Liu Xiaoling was too late to be angry and angry about this, because she remembered a sentence that her elder brother had said to herself before: “If the big array in the Sealed Gate Village is destroyed, no matter how many of you go there, you must not say a word, hurry up!” ”

She believed her brother’s reminders and admonitions, so she immediately took Li Xiaomo with her and ran to the military vehicle together.

Immediately, she said to a middle-aged officer: “This comrade, we must get out of here… Be there now! Be right away! ”

The middle-aged man was stunned, and quickly nodded his head and shouted, “Assemble!! Fall back!! ”

He didn’t ask much because the superiors told them to obey Liu Xiaoling’s orders unconditionally.

Otherwise… There is a good chance that your life will be in danger!

After all, in dealing with such supernatural events…

Liu Xiaoling, she is the “professional”!

Well, she’s not professional…

However, compared to the official who is confused about this, she can barely be regarded as “professional”.

At least, she had experience dealing with these evil spirits.

Even if she only had two or three times of experience…

But that’s also experience, isn’t it?

For this order to retreat, no one asked much, let alone disobeyed …

Even Professor Niu, who was eager to study ghosts, did not delay time or question why he was retreating.

He hurried to let his students carry the valuable machinery and equipment back to the military vehicles.

No one dragged his feet, and the speed of retreat could be said to be very fast!

As for the “Fighting Shark Fist Brother” who died? Liu Xiaoling directly selectively ignored the other party!

That guy destroyed the big array in the inner enclosure area of the Sealed Gate Village…

There is no need to go in and rescue at all, because… Dead!

Staying in this terrible resentment…

Even if it is a flesh-and-blood person…

I can’t stand a minute!

Now Li Xiaomo didn’t care if he would shoot the military vehicle into it, so that the water friends in the live broadcast room watched the screen with a tall posture and a soldier with a real gun, as well as a dark green military vehicle equipped to the teeth!

“Day! A lot of handsome soldier brothers! And…… They’re shooting real guns! The clips are plugged in!! ”

“Sleeper, what’s going on?” Why are there so many military vehicles in this place? ”

“The anchor seems to have said when he started broadcasting before, this time she cooperated with the official…”

“Sizzle… Cooperate? This cooperation is also too scary! Is this a war? ”

“Fengmen Village is within the territory of our country, and it is still an inland city, and it is not a border, so how can there be a war?”

“Even at the border, there can be no war… Who dares to mess with our country except that broken lighthouse? ”

“Mommy, I seem to have seen something terrible!”

“The official wouldn’t want to wash the ground in the sealed gate village, right?”

“Wash the floor? There are no black spots in the sealed gate village, what is the wash? ”

“Upstairs you are so naïve, washing the floor means… Such as Dongfeng Express to the sealed door village to send express delivery ah! ”

“If you want to send a courier, you would have sent it a long time ago, and modern weapons … Do ghosts know if they can have an effect on ghosts?! ”

“What the anchor just said was broken… Sleeper, it can’t be the domestic violence man who did it, right? ”

“That’s right! The domestic violence man just cut the wire on a coffin! ”

“Sleeper… Could it be that this sealed door village sealed something? ”

“Wouldn’t it be a monster or something?”

“I live in xx city shivering!”


The rolling bullet screen in the live broadcast room made many people’s mobile phones a burst of stuttering, and the moment the military vehicles and troops appeared, it completely detonated the audience in the live broadcast room, plus Liu Xiaoling’s previous sentence “The big array was destroyed”, which made people even more crazy to make up for it.

At the same time, the brain supplement will naturally be very worried, and the natural worry is Liu Xiaoling’s safety.

After all, there have been several live live visits to the soul, and the number of fans of Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo… It can be said that it is very much!

Even many water lovers have been frightened by this tense atmosphere, and their breathing is not stopped!

A sense of immediacy that the wind and rain are coming…

A sense of immediacy of a black cloud pressing down on the city…

Hanging over everyone’s heart!

At this moment, the popularity of their soul detector live broadcast room directly broke the 100 million mark!

Countless netizens on the entire network…

They all started to come here!

There are even many netizens who are playing games, hang up directly without saying a word, and then cut over to watch the live broadcast!

After all, Liu Xiaoling’s soul detective live broadcast involves…

But the mysterious side that makes people yearn for it is incomparable!

This is very seductive power!

But now no one pays attention to the popularity of the live broadcast room, Li Xiaomo grabbed the mobile phone and climbed into the military car, with a roar of the engine, the tires turned wildly, and the closed door village gradually left everyone.

At this time, the [Zimu Ling Ring] on Liu Xiaoling’s wrist suddenly sent a slight vibration!

[Mission: Let the world know the horror of ghosts and monsters, and shoot the battle of Fengmen Village a thousand meters away!] 】

The shorter the task, the bigger the thing… Liu Xiaoling’s pupils shrank involuntarily.

The Battle of Sealed Gate Village? Who fights whom?!

That domestic violence man and ghost king?!

Poof, not at all!

Is it to say…

Liu Xiaoling’s mind flashed a flash of aura, and she suddenly reacted, muttering in her heart: “Could it be… Was it the seniors in the circle who took the shot? This is the battle of the Circle Rain Ghost King! ”

Thinking of this, she inhaled a cool breath and hurriedly said to the driver: “Comrade, please stop a kilometer away from the sealed gate village.” It is better to find a place at the foot of the hill and then we immediately go up the hill to find the best location and it is better to be able to observe the location of the whole village! ”

Although the driver was confused, he didn’t ask much for anything, and after asking for instructions on the walkie-talkie, after getting permission, he nodded: “Okay, the low mountain over there should be able to overlook the entire Fengmen Village!” ”

Listen… Liu Xiaoling thanked him, and then leaned back in his chair like a prostration.

She muttered with a bitter smile: “Today is too exciting…”

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