After seeing the [White Brow Ghost King] in the broken ice cover, Li Xiaomo couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air, and his delicate face … It’s all undisguised shock and doubt!

Astound…… It was because she saw [the White Brow Ghost King], the existence of this modern weapon that could not be killed!

Doubt…… Why is Big Brother Liu at Tianhai City International Airport, next to the [White Brow Ghost King]?

If Big Brother Liu is really a person in the mysterious side circle…

So shouldn’t he be dealing with [the White Brow Ghost King]?!

Hiss…… Isn’t that a little too hard to believe?

You must know [White Brow Ghost King] This is the Ghost King of my sealed door village, but even those predecessors in the circle have no way to kill it, or even seal it… Barely repelled it.

And now Big Brother Liu is actually facing [White Brow Ghost King]!!

And he seems to be… It’s just me!!

Yes, Liu Feng was the only one himself, and at the beginning his plan was to prepare to “encircle and suppress” [the White Brow Ghost King].

However, if you think about it carefully, there is no need for “encirclement and suppression.” You can do it alone.

Of course, the so-called shot is only a shot with his own strength.

If Liu Feng directly uses his permissions…

One thought can destroy [the White Brow Ghost King]!

But what did he do with his own men?

He is not a miserable boss…

It is precisely because of this shock and doubt that Li Xiaomo can’t help but exclaim, “Actually… It’s really that ghost king!! Little Lingzi… Your brother wouldn’t be going to deal with this ghost king, would he?! ”

At the end, she continued to hurry: “This… Although he is also a person in the circle, but it is not too far-fetched?! ”

For the girlfriend to know the “identity” of his brother, Liu Xiaoling is actually not surprised at all.

Because Li Xiaomo often runs over, especially after she discovered [Divination Pen Fairy].

Just use your brain to think about it a little bit, think about it…

You can know that the elder brother is not simple!

As for why the elder brother did not cover up in front of his girlfriend, Liu Xiaoling was not clear, maybe… Brother, is he interested in Xiaomo? Whoops, terrible, I take you as a brother, you actually want to soak my woman!

Although all kinds of chaotic thoughts in his mind were floating wildly, Liu Xiaoling’s face was also worried.

Not to mention that she was able to enter the circle all because of the promotion of the elder brother…

Just because the other person is his own brother…

It was enough to worry her!

Especially the enemy is still such a powerful being! Brother he is alone… Can it really stand up?

So in the face of Li Xiaomo’s urgent questions…

Liu Xiaoling could only be silent.

Because she doesn’t know the answer!

To be honest… Liu Xiaoling didn’t know how strong his elder brother was, although he knew that his elder brother was very strong.

But how strong it is, she doesn’t have a definite number.

Taking a deep breath and suppressing the anxiety in his heart, Liu Xiaoling sipped his pink lips, bit his silver teeth, and said, “Since the elder brother dares to face [the White Brow Ghost King] alone, it means that he is very confident in his own strength, and he should not be inferior to the [White Brow Ghost King]!” ”

Should…… Should?! Li Xiaomo was stunned, this… How does that sound a little unreliable?

Just when the two began to be shocked, surprised, confused, puzzled, silent, and silent.

The picture inside the live broadcast room has suddenly changed!

When all the blood-colored chains shattered!

An indifferent voice sounded slowly, this voice was very familiar to both Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, and this was definitely the voice of the elder brother (Big Brother Liu): “Eight Ghost Techniques of the Seventy-Two Hells – Attack and Trick Cannon…”

The familiar voice fell, and the harsh sound wave exploded, almost not shocking the speaker of the mobile phone!

The piercing blood-colored electric light turned into a ball of plasma, and with a lightning speed that could not cover his ears, it shot towards the [White Brow Ghost King]!

[The White-browed Ghost King’s] face was shaken, if not because its eyes only had one color…

If it also has pupils, estimate its pupils… It’s as small as a pinhole.

It moves in a nearby direction at breakneck speed!

This is definitely the fastest speed it has ever had!

The spherical plasma almost flew over its body, haunting the ghost qi around it… It was evaporated directly by the plasma!!

If it is hit, the ghost body is afraid that it will be directly blasted out of a huge gap!

The spherical plasma landed on the thick wall hundreds of meters behind the [White Brow Ghost King].

Suddenly, a very shocking lightning explosion was emitted!!

The whole airport lounge was shaking!!

On the wall behind [the White Brow Ghost King]… A large hole several meters in diameter appeared!

There was also a slight arc of electricity flickering on the inner wall of the big hole.

And it’s pitch black and scorched black!

There are cracks in the walls…

Like a spider’s web!

“Seventy-two of the Forty-Three Ghost Arts———————————————-

“Seventy-two of the twenty-first ghost arts…”

“Seventy-two of the earth…”


In a corner of the large waiting room, a thin young man with a mobile phone photographed his forehead was covered with sweat stains the size of beans.

His throat squirmed a little, as if he had swallowed a mouthful of spit, and finally he couldn’t help but mutter, “This person is strange… Monsters, right? Am I dreaming now? That Liu Xiaoling’s brother, he actually … He actually beat this ghost king to the ground?! ”

Looking at that move, it is not only a belle and whistle, but also a variety of attacks that are as powerful as a grenade explosion.

He looked at the wolf to dodge, and from time to time he could take the time to fight back against the [White Brow Ghost King]…

The thin young man suddenly felt that his current brain was a bit like a dream, and he said a “sleeping trough” in shock, and then muttered to himself: “It turns out that this big brother is the real cattle man!” ”

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