Once there is a pure “wild” ghost on the earth, or a pure “wild” ghost, that is to say… The willow wind is already beginning to gradually change the “shape” of this earth!

As for the consequences of that? The final consequence is naturally both positive and cons!

If only I had to talk about the drawbacks… That is pure wild unjust spirits, powerful ghosts.

They were not something that Liu Sheng could control and command.

They may be because of the resentment in their hearts…

And to harm innocent people.

Meantime…… There may also be some people with “hearts” who use the power of this mysterious side to be the side of the disaster.

And the profit is also obvious, that is, it can make the trend of the times enter a new chapter!

If only all of humanity were to make a vote to choose.

Perhaps most of them will choose to accept change.

Why? Because the new trend is coming…

This means that there are more opportunities to get ahead!

Standing above the wind outlet, even a pig may take off! The premise is… Can you correctly find the outlet that will make you take off, rather than the outlet that will blow you into the abyss?

It is also because the earth is quietly undergoing mysterious changes because of the actions of the willow wind.

Therefore, Liu Feng will choose to let the official control the mysterious side power!

Otherwise…… If there are any wild ghosts doing things, do they have to take a shot at Liu Sheng?

Even under Liu Sheng’s hands, there were a large number of unjust souls and powerful ghosts who could fight.

But this loses a crucial “balance” system.

However, the mysterious side power that the authorities now control…

It’s just a dime on the mysterious side…

Xie Zhengang’s grade is two stars, and it is not very strong in the two stars, if each star scale is divided into three stages of “up, middle and down”, then Xie Zhengang belongs to the two stars “middle”, this stage.

Niki Michijo also belongs to this stage, the strength of the two… In fact, it is only half a pound and eight two!

And Ichiki Michigo is stronger than them, he belongs to the stage of the two-star “upper”.

The official wants to control the mysterious side power of the two-star “medium” stage…

Does not take a certain amount of time… It is completely impossible.

After all, Xie Zhengang had been practicing martial arts for decades!

Today’s Xie Zhengang may only look 30 years old on the surface, but in fact, his age is already 45 years old!

He has been practicing martial arts since he was 10 years old, and after practicing for 35 years, he has the strength he has now.

However, there are certainly many official resources, and all kinds of precious herbs are afraid to come at hand.

If the official tries to spend money to smash a few people who will mysteriously side the force…

It probably doesn’t take too long to make them a one-star “down” rank.

However, the strength of this kind of spending money is definitely very weak.

At least…… They don’t have that kind of foundation in them!

Under the same order of “down” of one star…

Definitely can’t beat Liu Feng’s men.


In the villa area of Tianhai City, after Liu Xiaoling opened the villa door, he walked into the living room on the first floor, collapsed on the soft sofa rather weakly, and yawned wearily.

“Oh… Is the brother out? Usually, he sits in the living room…”

Liu Xiaoling looked left and right for a moment, but did not find Liu Feng’s figure.

The only possibility is… Dude he’s out again!

Is it a task in the execution of a circle?

Liu Xiaolington became energetic, to tell the truth… She had really never seen it in person, her brother had dealt with unjust spirits and ghosts, but she instinctively felt that the strength of her brother was definitely not bad, anyway… Much better than yourself!

I don’t know if the elder brother knows Ichiki Michi, maybe… Both parties may be acquaintances?

Belch…… If it was an enemy, wouldn’t it be embarrassing to ask?

However, in the military hospital before, the attitude of the injured Ichiki Michido when talking to himself did not seem to be the enemy of the elder brother, right?

Yes, Liu Xiaoling had already come into contact with the three of them, namely Ichiki Daochang, Ermu Daochang, and Xie Zhengang.

Of course, contact is only a conversation, from a short conversation with them…

Liu Xiaolington knew a lot about the inside of the circle.

There are a lot of things… It was all the brother who didn’t tell him.

Or rather… The old man didn’t bother to say these things.

After all, he is really salted fish on weekdays!

After quietly spitting out Liu Feng in his heart, Liu Xiaoling spat out his tongue a little embarrassed.

Then he sat up from the couch and involuntarily wandered around the living room.

I don’t know if it was the reason for cultivating the Jizo Yin Execution.

Liu Xiaoling was very sensitive to the existence of unjust spirits and powerful ghosts.

She always felt that something was wrong in the villa…

But her Jizo Yin Decision has not yet started, so she can’t say this feeling clearly.

What Liu Xiaoling didn’t know was that in fact, she sensed the [divination pen immortal] inside the villa!

But she also thought it was just a strange illusion.

I thought it was because of what happened the other day…

Causing a little bit of over-tension these days…

And caused a mental illusion.

But soon, her gaze… I was attracted by a small jade bottle on the coffee table in front of the sofa!

The jade bottle is about two fingers wide.

The diameter is up to three centimeters.

Very small and exquisite.

A piece of paper was pressed by a small jade bottle, and there were some words written on it, and the handwriting was the handwriting of Liu Feng!

Liu Xiaoling curiously pulled out the piece of paper and read out the above content word by word: “This is a [Spotless Ghost Dan], which can refine your meridians and flesh, if you come back, eat it directly!” ”



ps: Regarding the question of foreign copies, that flintlock gun mentions foreign exorcists, according to my update rate, there will be foreign copies soon, so don’t worry…

The plot of the daughter may cut a little fast, so it is a bit abrupt, the code word is eighteen thousand a day, some details are difficult to notice, I will pay attention to it later.

There will be a change later, please subscribe to Ha! Ask for a monthly pass ha! Want to rush a wave of sales list ha!

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