
The hot flames surged out in a sweeping force across the mountains and rivers, the rolling heat wave made the asphalt roads on the ground show some signs of melting, the air was gradually twisted by the steaming ground, and the frost condensed on the ground was burned into a pool of water by the hot flames.

Then a pool of water on the ground was quickly evaporated into white water vapor!

Seeing this, the [White Brow Ghost King] gritted his teeth and felt a fierceness in his heart, and the ghost qi of his right palm condensed into the shape of a knife.

And then…… Instead of attacking the willow wind, it slashed the wrist of its left hand!

The wrist of the ghost body was cut off by the [White Brow Ghost King]!

This scene made Liu Feng’s eyebrows can’t help but pick slightly…

Immediately a little helpless laughter in my heart…

This guy is also too hard to fight!

Only to see [the white-browed ghost king] chanting something in his mouth, the air around him became more and more cold for no reason, and the sound of ghosts crying wolves and howling constantly reverberated around, giving people a sense of mental torture.

It seems to be unleashing some forbidden art, but… Is the pre-shake time of this skill a little too long?

If it is really a fight, take advantage of this pre-shake time, Liu Feng can shoot in an instant!

However, after all, it was not really a fight, and Liu Feng quietly waited for [the White Brow Ghost King] to use the Forbidden Technique.

After about five or six seconds, the night at the airport dimmed a little.

A chilling, creepy chill…

Unconsciously, it has surged into the hearts of countless people.

Many people who had already evacuated from the airport couldn’t help but feel hairy in their hearts, and looked back at the Tianhai City International Airport where the anger was haunting, and those people all shivered in unison.

At this time, even the old tomatoes that were risking death live broadcasting also chose to evacuate in a panic.

Because he had almost been affected several times just now!

Scared him to the point of having a heart attack!

I feel like I’m continuing to stream… Maybe it will be explained here, the old tomato hurriedly chose to follow the heart, he is not the kind of person who has the courage to risk death.

It is precisely because of the evacuation of old tomatoes that there are not many people who are paying attention to the development of the situation…

Suddenly, everyone looked confused and stunned!

Didn’t you still see death as if you were returning home, and don’t shoot in the airport like a life?

As a result, why is it suddenly instigated now?

So much so that they can’t see it when they want to!

Countless people in front of the screen complained…

But it did not denigrate the old tomatoes, after all, this is also the common sentiment of people, and now Tianhai City International Airport is also really very dangerous!

In the end, no one knows what happened, because the airport’s surveillance has long been destroyed.

And the old tomatoes chose to follow the heart when it was critical…

So much so that no one knows what kind of situation is inside.

It wasn’t until the dawn of the next day that the officials finally dared to step into it.

Looking at the airport that has been blasted out of one crater after another…

They all inhaled a cool breath…

This is inevitable… It’s also a bit of an exaggeration!

But fortunately, the airport runway has not been completely destroyed, there are still several runways intact, otherwise… Travelers from all over the world may have to stay in the country for a long time before they can go back.

The destruction is still acceptable, and it will not be long before the airport can reopen.

It doesn’t work! Because of the existence of [the White Brow Ghost King]…

There are already many international friends who are eager to return to China!

One phone call after another went to the diplomatic side…

Let the diplomats have to deal with it.

And the way to deal with it is… Let the Tianhai City International Airport re-operate, although at first glance may be a little broken, but… At least you can use it a little, can you?

As a result, in less than a week, Tianhai International Airport was back in operation.

Only this time… Already, many people have a psychological shadow.

I don’t know the passenger flow after Tianhai International Airport…

Result…… Can you still have half of the previous one?

What no one knew was that one night, in a passenger plane hurrying to the Eagle Sauce Country, a small and weak gray-brown mist, unknowingly … Drilled into a white man’s nostrils, making the white man shiver all over his body.

Next to the white man, his wife was stunned and surprised: “Peter, what’s wrong with you?!” ”

The white man named “Peter” was silent for a few seconds, then smiled and spoke fluent English: “I’m fine, it’s okay my baby, it’s just that the mental stress of these days may be a little big.” Have to say… It was a very ‘memorable’ honeymoon. ”

When the wife heard this, she was also relieved and sighed: “Indeed… Who would have thought of encountering such a dirty thing? ”

After a pause, she continued, “When we return to the Eagle Sauce Country, we will go find a famous witch and drive us a drive of bad luck, and maybe nothing will happen.” ”

Peter nodded, didn’t say anything more, and leaned back in the soft seat of the first class cabin on the plane.

He tilted his head sideways, looked at the clouds below, smiled, and then muttered, “Eagle Sauce Country…”


Eagle sauce country, a rental house, a strip of black or white stockings are thrown on the sofa, and even a few pieces of clothing used to cover and protect the privacy can be seen on the sofa.

The whole rental house is very messy, and a blonde girl is facing the computer, editing a video in distress.

“More than two hours of interview, to edit out those unnecessary topics and shots, but also to add a variety of cheap special effects, but also to add subtitles do not know how many thousands of ghost words!” 」

Catherine smashed the mouse pad with the mouse, making a “thump-thump” sound and wailing in distress.

“I envy those who have studios… Why am I the only one myself? ”

In the end, she figured out why, and that was – poor!!

Poor…… Let her not afford to open a studio!!

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