If the boxer can still move now, you can still see the popularity of the live broadcast room… Is he still trembling and afraid? Or is it fear and excitement?

After all, he had come to seal the village this time, with the purpose of rubbing Liu Xiaoling’s heat.

The purpose is to rub the heat to follow the trend at the same time, but also to have a huge popularity of the live broadcast room!

And now… His purpose was accomplished, and only one was not accomplished.

That is to stomp the popularity of Liu Xiaoling’s live broadcast room under their feet…

He has not had time to accomplish this ultimate goal…

Already approaching the abyss of death!

[Endless is close to death, so that we can understand the true meaning of existence]… Now the boxer finally understood what this sentence meant.

He had never been so desperate to be alive, so desperate to live!

But he was full of urgent thoughts and thoughts…

No one will know at all!

Brother Box’s short eyelashes have been attached to a layer of frost, cold and cold… It had eroded his internal organs.

He now felt that it was very difficult to breathe, and the whole person was still unable to move!

However, at this moment, a voice with a surprised tone…

Vaguely… Pass into the ears of the boxing brother!

“Huh? Brother! Is there a living person there? Is it that he destroyed the large array of sealed gate villages? ”

“It should be him, this man has vain footsteps and a rich face; But in the middle of the hall, the face is black, and it is not a good person! ”

“Sigh… Yin Qi has already eroded all internal organs, and even if it is brought back to Maoshan Mountain, it will not be able to save it! Today’s young people really don’t take their lives as one thing, is this kind of place where ordinary people can come? ”

“Nigi, Hugh’s gibberish! Move this man away a little and the ensuing battle may destroy his body. ”

“Why do I do all the hard work?”


Wait…… Wait, don’t! Don’t save me!! I feel like I can still rescue it!!!

The boxer whose consciousness was a little blurred still heard the other party’s conversation clearly

Although he did not know that “Yin Qi eroded the internal organs”, “Mao Mountain”, “the next battle”… and so on what the meaning of the words is.

But he knew that the other party was a living person, and it seemed to be a living person similar to himself!

Eldest brother! Big brothers! I can still rescue it!!

Where are you going to move me? Go…… Going to the hospital?

Sleeper… How did you put me down!?

Is it still in that closed village?

You murderers!!

Who can save me…

Brother Fist really wanted to shout out all the words in his heart, but the only thing he could do as a whole person was to tremble, and now he didn’t know why, he couldn’t even open his mouth, he couldn’t spit out a word!

Endless fear and remorse had taken over the whole mind, and his consciousness was not blurred.

The amplitude of the heartbeat is getting slower and slower, and the body temperature is all over the body… It also gradually became cold.

“Alas, Supreme Taiyi saved the Heavenly Lord… If you want to save it, you can’t save it! ”

Ichiki Daoshi helplessly sang a trumpet and watched a person’s life pass.

The main thing was that he didn’t expect anyone to dare to die so much.

It actually destroyed the large array of the closed gate village!

And this guy is not good at destroying where it is, but it is destroyed in the inner circle of the sealed gate village!

There is no way to run this time!

Even if the ghost king didn’t want to kill people, it was like an elephant passing through a field, the elephant didn’t want to kill ants, but the ants were shaken to death by the trembling ground… Elephants are helpless.

And the four-star [White Brow Ghost King]… There is no doubt that it is a “big and powerful elephant”!

And the brother “Fist Brother” before the shark fight… There is no doubt that he is the little ant that was shocked to death!

But…… Ichigi Michijo is not that kind of pedantic person!

If a person wants to die, you can’t stop him!

After simply ignoring the boxer…

Ichiki Michi’s face darkened, he took a deep breath, looked straight ahead, and muttered to himself, “The White Brow Ghost King… Since the Ming Dynasty was sealed, if it were not for the temporary protection of the body with the seal of the rune, such a cold yin qi, the poor Dao might not be able to eat a little! ”

Looking down at the gaze of the chief of the Ichiki Road, a figure shrouded in an endless gray-brown mist… Gradually revealed!

It was a figure about a meter and a half tall, and there were several grudges lingering all around!

Those eyes so dark that I couldn’t see a little white of my eyes…

Give others a chilling creepy feeling!

The figure stomped in the air… At least five or six meters above the ground!

Under the feet of the figure is a big dark hole!

When the camera enters the big hole, you will find that the underground of the sealed gate village is a huge tomb!

A huge blood-colored coffin in the tomb…

The lid of the coffin has been lifted!

Before Ichiki Daochang’s action could be made, a loud cry full of Fang Gang’s flesh and blood came from the side: “Xie Zhengang, the descendant of the Ming Dynasty general ‘Xie Long’, loves the ancestors to teach!” ”

The sound of metal dragging the ground came over, only to see… Xie Zhengang, who was two meters tall, let out a loud cry!

He dragged the ghost-headed knife weighing more than two hundred pounds and sprinted at an unbelievably fast speed!

The blades without blades slide on the ground, sparking dazzling sparks!

The flesh and blood of the warriors in his body seemed to turn into substance, and the pale red mist fluttered around Xie Zhengang’s body!

He shortened the distance gap with the White Brow Ghost King with great speed!

When the distance between the two sides is only five or six meters…

Only to see Xie Zhengang stomp on the ground… The ground suddenly sunk into a half-sized pit!

His whole being took off into the air, and the ghost-headed knife swept out!

The unbladed blade tears through the air…

There was a piercing whistling sound!

“Xie Long? O descendant of an old friend! Unfortunately, you are still far behind your ancestors! ”

A hoarse voice sounded.



ps: There are three to four chapters in the afternoon, anyway, the first day can definitely be nine chapters or ten chapters, tomorrow’s update will not be worse than the first day update!

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