The slightly hoarse voice was not very loud, perhaps only Xie Zhengang could hear it, because he was closest to the [White Brow Ghost King]!

It is precisely because of the proximity to the [White Brow Ghost King] that the true face of the [White Brow Ghost King] …

It also fell into Xie Zhengang’s eyes!!

It was about fifty-ten years of middle age…

A pair of eyes pure black…

The face is also very pale…

Above the black eyes is a pair of white eyebrows, as if there is nothing special except for the eyes and eyebrows, which may be a little special.

However, Xie Zhengang didn’t think so, when he was in close contact with the [White Brow Ghost King]!

He really felt a great sense of oppression!

A sense of oppression that reaches the depths of the soul!

This sense of oppression is hard to beat!

The ghost-headed knife that swung out tore the resentment in front of it as if it were turning into substance, and when it was about to be cut off on the [white-browed ghost king]… The castration of the ghost’s big knife was stunned!

Xie Zhengang’s expression also changed slightly, and a series of vicious green tendons appeared on his forehead.

But the ghost-headed knife in his hand… Still stable and unmoved!

[The White-Browed Ghost King] with a pale palm…

Pinched the blade of the Oni Head Knife!!

Empty…… Empty-handed into the white blade???

Xie Zhengang’s muscles were tense, and he was able to take off into the air with the help of the power of stepping on the ground before.

However, the reason why he was able to stay in the air now was entirely because [the White Brow Ghost King] had “lifted” him!

Yes, among a few people (ghosts) here…

In fact, only [the White Brow Ghost King] can fly!

So Xie Zhengang can stay in the air…

It is completely “lifted”!

“Well… So strong…”

Sen Leng’s resentment eroded Xie Zhengang’s body, but because his flesh and blood were very strong, even the Ghost King-level resentment could hardly cause him much damage in a short period of time.

But Xie Zhengang still felt the cold, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar!

[The White Brow Ghost King] still has time to say the second sentence…

A piercing golden light suddenly struck!

[The White Brow Ghost King] raised an eyebrow, released the hand that squeezed the ghost head knife, and turned his head to the left side.

The piercing golden light almost flew over its cheeks!

But…… Unfortunately, it didn’t hit after all!

“Maoshan Daoist? Tut…… Interesting! ”

The voice of the [White Brow Ghost King] was still slightly hoarse, this voice was not like its middle-aged appearance, more like a dying old man, and the contrast was very strong.

And Xie Zhengang was able to temporarily get out of his control because the [White Brow Ghost King] let go of his hand.

The burly figure of two meters tall fell to the ground and did not make any sound…

Quite a kind… The feeling of falling like a falling leaf to the ground!

Xie Zhengang’s expression was more dignified than ever!

If it weren’t for the timely action of the head of the Ichiki Dao, he was afraid that he would be defeated by the White Brow Ghost King’s move!

That kind of powerful power…

It feels suffocating!

Gives a sense of powerlessness!

Ichigi Michiko held in his hand a peach wood sword, a peach wood sword that had been struck by lightning in the sky, and had a history of hundreds of years, although it was a wooden sword, but its appearance was metallic.

Moreover, on the body of the peach wood sword, there were also ancient copper coins tied with red ropes.

This is the Five Emperor Money! Copper coins of five prosperous dynasties!!

Has a very terrifying power to exorcise evil spirits!!

Feeling the gaze of the White Brow Ghost King, Ichiki Michiko only felt that his pressure was great.

He took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down, holding a yellow paper seal in his hand at some point.

The seal was wrapped around the peach wood sword, and Ichiki Dao’s long hand squeezed the seal and chanted the spell: “Taishang Wuji, Heaven and Earth Sanqing, Xuandu Golden Light, Listen to My Edict, Huanghuang Tianwei, Exorcise Demons and Curse Evil, Hurry Like a Law–Edict!” ”

I don’t know how long he practiced chanting, the thirty-word mantra was only finished in two seconds!

As the spell words fell, the golden light of the seals coiled on the Momoki Sword was great!

Ichiki immediately drank, “Nigi! What are you waiting for?! Hurry up!! ”

After saying that, the Momoki Sword burst out three beams of piercing golden light!

Three beams of golden light with lightning speed that could not cover their ears…

Shoot out at the White-browed Ghost King!!

The White Brow Ghost King snapped his fingers, and three clusters of ghost qi flew out, colliding with each other with golden light in mid-air.

At the same time, the voice of the head of the Niki Road immediately sounded: “The Maoshan Driving Array has been laid out!” ”

Only to see, within a hundred meters of the White Brow Ghost King…

I don’t know when I have already been laid down by the leader of the Niki Road!

One by one, the exorcism flags were firmly planted on the ground…

The exorcism flag says a piece of seal…

The seals are drawn with rooster blood!

The wooden handle of the exorcism flag is wrapped with ink threads, which are made of special metal!

The ink thread wrapped around the ghost exorcism flag, encircling the white-browed ghost king in a large circle with a diameter of 100 meters!

The white-browed ghost king’s face remained unchanged, and with a snap of his fingers, a cloud of pure ghost qi flew outward.

However, when the ghost qi was about to fly out of the range of the formation…

In the air… Suddenly, a golden barrier lit up!

The golden barrier resisted the ghost qi hard!

The martial arts and Daoist skills of the Ermu Daoist Leader may not be as good as Xie Zhengang and the Ichiki Daoist Chief, but he is very strong in the attainment of the Formation Method!

This formation was silently arranged by him, and even the White Brow Ghost King did not notice it!

Or maybe it’s because Xie Zhengang and Ichiki Michigo…

Attracted the attention of the White Brow Ghost King…

That’s why the White Brow Ghost King didn’t notice.

Although the three of them are working together in the true sense of the first time, the degree of tacit understanding is surprisingly good!

And these pictures were all taken by Li Xiaomo on a low mountain in the distance!

Looking at the picture on the screen, Li Xiaomo suppressed the shock in his heart and muttered to himself: “This is a fairy fight…”

At this time, the popularity of the Spirit Quest Live Room has rolled to 130 million!!

Estimate…… All the water friends of the live broadcast platform have all poured in!!

Especially before, the water friend of the boxing brother in the live broadcast room!

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