In addition to some small number of official personnel, Ichiki Daochang, Nigi Daochang, Xie Zhengang… And the willow wind hidden behind it, knowing what had been talked about between them this time, no one else knew.

And the things and content of this time are also officially listed as top secrets.

As for when this top secret can be made public…

Then perhaps, it can only depend on the official mood!

“Modern weapons also have many advantages, and the bullet speed of those firearms has already exceeded the speed of sound… It’s unbelievable, I can’t run the speed of sound with all my might. ”

Outside the gate of the military hospital, the head of the Ermu Dao, who had just completed the operation a few days ago, was wearing a dark yellow Maoshan Daoist robe, squinting his eyes and looking up at the sun, and said with great emotion.

The gentle breeze blew through, and the wide Daoist robe fluttered, and there was quite a kind of Daoist and high-ranking demeanor!

Of course, the so-called “demeanor” of the so-called Daomen master of the Niki Michigo…

In the eyes of Ichiki Michigo and Xie Zhengang…

That’s completely non-existent!

Because the two of them know very well… How could the urine nature of the head of the Niki Province, especially the head of the Niki Province, who was still the brother of the head of the Nigi Province, not understand the true disposition of his own brother?

This guy’s current fairy wind Dao bone temperament is 100% pretended!

Estimate…… As soon as he turned around, he turned into a sleek little old man.

Sure enough, the next pictures that happened did not surprise Ichiki Michi.

At first glance, it looks very fairy-like…

Niki Michiko, who has a “god” temperament…

The thin palm of his hand reached out from the robe, and then he cut the nostrils that were a little itchy, and without leaving a trace, he wiped the stool out of the nose and wiped it on the white wall of the military hospital next to it.

Seeing that Ichiki’s eyelids jumped straight up, he was eager to chase this bastard with a ring ruler and beat him up.

In front of so many outsiders, he did not pay attention to the quality and etiquette of Maoshan Daoist Sect so much.

This Niki looked at him like this…

Definitely itchy skin!!

Just when Ichiki Michiko was holding back his temper, Xie Zhengang’s dull voice suddenly rang out, and he responded to the words that Niki Michiren had sighed before: “Indeed, if you fight with ten soldiers with live ammunition head-on, even a warrior like me will undoubtedly die, but…”

His tone suddenly changed and he continued, “If you are assassinating in secret, a hundred soldiers with live ammunition will not be my opponents!” ”

What Xie Zhengang said was unreasonable, it was as if the captain of the X country of a certain Wei did not give him the shield if he did not open the hanging.

Let him be shot head-on by ten heavily armed soldiers to see if he can hold out for half a minute?

However, if there is going to be a stealth assassination operation…

That kind of person who is the kind of person who has the ability to fight alone is explosive…

Definitely can fight an army alone!

Only to hear Xie Zhengang continue, “If you give me the heat weapon in my hand, plus the ghost head knife, I feel that my combat strength can definitely be raised a small step out of thin air!” ”

Hearsay… Ichigi couldn’t help but say, “After all, the times are always changing, people are always improving, and today’s heat weapons, the strongest can even easily destroy a city.” ”

“Unfortunately, those hot weapons have no effect on the ghosts of the wronged, against the ghosts, unless… It is specially treated. Poor Dao heard that there are some exorcists in the West, so he tried to fuse exorcisms with modern weapons, but successful people… Less pitiful! ”


The three did not have any intention of modernizing weapons everywhere, but praised the merits of modern weapons.

After all…… A system that can dominate an era and form a trend always has its merits!

“Brother Xie, you, me, and Nigi, the three of you will say goodbye after today, and see you again if you have a chance in the future!”

Ichigi suddenly arched his hand at Xie Zhengang and said solemnly.

Xie Zhengang nodded, arched his hand, smiled and said, “If the two Dao Chiefs are free, they can come to the military camp to visit Xie, and we can also practice martial arts between us!” ”

Practice martial arts with a pure martial artist like you… Isn’t that abusive? The skin is so thick who can beat ah…

The head of the Niki Road complained in his heart, but the two sides went through the cooperation of the closed door village that time.

The relationship has become very good, although it is not considered to be a best friend…

But at least it’s an ordinary friend!

Yes…… Xie Zhengang accepted the official invitation!

Become an instructor in the army!

Of course, this is also the meaning and command of Liu Feng, otherwise… Xie Zhengang would not have made such a decision without permission.

Officials have been showing them a secret circle for more than half a month.

If you don’t give a little response…

If you don’t give a little sweetness…

That’s a bit of a stretch!

Although Xie Zhengang’s martial arts were not specifically used to exorcise ghosts and demons, after practicing martial arts to a certain level, the flesh and true qi on his body could also cause huge trauma to the ghosts!

And even if the official mastered the mysterious side power, Liu Feng would not let them use this power against their own men.

The reason, of course… In this world and on this earth, he is no longer the only one who can give birth to a ghost!

This is not to say that there are other people who get a similar system Goldfinger.

It’s the actions of Willow Wind these days that make this planet…

Gradually began to change substantially!

For example, the ghosts and ghosts he purchased from the system, the resentment, ghost qi, yin qi, and magnetic field they emitted were changing the surrounding environment all the time.

One of the first examples discovered by Liu Feng was Xu Yue, the daughter of the [ghost]!

Xu Yue’s physique was completely different from that of ordinary people!

This must be the reason for being affected by [the ghost]!

Therefore, Liu Feng gave a subring of the [Zimu Ling Ring] to Xu Yue, a little girl.

This means that in the future, it is very likely that…

Pure “wild” ghosts will appear!

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