“Huh?!” Liu Xiaoling was a little confused, she looked at the time of the shrinking circle, and then unplugged the Bluetooth headset on the right, surprised to come over, Shui Ling’s beautiful eyes with curiosity, puzzled eyes on the mobile phone screen in Li Xiaomo’s hand.

A strand of hair fell down and swept over Li Xiaomo’s wrist, making her feel a little itchy.

Looking at the phone screen blocked by his girlfriend’s head…

The corners of Li Xiaomo’s mouth twitched wordlessly…

But she was also used to her girlfriend’s immodesty.

Therefore, she did not care.

Liu Xiaoling looked at the live broadcast screen that was a little shaky on the screen, and his expression was a little confused, he didn’t understand why Xiao Mo wanted to let himself watch the live broadcast, was there anything special?

She glanced at the popularity value shown above, the popularity value of hundreds of thousands… It doesn’t seem to be very high!

Although she doesn’t know much about the ratio of popularity to number of people at a broken station.

But in terms of hundreds of thousands of popularity… The real number of people in the live broadcast room is estimated to be no higher than 10,000 people.

Maybe it’s a few thousand people or so?

Won’t it seem like it’s just been airing for a long time?

Not long after it started… It has hundreds of thousands of popularity, this up lord is in a broken station, and he is also a big coffee! Number of followers… It must be a full million bases, right?

Of course…… Envy is impossible to envy, because of the number of followers in Liu Xiaoling’s detective live broadcast room.

It’s already reached eight figures! That is, pay attention!

Tens of millions of attention, will you envy millions of attention?

Theoretically… It’s unlikely!

“How does this up-up main live broadcast not speak… And the screen is still shaking, is his hand shaking? Strange, this should be Tianhai City International Airport, Tianhai City is now twenty degrees Celsius, should not make people cold shivering, right? ”

Liu Xiaoling continued to watch the live broadcast of the footage, and then… She suddenly saw a familiar person.

It was precisely because of seeing this familiar person that she almost did not roll off the sofa.

It took a while to stabilize his somewhat hesitant body…

Her eyes quickly locked on that figure!

“Old… Dude?! This…… Didn’t the brother just eat supper not long ago, saying that he wanted to stay in the room? ”

Liu Xiaoling felt that her brain was a little insufficient, and she couldn’t help but mutter, “Could it be… Is it a person who looks a lot like the old brother? Am I out there with a lost relative? ”

“Lost loved ones, your size… This is clearly Brother Liu, and the clothes are similar to what he just worn! ”

Li Xiaomo suddenly rolled his eyes, and could no longer resist the urge to complain, gently pushed Liu Xiaoling’s head away, and said: “And… Don’t get so close, I’ll see!” ”

Liu Xiaoling’s head was pushed away, and her eyes were still staring dead at the screen.

That expression, it’s like… A dead house saw the animation team suddenly send welfare!

Not to mention, this expression is really not the usual like!

If it weren’t for the fact that the phone was still watching the live stream…

Li Xiaomo wanted to take a picture quickly…

Capture Liu Xiaoling’s expression!

When the girlfriend’s black history…

It was just perfect!

A few seconds later, Liu Xiaoling couldn’t help but try and shouted toward the second floor: “Is the elder brother here!?” Your cutest sister misses you!! If you are there, you will squeak!! ”

No reply, no response, no one heed, that is to say… Brother, he really went to Tianhai International Airport!

What did he do there? Why was it just photographed by a up-and-down master of a broken station?

And why does this up-lord shoot his own brother?

This up lord should not be a woman, right?

And is it also a tailgating chi-girl?

Sleeper! This is perverted!

Just when Liu Xiaoling wanted to issue a righteous condemnation, a strange scene appeared on the screen!

It was blood-colored chains, and those chains seemed to bind something!

So much so that a blood-colored chain…

It was wrapped into a circle!

Suddenly, those blood-colored chains were trembling slightly, like the sound of metal cracking, faintly sounding.





With the piercing sound of “bang”, a blood-colored chain shattered, and then like dominoes, other blood-colored chains actually shattered along with it!

When the chains shattered in half, a broken ice cover was revealed!

Through the broken hole of the ice cover, Liu Xiaoling saw… There was a man inside the ice cover.

That guy is a bit familiar… It always feels like I’ve seen it somewhere.

That one…… Wait a minute! That’s not human!

Liu Xiaoling reacted instantly, couldn’t help but raise his head suddenly, and then the good-looking back of his head and Li Xiaomo’s white chin came into a zero-distance intimate contact.


Li Xiaomo directly “whimpered”, and the whole person leaned back on the back of the sofa, feeling a little dizzy.

A blow to the jaw is very easy to concussion, and she is just a little dizzy is already very good.

After all, Liu Xiaoling’s strength to suddenly raise his head was not small.

And Liu Xiaoling was also hit by Li Xiaomo’s jaw.

However, after all, she was already a beginner in “Jizo Yin Decision”, so she could only rub her head, and she didn’t feel very painful, just a little pain, a little numbness, a little shaking of the head.

Before Li Xiaomo could open his mouth, Liu Xiaoling exclaimed, “Isn’t this the [White Brow Ghost King] from the Sealed Gate Village?!” ”

“Huh?!” Li Xiaomo touched his reddened chin, was stunned, and hurriedly looked at the screen in his hand again.

Although she had seen the willow wind from the live broadcast room of the old tomato, the up-lord.

But to be honest, just those ten seconds…

She didn’t see that [White Brow Ghost King]!

Now this sentence of Liu Xiaoling…

It made her suddenly stunned.

“Actually… It’s really that ghost king!! Little Lingzi… Your brother wouldn’t be going to deal with this ghost king, would he?! ”

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