What happened in the office of the president inside the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum, Liu Feng, who was far away in the Tianhai City of a large eastern country, naturally knew everything clearly, because the current Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum … It’s completely under his 100% control!

The whole Thorn Cliff Madhouse… It has completely turned into a real purgatory!

However, the use of the word “purgatory” may be a little inappropriate to describe…

After all, the Thorn Cliff Asylum is still very normal on the surface…

At least…… At least now it’s normal!

As for whether it will continue to be normal after that…

Then it depends on how Willow Wind’s plan progresses!

If the plan goes as smoothly as usual, it is estimated that… The popularity of the entire Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum will be no less than the popularity of the Sealed Gate Village!

And the city where the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum is located, it is estimated that many people will choose to move.

Yes…… In the city where the village of Fengmen in xx is located.

Many people have already sold their property and chosen to move!

And their natives in the cities…

After selling the house, you can also make a lot of money!

Enough in eighteen-tier small cities…

Buy it a house of four or five!

After all, the live broadcast of the spirit probe in the closed door village on that day has long been unknown how many social platforms have been spread.

Like what QQ, Messenger Weibo, forum, bib, Huzhi, Yatian…

Even foreign tubing and so on and so on, on top of a variety of social platforms.

Various live videos about the closed door village are also circulating in a big way!

That’s why Catherine knew about the Spirit Quest Live.

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, these two special female anchors…

The whole world has already exploded!

In particular, there are live videos of their detectives on YouTube, each of which has no less than 10 million views, or even the highest one… That is, the live video of the sealed door village, a live video of more than two hours…

The number of plays has exceeded more than three hundred million, almost tens of millions of plays a day!

And this increase in the number of broadcasts, it seems that there is no sign of decline at all!

There is even a vague increase…

It’s pretty unbelievable.

For example, if you have increased the number of plays by 70 million today, you may increase the number of plays by 90 million tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow may increase the number of plays… This snowball has accumulated all the way, and it is estimated that it will take less than a month to accumulate billions of views!

At that time, this is more than two hours, which is equivalent to a live video of the Ghost Hunt in the Closed Gate Village of a movie…

It is estimated that it will directly become the number one video on YouTube!

And it’s the fastest way to top the number one video!

As for whether someone will break this record in the future…

No one will know now…

After all, no one can predict the future!

At present, the most played video on YouTube seems to be billions of billions, five or six billion or so, as for whether there is a breakthrough to more than seven billion, it is not known for the time being

With the increase in the live video of the Sealed Gate Village Detective, breaking this record… It seems, not difficult.

If Liu Xiaoling changes his profession, he should not be the anchor of the cat tooth live broadcast…

Instead, go abroad to mix with the so-called YouTube…

It is estimated that her number of followers will soar in an instant!

The soaring speed may even make the tubing staff … I thought someone was going crazy about the number of fans.

The villa area of Tianhai City… Liu Feng was using the computer, climbing over a wall, watching the reaction of the external network.

He watched those videos that had broken tens of millions of views, and even one of which had broken hundreds of millions…

Liu Feng muttered thoughtfully: “No wonder in the past two or three days, the increase in the shock point has inexplicably risen a lot, it turns out that the video has been spread on the outside network?” But it seems… It seems that there are not many people who believe! ”

Indeed, although there are not generally many superstitious people abroad, but… Let them accept the reality that there are “ghosts” in this world, after all, it is not possible to do it with a few videos.

Especially there are some people who claim to be professionals, there are people who claim to be special effects companies…

Directly in the comments section of the package ticket said…

This is a picture made of special effects!

After all, the current big eastern country, the current special effects development, is also very powerful!

If so… As for why the country is full of all kinds of special effects?

The reason is basically… Those so-called hundreds of millions of dollars in movies, or TV series.

At least two hundred million of them are used to invite a wide variety of actors!

All that’s left is all sorts of miscellaneous eating kickbacks…

Some are simply washing the black qian!!

After all, this kind of thing in the entertainment industry… No matter in which country, it is a plaything controlled by capital.

If capital wants to make a good movie, it can naturally make it.

But capital only wants to wash Qian’s words…

That’s rubbish!

In this market atmosphere, who wants to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to get those special effects?

“Sigh… I don’t know if after the Thorn Cliff madhouse incident, will anyone think it is a special effect? There are even people who think that it is an official show, which official is necessary to do this kind of feudal superstitious show? It can only be said that the rate of college students in various countries is generally not high. ”

Liu Feng shook his head, most of the comments on the extranet were not very good, but some of them were quite interesting.

Those comments… Nature is the comment of the most honorable resident of one of the world’s first cosmic powers.

“That ghost king must be a prince of my kimchi country!” It’s so handsome, it’s a bit far away, but you can still feel its charm! ”

“The one who defeated the Ghost King must be the master of our Great Assi Eight Kingdoms, too strong!”


Looking at these Xiba, who have an inexplicable “sense of superiority”, Liu Feng pondered the next scene, should it be placed in this strange country?

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