“Special… Special effects blockbusters?! X-Nation Superhero Movie?! Sleeper, this special effect at first glance, it seems to be a bit real ah! ”

“Special effects you hammer, this is very real!” This is the Taoist and Ghost Fighting Method! ”

“What is this phone for the anchor?” How can I pull such a close scene!! ”

“I heard the anchor say before that it is a customized mobile phone, and the value seems to be 98,888…”

“Ma, the price of the mobile phone used for live broadcasting is higher than my salary for two years!”

“Fighting Technique? Hiss…… The horror is so terrible, this is a fairy fight…”

“Mother, hurry up and see the gods!!!”

“Just now my girlfriend came into my room and asked me why I was kneeling to watch the live broadcast, and now she has knelt with me to watch.”

“From the boxing brother live broadcast room next door, the domestic violence man… It seems, as if it has cooled down. ”

“Huh? Cool? Was it banned? Or is it banned? ”

“Well… It’s the kind of coolness in the real sense…”

“Big news, Brother Fighting Shark, that hot following dog, died in the closed door village!!”

“Sleeper, is the village so dangerous?”

“This Nyima, dead again!!”


The picture of the Taoist priest and the Ghost King fighting method is shocking, and the death of the brother of the former fighting shark platform is also really shocking, the most important thing is that it is a coincidence… Brother Fist died inside the Sealed Gate Village!

And it seems that he released the Ghost King, and then… He was killed by the ghost king.

Of course, this is just the idea of many water friends in the live broadcast room.

In fact, [the White Brow Ghost King] didn’t bother to kill people…

But the boxer is really too weak chicken…

The monstrous resentment released by [the White Brow Ghost King] when he was born alone deprived him of his life.

If he were to change to someone with a better physique, he might be able to persist until Ichiki Michido came to his rescue.

It’s just a pity that although this boxing brother is a domestic violence man…

At the same time, he is also a violent person…

But his body is really not ordinary void!

So much so that in the resentment of the [White Brow Ghost King], the boxing brother couldn’t hold out for even a minute!

Don’t give time to be treated at all…

And then he burped like that!

To the point of death…

He’s no one anymore!

Logically speaking… With a human life, the response in the live broadcast room will be unprecedentedly large.

But the death of the boxer was his own.

And he also has a black history of domestic violence…

Beat his former wife to the hospital…

And it’s several times!

This makes people really unable to raise the slightest pity, but many people have raised a kind of happiness!

A scumbag died…

Naturally happy!

“Are those three seniors in the circle… The strength is so strong, all kinds of Dao Fa are at hand! And the senior who can go to the CBA in height, that big knife is at least a hundred pounds, in his hand… It’s like nothing, what a terrifying force! ”

Looking at the picture taken on the mobile phone in Li Xiaomo’s hand, Liu Xiaoling’s soul was also greatly shocked, and she murmured in her heart.

However, judging from the style of the three predecessors, it seems… Not quite the same as their Liu family?

Liu Xiaoling thought about it for a moment and felt that this was a very normal thing.

After all, the circle may be divided into many genres…

The style of combat is different and should be normal!

“But… Those three seniors seemed to have been suppressed by that ghost king with his own strength! ”

Liu Xiaoling quickly discovered that something was wrong, and the various operations of the three predecessors were naturally as fierce as tigers.

But the ghost king stood still, taking over all the tricks of the three predecessors one by one!

Moreover…… There doesn’t seem to be any injuries!!

This ghost king is a bit too strong, right?

Can a dozen or three actually be able to play with ease?

This…… Seniors can’t lose, right?


In an area surrounded by Fengmen Village, Ichigi did not know that there was a group of people observing the battle here on a low mountain a thousand meters away, and now he was already in a bitter battle!

Though…… The two sides are not a life-and-death struggle, just a face-to-face fight.

But…… The powerful strength of the [White Brow Ghost King] still made him feel a sense of suffocation!

Fortunately, this [White Brow Ghost King] is one of my colleagues in the poor road…

If it is really the enemy, how can this be fought?

If the other party is really the enemy, he will die!

Suddenly, a figure flew out backwards and slammed into a loess wall… The wall that had fallen into disrepair made a loud noise, and suddenly a large hole was smashed out, and the dust was raised.

Xie Zhengang spewed out a mouthful of reverse blood, and the whole person was gray-headed and lying in the ruins, looking very embarrassed.

The ghost-headed knife in his hand was already full of openings and gaps!

Fortunately, this large knife was made of meteoric iron outside the sky.

The material is very special, and even if the knife body is traumatized, it will slowly recover over time.

So…… Even if the ghost head knife is broken one day…

A month or two later… It can also be restored to its original state!

After relieving himself, Xie Zhengang got up from the ruins and wiped the blood stains on the corners of his mouth with dusty torn sleeves.

Above his chest, I don’t know when… There is already a black palm print!

The gray mist on the palm print lingered, and the thick yin qi overflowed!

Yin Qi eroded his body along the palm prints!

It made him feel cold to the bone!

Xie Zhengang quickly mobilized the true qi in his body, and with a roar like thunder, the true qi was three-dimensional, and the round hood like a hood burst out from his body, smashing the palm prints on his chest to pieces!

However, due to the excessive mobilization of True Qi, his breath also became a little weaker.

“Sure enough… Not an opponent! ”

Xie Zhengang muttered a word, his face did not diminish in the slightest, and he laughed heroically: “Ha! But it has been a long time since I have played so hard! Even if you are seriously injured and hospitalized today, you still have to try the martial arts that you have been practicing for decades, where is the upper limit! ”

“Interesting…” [The White Brow Ghost King] smiled, “Worthy of being a descendant of General Xie, really like him!” ”

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