Not only this skinny young man who secretly photographed… That is, the old tomato of a broken station up master was stunned, and even the various water friends and fans in his live broadcast room were all confused!

“Oh!! What a situation… How could this man be so fierce? Isn’t this definitely making a movie?! ”

“Is your home making a live movie?” Don’t you need post-production for movie special effects?! ”

“Sizzle… That skill is like the ex curry stick of the Dumb Hair King…”

“It’s power, it doesn’t seem to be as big as a curry stick…”

“Completely crushed? Mommy, how old is he? How does it look and feel younger than me? I was born in ’94! ”

“Looking like a twenty-something year old, it is so awesome!” Is this also the person in the circle? ”

“Circles? What circles? It always feels like you know a lot of things…”

“As far as I know, the circle is from a female anchor named Liu Xiaoling, and it is said to be a mysterious side circle! Of course, this is what I searched for from the Internet before. ”

“Old Tomatoes Ponder… Do you want to stay away? Lest it be affected! ”

“Poof, those passengers are really real, the Ghost King was too frightened to move when he was there, and now the Ghost King is being dragged by someone, and he actually runs faster than the rabbits one by one.”

“Uh… You don’t say that I don’t know that there are only a few ordinary people left in the waiting hall. ”

“Old Tomato, aren’t you afraid of being the number two boxers?”

“Old tomatoes, don’t you run yet?” Hurry up and slip away!! ”

“Sizzle… Do death up, pay attention!! ”


Those rolling bullet screens in the live broadcast room, especially those that made him run quickly, the old tomatoes were not seen, because… He didn’t have the ability to check the barrage at all.

At this time, he unconsciously glanced at the popularity value displayed on the screen of the mobile phone now.

Then, he was shocked by this popularity value, and almost spat out the word “sleeper” again!

Because, the popularity value displayed on the screen …

It is 10.62 million people!!

More than ten million people…

What’s that concept?

Old Tomatoes remembers the LOL event of s9, when a broken station was broadcast, how popular was the highest at that time? He couldn’t remember it a bit, anyway, it was also a tens of millions of levels, especially when he heard others say that it was nearly 100 million? Forgot, didn’t pay much attention.

That is to say, my current live broadcast room, rounded up… Popularity is about one-tenth of an event?

He couldn’t help but secretly swallow a mouthful of spit, though, he himself was a great uplord.

And there are no so-called black spots on the body.

After all, he just concentrated on making all kinds of videos… And rarely go to any kind of activities.

It is also rare to participate in any kind of speech.

Black is basically impossible!

He also wants to continue to grow fans!

After all, who wouldn’t want that?

But I fought my old life, for such a little fan… Is it really worth it?

Forget it, there is no going back now, keep shooting, don’t think too much!

After all, the more I think about it, the more scared I become…

The more I think about it, the more panicked I become…

It’s too hard!


“Very horrific destructive force … The power of this willow wind had reached an unbelievable level, and the mysterious side power controlled by his body had no way of knowing what it was for the time being, but it should be a very powerful practice or something. ”

At the same time, a secret area in Tianhai City, where outsiders are forbidden to enter, enter and exit every day… Only military vehicles!

The speaker was a man of about fifty years of age, and his sideburns had begun to turn a little white.

With a shocked gaze, he stared at the picture on the projection screen.

The picture is impressively the live broadcast room of the old tomatoes!

This is a very simple conference room, there is no miscellaneous bells and whistles, full of the tough style of the soldiers.

The chairs in the conference room are already filled with all kinds of people!

There are men and women, but most of them are the ages… All at least 30 years old!

They are just a random step on the ground…

Can cause vibrations in existence!

The man of about fifty years old paused, his upright posture with a little twilight brought by age, but his spirit was still very vibrant, and he took a deep breath… He continued, “I’m sure that if this willow wind infiltrates a barracks, even a division will be destroyed by him!” ”

The content of the words shocked others, what does a teacher represent? That’s close to 10,000 people!

And it was all loaded soldiers, as well as all kinds of tanks, armored vehicles, and helicopters.

Can he destroy a division by himself?

What kind of international joke is this?

Before anyone could retort, the man continued, “Mind the point I said – sneak in! On the frontal battlefield, he may not be able to withstand the rain of bullets, but… Once he is close to him and blends into the camp, it is to let a death god get close to him! ”

“You have all seen the movie, a Captain of the X Nation can do so much damage in the enemy army, and the destructive power he shows … Much better than that x captain, right? ”

“And he’s only 22 years old this year, the owner of the mysterious side power in that circle… Who can guarantee that no one is stronger than him? Because we don’t know that his strength is in the circle, whether it is very strong… Or is it the middle level? ”


After saying this, there was a sudden knock outside the door, and the man immediately said, “Please come in!” ”

The conference room door was pushed open, and a strong man with a height of two meters stepped into the conference room.

After seeing this strong man, the man’s eyes lit up and he quickly beckoned, “Thank you Instructor!” Come, sit here! ”

Then, in a dignified tone, he continued, “[The White Brow Ghost King] has appeared again, and this time it was Liu Xiaoling’s brother Liu Feng who went to deal with it, and sure enough, he was also a member of the circle!” Instructor, you’re in the circle… Know him? ”

Xie Zhengang sat down, nodded, and said dullly, “Well… I’d heard of him before. ”

“Oh?” The man’s eyes lit up, and then he asked curiously, “That… Is he in your circle? ”

Xie Zhengang said in a calm tone, “He is the person in the Tianhai City circle!” ”

When Xie Zhengang’s firm and powerful voice fell…

The entire conference room fell silent…

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