“Thorn Cliff Madhouse? Oh! Are you talking about the madhouse that blew up scandals before? I’ve seen a scandal about it on the Internet before, but I don’t know why no one followed up with the report, as if… It was the same as being crushed by someone. ”

The wife first pondered for a while, then suddenly became unconscious, and then explained it to her husband “Peter”.

Then…… The tone was a little curious, and he couldn’t help asking: “Why did you suddenly ask about this matter?” ”

“Peter” smiled and said, “Because inside the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum, there is a friend of mine.” ”

“Friends? Oh,MyGod! Your friend, did you commit something to get into? ”

The wife covered her mouth and said in surprise, “I heard that the Thorn Cliff madhouse has abused prisoners inside!” Even criminals without mental illness, after entering the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum, will be killed by those inside… To the mentally ill! ”

“It’s like that movie, ‘Leaping Over the Madhouse’, of course, these are just some rumors on the Internet, the specific news reports have not come out, whether it is true or not I don’t know.”

“If your friend is locked up in a Thorn Cliff insane asylum, it is possible that he … It would be a bit dangerous! ”


“Peter” was stunned, shook his head with a smile, and pulled the suitcase with one hand and the trouser pocket with the other.

He looked up at the illuminated sky, frowned involuntarily, and said, “My friend is not a prisoner, he is a staff member of the Thorn Cliff Asylum.” Let’s leave these things aside for now, let’s find a hotel near the airport for a night! ”

The sun is about to come out, and if it is illuminated by the sun, it will be trouble.

Although with the living body of “Peter”, he can be under the sun… Barely holding out for ten or twenty minutes.

But the burning sensation is not good at all, and even the pain of tearing the heart and lungs is even felt!

Now I am only five stars…

And it is still relatively weak in the five stars.

When his own rank, promotion reached seven stars, may be able to temporarily ignore the sun, enough for half a day.

The seven-star grade can barely resist the sun’s illumination, and if it reaches the eight-star level…

Then basically no fear of any sunlight at all!

Thorn Cliff Madhouse, when you first arrive in a foreign country, you really don’t know where this place is!

But now is the era of network information…

Check it out on the Internet.

A ghost looks up information on the Internet… It may sound a bit contrary, but this era has changed, even a four-star ghost king like [White Brow Ghost King] needs to follow the trend of the times.

The most important point is… In the era of informatization, the network is too convenient!

It’s so convenient that people think that the earth is just a village!

That’s right, the current white man, “Peter”, is possessed by the [White Brow Ghost King]!

But [the White Brow Ghost King]’s possessive ability…

Much more advanced than [the nun demon].

When [the nun’s evil spirit] is possessed, although it looks very powerful, it actually takes at least ten minutes to successfully possess, and it also needs to squeeze out the original soul.

But the possession of [the White-browed Ghost King]… It only takes a few tens of seconds, and there is no movement!

Moreover, it can also be done without squeezing out the soul of the other party…

Directly let the other person’s soul temporarily fall into a dormant state!

When the body and soul fall into a dormant state…

This flesh is the [White Brow Ghost King]!

It will have the dominance, the dominance, and even some of the memories in the body, and because of this… It is only then that it is able to speak such a fluent bite of eagle sauce in English!

Otherwise… A white man who was born, grew up, worked, and married in the Eagle Sauce Country can speak Chinese that is no longer fluent… As a result, native English is not spoken.

Hiss…… That picture is a little too beautiful to think about…

It’s a bit of a shame to look at it directly!


In the villa area of Tianhai City, Liu Feng used his mobile phone to brush up on various news and messages on the Internet…

When he saw the frequent haunting incidents everywhere, he couldn’t help but smile.

But soon, he suddenly sensed something, and the action of sliding the phone screen was involuntary.

With a slight look of surprise on his face, he couldn’t help but smile, “It seems that [the White Brow Ghost King] is a few days faster than I thought, or because the official recovery airport is relatively fast.” So…… [The White Brow Ghost King] was able to pass so quickly. ”

At the same time, he glanced at a new notebook next to him, with the name of a foreigner written on it.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he muttered to himself: “Catherine Jerome, a well-known uplord with 1.35 million fans on YouTube, 25 years old, who went to Harvard University… But did not successfully graduate, because of unknown reasons to drop out of school? Oh, it’s still a bully! ”

“You can use it a little, but… You need to guide her a little bit, hint at her. Moreover, Liu Xiaoling, this little girl, seems to have been idle for almost half a month! ”


With the gentle movement of Liu Feng’s thoughts, in the living room, Liu Xiaoling, who was preparing to chase the new fan, was suddenly stunned.

She looked at the [Zimu Ling Ring] on her wrist in surprise, because the [Zimu Ling Ring] vibrated a little!

After half a month, do you have a task in the circle again?

Then again… This seems to be the fourth mission, right?

Liu Xiaoling suddenly thought of something, she remembered that her elder brother had once told her about the task of the circle.

As long as the rookie trial task in the three circles is completed…

You can activate the “points” mechanism!

Other words……

[Mission: Eagle Sauce Country Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum Abnormal, Eagle Sauce Country Exorcist Organization to our circle for help, because we are better than them in this regard, in the past Eagle Sauce Country to investigate the situation of the Thorn Cliff Madhouse!

Bonus: 300 points】

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