After opening the door to the basement of the villa, you will be greeted by a stone staircase, you can see some scenes in the basement through a box view, and it just so happens that … Liu Xiaoling saw it, a ghost Qianying dressed in white clothes!

She couldn’t help but be stunned, [Divination Pen Fairy] was also stunned, staying in the basement [Divination Pen Immortal], that pale face was full of shock.

If you can make a one-star ghost show such an expression, you can see how surprised it really is.

At this time, the [Divination Pen Immortal] was tilting his head sideways and looking up the narrow staircase.

It saw that its hair was wet and seemed to have just finished bathing Liu Xiaoling.

However, [Divination Pen Fairy] likes to call Liu Xiaoling a young lady.

Because…… Liu Xiaoling is the sister of its owner…

Strictly speaking, it is also a master!

It is also normal to be honored as “Miss”.

But what [the divination pen fairy] did not expect was that he was ordered by his master to hide in the basement…

It will be discovered by the lady!

This was unexpected!!

[Divination pen fairy] is holding a brand new book, this book is taken from the bookshelf in the villa, the gray book cover, written in several square characters: self-cultivation of housemaids!

It felt that since it wanted to do the housework for its master, it naturally had to be familiar with the essentials of the housework.

So in the past few days… It has been studying this book “The Self-cultivation of Housemaids”!

And then…… Then there was no then, and the young lady suddenly opened the door.

One person, one ghost, one up, one down…

Both are looking at each other…

They could clearly see the look of surprise and shock on each other’s faces.

[Divination Pen Fairy] thinks… If the lady finds out, will she be punished by the owner?

Will the master punish himself? Will the host be disappointed in himself?

Will the owner blame himself for this?

Will the owner not reuse himself in the future?

One question after another emerged, and there was some distress and self-reproach on the pale face of [the divination pen fairy].

And what Liu Xiaoling was thinking was… Sleeper, this female ghost looks so pretty! White skin!

But the question is why is it in its own villa?

It is impossible to mix in in the daytime!

After all, ghosts are very afraid of the sun!

Was it mixed in at night? What time is the night? Last night? The night before? The night before yesterday?

But these three nights… Brother seems to be at home all the time!

This female ghost… Can you hide it from your brother?

Should…… It’s unlikely to be able to hide from the old brother!

After all, it can’t even hide from me when I just started “Jizo Yin Decision”, how can I hide it from my brother?

Other words…… Big brother knows it exists?

Sleeper? Gold…… Gold…… Kanaya Zojiao?!

The thoughts in his mind became more and more scattered, and the expression on Liu Xiaoling’s pretty face suddenly became extremely exciting.

There are doubts, there are vigilance, there are shocks, there are doubts, there are doubts, there are wonders, there are thoughts…

The complicated expression was like a meal that had been put down with all kinds of spices.

While this metaphor may not be a little too appropriate…

But to put it that way… It’s the most perfect!

The atmosphere fell into a death-like silence, and [the Divination Pen Immortal] could not have taken a shot at Liu Xiaoling, otherwise… After all, Liu Xiaoling is the master’s sister, and [divination pen immortal] needs to call her “Miss”.

Coupled with the fact that [Divination Pen Immortal] is not good at fighting, it may be possible to kill one accurate one against ordinary people!

But Liu Xiaoling’s “Jizo Yin Execution” has already started, on combat effectiveness… It’s really not inferior [divination pen fairy]!

The reason why Liu Xiaoling did not move her hand was because she was embarrassed to find that her seal had fallen in the bathroom.

All of a sudden… She couldn’t think of any other means of attack on herself.

Plus what flashed through my mind before was speculation and doubt.

This is so that one person and one ghost are so deadlocked!

Two pairs of beautiful eyes of the water spirit looked at each other in mid-air…

It may not be nice to say so, but at first glance they look… Cough! It’s a lot like two cocks with two bucket eyes.

Big eyes and small eyes, dead silence!

Suddenly, Liu Xiaoling found [Divination Pen Immortal] holding a book in his hand.

That book doesn’t look very thick…

It’s been turned to half.

She couldn’t help but secretly swallow a mouthful of spit, and the invisible yin qi emitted from [the divination pen fairy] made her shiver involuntarily, and then tried to inquire: “… Is it my brother who made you live here? ”

[Divination Pen Fairy] was stunned, a trace of surprise flashed on his pale face, and then he nodded.

Liu Xiaoling hesitated for a moment and asked again, “You… How long have you been here? ”

[Divination Pen Immortal] pondered for a moment, and a voice in the crisp and ethereal spirit was mixed with a cold breath: “Twelve days, right?” Twelve and a half days? Probably twelve and a half days, right? ”

“You… You can talk??? Liu Xiaoling’s eyes widened, although he was very vigilant, he was also very surprised.

This question made [the divination pen fairy] a little confused, and it suddenly felt that the master’s sister was not a bit stupid…

If you can’t speak…

What’s the point of asking me?

After a few seconds of silence, [the Divination Pen Fairy] nodded and replied, “Well… I can talk. ”

Liu Xiaoling also seemed to realize…

Yourself this question.

Not generally stupid!

And she didn’t feel any hostility from [Divination Pen Immortal], but there was still some vigilance, for example, she had not been close to [Divination Pen Immortal] within five meters.

Just when Liu Xiaoling still wanted to say something, the main door of the villa was opened.

A burst of footsteps came into her ears.

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