The blood-colored scarlet clay turned into chains like swimming snakes, and the blood-colored chains fell towards the [white-browed ghost king’s] split head and covered his face, just like the human beings besieged by countless snakes in the movie.

[White Brow Ghost King] Pure black eyes tightened, as if facing a great enemy, full of ghost qi overflowing.

The air quickly condensed into cold ice crystals, and the ice crystals were in less than a second…

Transformed into a round-shaped ice cover…

Envelop it in the whole ghost!

The scarlet blood-colored chains wrapped tightly around the ice shield and began to contract and lock up hard!

The power of the yin that lingered on the chain, after touching the ghost qi on the ice cover of the [White Brow Ghost King]…

Two very different forces…

Start wrestling!!

“What is this?”

A corner of the departure hall… The thin young man held up his mobile phone to secretly shoot, looking at the blood-colored chains like a giant python, his face was full of shock, and his brain would be a little unable to react for a moment and a half.

Someone seemed to have said a word just now, and then… This kind of chain attacked the Ghost King?

Did you guess correctly? The people in the circle, really coming?!

Thinking about it… The thin young man couldn’t help but secretly swallow a mouthful of spit, shocked and excited at the same time.

He knew about Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo’s soul detection live broadcast room.

It can even be said that he is also a fan of Liu Xiaoling.

In the first month of their live broadcast in Liu Xiaoling…

He’s already watching them live!

Of course, he liked Li Xiaomo more…

Because Li Xiaomo is super rich!

Cough! He’s just so cheesy…





At this time, a burst of unhurried footsteps passed into the ears of many people.

Although the sirens are very harsh, the sound of these footsteps is in addition to the sirens…

It was the only sound in the departure hall!!

Who would dare to walk at this time?!!

Aren’t you afraid of being targeted by that ghost king?!

The thin young man turned his head curiously, and then he froze, because he seemed to see an acquaintance…

Of course, if you know each other, the other person does not necessarily know yourself…

Even if he is a very well-known big uplord of a broken station.

“That person… I’ve seen it in the Spirit Quest Room! It doesn’t seem like it’s the latest live stream… Was it the first two months? I remember him, is that female anchor Liu Xiaoling’s brother? A rich second generation of Tianhai City? Moreover, it is also the kind of rich second generation who lives in a luxury villa! ”

The thin young man suddenly remembered how to say that he was also a member of the fan army, and he was still an old fan.

Plus… When Liu Xiaoling was live broadcast in the early days, she really let her brother show her face several times!

At that time, she was known for her good name: with the appearance of the elder brother, she could definitely let me suck a wave of female fans!

At that time, many old fans knew that Liu Xiaoling had a very handsome brother.

However, in the two or three months since the live broadcast…

Willow Wind never showed his face.

“How could he be here? Wait a minute…… The direction he walked… Sleeper! How did he go to the Ghost King? ”

The thin youth was startled because he watched… Liu Feng actually walked in the direction of the [White Brow Ghost King]!

Countless people are eager to hide how far away, and as a result… He actually walked over to get close to the other side!

Is this fearlessness of the ignorant? Impossible!

The other party can’t be unaware of the Ghost King!

After all, it was Liu Xiaoling’s brother!

Thanks… Brother? That’s right!!

The thin youth reacted instantly, Liu Xiaoling, this special female anchor, has a mysterious side power that makes people envious, then… Wouldn’t her brother also have this kind of power?!

It’s very likely! Moreover, that strange blood-colored chain wouldn’t have been made by him, right?

I’m about to see it with my own eyes…

Humans fighting the Ghost King?

Won’t be harmed by the fish, right?

It’s a little dangerous here…

The thin youth was suddenly a little provoked, in case the other party couldn’t stop a big recruitment, and then spread here, what if he burped?!

“Sleeper? What is that person doing? Why did he go over to the Ghost King?! ”

“What are those chains?” It feels like you’re tying up the Ghost King?! ”

“This is probably the legendary Daofa, anyway, it is very good!!”

“But it feels like the ghost king is going to break free…”

“Sand sculpture netizens are interesting, obviously do not understand anything can actually say that the head is the Tao, love love, this is the two thorn salamander?”

“Old Tomatoes hurry up and pull the man back!” This is to die! This is suicide! ”

“Ra… How does this Nyima pull? The old tomato is not a god, just that small body, in the past, I was afraid that it would be cool! ”

“Did the old tomato call the police?” Shouldn’t there be an alarm yet?! ”

“Someone should have called the police, right?” After all, there are so many people here…”

“I suddenly didn’t dare to look at it…”

“Wouldn’t there be any bloodshed?”

“Bullets… Barrage Protector!! ”

“Barrage Protector!!”



Meanwhile…… In the villa area of Tianhai City, Liu Xiaoling is staying at home with his girlfriend Li Xiaomo while playing games and chatting.

And [Divination Pen Fairy] is washing the dishes because they have just eaten and had a supper.

“Huh?” Li Xiaomo, who was playing hand games to eat chicken, but because he landed in a box, he could only be an ob player, suddenly panicked and said: “How did the old tomatoes start broadcasting?” ”

Liu Xiaoling, who was in the final round, was stunned and asked, “Who is the old tomato?” ”

Hearing this, Li Xiaomo explained: “A broken station up master, the video is very interesting before paying attention to him, but did not expect that he would actually live broadcast? Isn’t he not live? ”

A tone of doubt emanated from her mouth, and curiously tapped the hovering window that the software popped out.

Then the mobile phone interface jumped directly from the game to a live broadcast room of a broken station.

Ten seconds later… Li Xiaomo said, “Xiao Lingzi, I think you need to come and have a look!” ”

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