadcast room suddenly became turbulent, and the content of the bullet screen also became a little intriguing.

While Li Xiaomo was coldly shivering, she was also paying attention to the bullet screen in the live broadcast room.

When I saw a group of water friends brushing up on what “Fighting Shark Fist Brother”…

Her pretty face was a little stiff from the cold… I couldn’t help but show a look of surprise.

After watching the bullet screen of these water friends for half a minute…

Li Xiaomo could probably understand what had happened…

This also made her expression change slightly!

The fighting shark boxer who has caused domestic violence incidents… It just so happens that it is also broadcast live in the closed door village… Pliers clipped a metal ink wire that bound the coffin… And then, something big went wrong!!

Li Xiaomo couldn’t help but secretly scold the “grass”, this is especially why she has never seen such a person who can die!

What is Sealed Gate Village? That’s a very dangerous place that Xiao Lingzi said!

Even Xiao Lingzi didn’t dare to step into the inner area of the Sealed Gate Village!

Even with the protection of the military… She didn’t dare!

This is enough to illustrate the danger of closed door villages!

The result is now… A “Fighting Shark Fist Brother” who did not know where it came from, it was very coincidental that he was also a live detective in the Sealed Gate Village, and he did not know how he mixed in.

The worst part is… This guy dared to cut the ink line on the black coffin with pliers!!

“This sand coin… What a pit in the brain, right?! ”

Li Xiaomo directly exploded foul mouth… She has spoken only a handful of foul words in her life, and most of the time when no one is around.

But…… She really couldn’t help it, how could there be such a brain-dead stupid fork under the sky?

It’s not just him dying…

This will hurt everyone else!

Hearing his girlfriend suddenly burst out a foul mouth, Liu Xiaoling, who was wondering why the temperature had dropped sharply, couldn’t help but ask curiously and confusedly: “Xiaomo, what’s wrong with you?” ”

She was a little suspicious that her girlfriend was possessed by the spirit of resentment, after all, Li Xiaomo rarely exploded foul mouth.

This made Liu Xiaolington vigilant, and one hand involuntarily touched the seal in his pants pocket.

Li Xiaomo took a deep breath, the anger in her heart made her temporarily ignore the cold temperature, and she explained the information she learned from the bullet screen to Liu Xiaoling as quickly as possible.

Listen… Liu Xiaoling’s expression also changed, and his silver teeth bit down: “Is there something wrong with this guy’s brain?!” ”

Feeling the increasingly cold temperature, she hurriedly said, “Not good! Must get out of here! The large array that sealed that thing was definitely loosened by that guy, and may even have been destroyed! ”

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