Looking at the frozen video footage on the computer, Catherine yawned wearily, staring at the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Madhouse Dean on the screen… That is, the current [nun evil spirit], she smacked her mouth, and then suddenly her eyelids lifted.

His face suddenly showed a look of doubt, and he immediately sat up straight, and then zoomed in on the video footage.

She raised an eyebrow and muttered doubtfully, “Strange… Why did she seem to have a little blood on her lips? ”

Yes, from the freeze-frame image zoomed in by the video, she found the faint blood above the lips of [the nun’s evil spirit].

It’s like a nosebleed just now, but not long before my interview…

The director of the Thorn Cliff Madhouse, had a nosebleed?!

Isn’t it time to pluck the nostrils and accidentally injure the inner wall of the nostrils?

Thinking about it… Catherine snorted!

Although she doesn’t mind what nostrils people pick…

But I had shook hands with each other before!

And that office doesn’t have a toilet…

There is no place to wash your hands there…

“Sizzle… Is it so bad?! ”

Catherine took a breath of cool air, viciously poked the face of the person on the screen with the mouse, and spat out with a full face: “Why don’t you talk about hygiene!” Don’t pay attention to hygiene and shake hands with me! Chet!! ”

If you ignore her messy rental house, maybe her words have some credibility.

But…… As far as the condition of her rental house is concerned, she and [the evil spirits of the nuns] are afraid of half a pound and eight or two.

That is to say, the allusion of fifty steps to laughter and a hundred steps appears vividly in reality.

One person clips a video of an interview for more than two hours…

At the same time, we must also consider what topics can be put out…

What topics can’t be put out…

All kinds of deletion, deletion and correction, the workload is not generally large, anyway, Catherine now hangs two faint dark circles, a look of lack of energy, a look of desire to guo.

If she continues like this, she is a little skeptical, can she live to be after the age of fifty?!

Wouldn’t it be better to live to be in your forties and burp?

Or in a few days… Maybe an inexplicable sudden death?

She snorted… Putting aside the wild thoughts in her mind, she took a sip of espresso, the bitter taste made her frown, she couldn’t help but spit out her tongue, and then continued to devote herself to work.

Hurry up and get some rest, the editing work has entered the end, just stay up for another night!

Interview with Thorn Cliff Asylum this video… I also don’t know how much play I can play on the tubing.

After all, this interview did not cover anything dark.

The only selling point may be when he asks sensitive questions…

The director of the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum was ambiguous, somewhat elusive, and intriguing!

It is precisely because of the tone and attitude of the other party that Catherine feels that this video is a bit funny.

Otherwise… Serious interviews, who will watch this year!

Want to watch serious interviewers don’t people watch TV news?

And those news presenters are definitely more professional than you are a tubing master!

So, if you do videos this year, if you don’t have any selling points…

You can only silently take this as a game of fun!

While Catherine was busy, in the rental house next door, which was only separated by a wall, there was a sudden rush of gasp, and then all kinds of indescribable sounds.

This made her take a deep breath and couldn’t help but scold: “Two dog men and women! ”

Then just put on the headphones, turn on the music, turn up the volume.

While humming a little song, he was editing the video while bursting liver.

The level of effort is the same as that of an author.


With the passage of time… The engine of an airliner roared and landed firmly on an airport in Eagle Sauce Country.

The passengers above walked down one by one, and many people have so far… It’s all a bit of a palpitation.

Because not so long ago, they had seen firsthand a battle between humans and powerful ghosts!

In that ancient eastern power, there are really people who can “witchcraft”!

Well! This is most likely the legendary kick in your silk empty stomach!!

“Oh! Peter, this honeymoon trip, but it is a little too fresh in the memory, speaking of, do you know the two female anchors of that oriental country? One is called Liu Xiaoling, the other is called Li Xiaomo, both are very beautiful girls, and live broadcasting never opens a beauty filter. ”

The man named “Peter” had just disembarked from the plane with his wife, and as he walked on the road, his wife was chattering.

It seemed that what she saw and heard at Tianhai International Airport made her estimate that it was particularly exciting.

“One of the two of them also uses magical ancient oriental sorcery, similar to the man we saw at the airport!” But I don’t quite understand what they mean when they say it live, maybe I can sign up for a vacation interest class and study a Chinese. ”

While dragging a suitcase, she continued to nag: “Maybe I’ll be like the protagonist in the comic, met the world’s most famous Chinese master, accepted by her as an apprentice, and can also learn this ancient witchcraft!” ”


Listening to her nagging and chattering around her, “Peter” didn’t show any impatience on his face.

Instead, I listened to her words with interest, especially when she said that the willow wind was very strong.

“Peter” couldn’t help but nod his head, and echoed in agreement: “That man is really powerful!” ”

Listening to his wife nagging her if she could also learn this kind of oriental witchcraft…

“Peter” flashed a dark light in his eyes, glanced at his wife next to him, and then shook his head with a smile.

These foreigners have not yet been affected by all kinds of yin qi and ghost qi.

For a moment and a half… The physique will not become so special.

When his wife paused, he suddenly interjected: “Honey, do you know about the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum?” ”


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