The smile of [the nun’s evil spirit] made Catherine’s hair stand straight, and the cold sweat almost involuntarily overflowed, making her whole heart beat faster by a few points… However, this is not a thrill, but a kind of “aura” of the other party, which is intimidated.

It’s just that this “aura” is particularly weird, and it is particularly human… Creeps!

Catherine knows that many big people have a unique “aura”…

This kind of thing seems to only give people a psychological pressure…

Why exactly this kind of thing, she doesn’t know!

After all, she didn’t study this in college.

Just the other person’s words… Catherine felt that she couldn’t go on with the interview!

If it had been someone else, she would have aggressively continued to inquire.

This is when she used to record those network videos…

The most often done thing!

But now, she didn’t know why she didn’t dare to keep asking.

In her heart, she always felt that she would continue to ask…

It could be like something big is going to happen.

Strong desire to survive… Let her stop talking!

But the curiosity in her heart made her feel like she was constantly scratched by a small cat.

[The evil spirit of the nun] These ambiguous words are content…

It makes Catherine feel that the madhouse is not simple!

Especially the strange smile on the other person’s face…

It made her feel very wrong!

She didn’t know that she was talking to an evil spirit, nor did she know that the original head of the Thorny Cliff Lunatic Monastery had already been taken over and possessed by someone.

If she knew, I don’t know if she could still be so calm…

What about sitting in this chair that isn’t very soft?

I guess it will show a very wonderful expression, right?

Catherine can only ask inconsequential questions, such as interviewing the food situation in the asylum…

For example, ask how many prisoners there are in the madhouse…

For example, an interview with the security capabilities of the madhouse…

For example, ask about the patient’s crime…

However, the curiosity in her heart finally made her die, and she asked a sensitive question: “Some people say that the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum will throw the tortured prisoners into the crematorium and burn them to ashes to achieve the effect of destroying the corpses, do you think this is a rumor, or?” ”

[The nun’s evil spirit] smiled, her face unchanged, and said, “Why do you keep dwelling on this question?” ”

Catherine bit her silver teeth and replied, “Because… There is a proverb in the great powers of the East, “Without the wind, there will be no waves”, and without clues, there would be no such rumors. ”

Hearing this, [the nun evil spirit] lowered Erlang’s leg, and the corners of his laughing mouth almost grinned to the root of his ear: “That’s just a rumor, unless you can find certification?” Maybe if you walk around the Cliffs of Thorns, you will encounter the rumored ‘people’ who were burned to ashes by the crematorium? ”

“Uh…” Catherine choked and laughed, “If they were really burned to ashes, how could they possibly have met them?” ”

[The nun’s evil spirit] crossed her hands and looked meaningful, but this time it didn’t say much.

This interview is still going on…

Time is also slowly passing.

It wasn’t until 10:30 a.m., when the camera equipment was almost out of power, that Catherine, who was already a little dry-mouthed, finally showed a relieved smile: “Sorry to bother the lady for your morning work, my interview today is over.” ”

From 9:30 to 10:30, an hour of chatter, chattering, talking, discussing.

In the process, she did not drink a drop of water, and all kinds of questions in her mind made her not stop.

In this case…

Can you not have a dry mouth?

“It’s okay, after all, there are no negative events happening in the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum, and I naturally won’t refuse to interview this kind of person, this journalist lady… Need to stay and try your lunch at the Thorn Cliff Madhouse? The lunch here at Thorn Cliff is still good, ranging from bright red tomato sauce to cheese as tender as girl’s skin…”

“No… No more… Ms. Dean, I’ll go back first, I’ll go back to the news agency, and then… Good bye! ”

Catherine, who was a little disgusted by the last words of [the nun’s evil spirit], forced a smile.

Then she used the “work escape” to quickly leave this place of right and wrong.

After stepping out of this cold, gloomy, depressing, eerie thorny cliff madhouse.

Catherine only found her back, and I don’t know when… Already wet with sweat!

The sense of oppression that the dean lady gave her was very strong!

Especially the eerie aura of the other party!

It makes her particularly stressed…

If it weren’t for his strong psychological quality, he might not even dare to ask questions at that time.

If that’s the case…

What else are you talking about?


Inside the Dean’s office, [the nun’s evil spirit] lifted the corner of the curtain, glanced at Catherine outside, tickled the corner of her mouth, and then quickly closed the thick curtain.

Because the moment the curtain was lifted, it was already illuminated by the sun, even if it was only for a second or two…

Its skin had also drifted with faint green smoke, and it seemed to have a feeling of burning up!

But the good thing is that it closes the curtains faster…

Otherwise, this hard-to-grab body…

It may turn into a piece of fly ash…

“You… You evil spirit!! What are you going to do with my body? What the hell have you done to me? Why am I not in my body? Why am I like this now?! ”

A hysterical roar like a whining woman passed into the ears of [the evil spirits of the nuns].

As soon as it looked sideways, it saw a weak soul body, shouting at itself in horror.

[The nun’s evil spirit] grinned, and a pair of eyes turned pure black.

With a playful look on its face, it said, “Nature is to complete the plan of the great master!” As for you… Your voice irritated me, so… You don’t have to exist anymore. ”

At the end of the conversation, [the nun’s evil spirit] raised a hand, and the soul body in front of him suddenly seemed to be bound by a rope.

The appearance of this soul body and the current “appearance” of [the nun evil spirit]… Exactly the same!

With the primary power of the [nun evil spirit] suddenly unleashed!

The soul body burst like a bubble!

True and true soul scattering!



ps: forgot to send the chapter, embarrassed… 2333

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