[Mission: Eagle Sauce Country Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum Abnormal, Eagle Sauce Country Exorcist Organization to our circle for help, because we are better than them in this regard, in the past Eagle Sauce Country to investigate the situation of the Thorn Cliff Madhouse!

Bonus: 300 points】

The new tasks displayed on the [Zimu Ling Ring] made Liu Xiaoling’s face can’t help but shudder.

I was very surprised, because… She noticed “Eagle Sauce Country”, these three keywords!

Is there also a circle on the mysterious side of the Eagle Sauce Country?

People in that circle are called “exorcists”?

What is the Thorn Cliff Madhouse?

Is this going to cross the national barrier?

Liu Xiaoling was suddenly a little confused, is there still a “transnational business” in the circle… This is a little too modern, and she imagined that it was ancient, mysterious, and a little different!

But soon she reacted, and the [mother-daughter ring] on her wrist was actually a kind of technology…

Or rather… This is a combination of technology and metaphysics, that is, the circle is still in line with modern times!

So, there will be multinational business in the circle, and it is also a very normal thing… Right?!

Liu Xiaoling was actually a little unsure…

But since I received this task, I had to complete this task.

After all…… Quests are rewarding!

The previous three tasks were all trial tasks in the circle, just like the internship period of the black heart enterprise, and there was no reward for the three tasks of the internship period.

Now, her internship period has passed, and Jizo Yin Decision has also been introduced.

The strength of self-protection was already there, and she even asked Liu Feng, the elder brother, about the attack methods of the Yin Force.

In addition, in this half a month…

Nor is she salting fish every day.

On the contrary, it is still very hard!

She will even take the initiative to find [divination pen immortals] to practice, although the combat strength of [divination pen immortals] is actually not bad, after all, it is not focused on combat, its divination ability, more inclined to assist.

But how to say, it is also a star ghost, as if it is an auxiliary hero, and the attack is low…

But that’s also a hero!

Hit a dozen creeps a little…

Still no problem!

And Liu Xiaoling’s progress was also very fast, after all, [Spotless Ghost Dan] had refined her body once.

According to the Ichiki Daoist Chieftain’s saying, that is, a monastic genius who has rarely met in hundreds of years!

With the ability to protect himself, coupled with Liu Feng’s secret escort, Liu Xiaoling went to the Eagle Sauce Country and was not afraid of any danger at all.

Even if the official of the Eagle Sauce Country knew that she was special, Liu Xiaoling would not have anything to do.

Let’s not say that standing behind Liu Xiaoling is…

Willow Wind this behind-the-scenes BOSS!

The identity of the “spokesperson” of her circle alone is enough to make the Eagle Sauce Country officials dare not start!

The identity of Liu Xiaoling, the spokesperson…

Already equivalent to a…

Diplomatic envoys!

Right now…… The Eastern powers have begun to come into contact with the mysterious side circle and are trying to possess the power of the mysterious side.

And if the Eagle Sauce Country is attacking Liu Xiaoling, then… The offender is a whole circle!

Then they will fall behind the eastern powers in this regard…

This is the last thing the Eagle Sauce Country can see happening!

And those capital chaebols of the Eagle Sauce Country…

I also want to get in touch with the circle of the mysterious side!

A country controlled by capital and chaebols, even if it wants to attack Liu Xiaoling… That also has to be approved by those capital chaebols, and one of those capital chaebols is a fool? No!

They are desperate to do everything in their power to make friends with the mysterious side circle and try to gain the power in it.

Let them have a life span beyond the limits of human beings!

In this case… Those people in Eagle Sauce Country.

Who dares to move the spokesperson of the mysterious side circle?

“300 points… Is this the point system that my brother told me about? Brother said before that points is a very unique currency in the circle, and the exchange rate between points and RMB in reality is 1:100… That is to say, a point is equivalent to one hundred RMB? ”

“No… No, it can’t be counted like this, the special existence of points, who will exchange it for RMB? Who can buy it with RMB? The people in the circle, no matter what they are cultivating or whatever, need a lot of money, and they are certainly not short of money. ”

Liu Xiaoling shook her head, shocked by her childish idea at the beginning, before she actually rose: the idea of using money to buy points.

But…… Even if he has the money to buy, even if he is willing to buy… But who will sell it?

Who would want to sell points for some RMB?

Unless, that person, something is wrong with their brains…

Or really a special lack of money…

However, the possibility of these two is not very likely, the circle is not an ordinary person, how can there be something wrong with the brain?

Those who have brain problems…

Can you still exorcise demons?


Especially short of money is even more unlikely, help a rich person get a seal or something, it is estimated that you can easily earn millions, in this case will be very short of money?

Just kidding! This possibility… It is estimated that it can only be used to fool children.

“Don’t you know that 300 points in the circle is a very considerable amount of money?” Or can it only be counted as a small pocket money? Not…… Why don’t you ask the old man?! ”

Liu Xiaoling thought this in his heart, and… She really did it like this, and she went to ask Willow Wind.

At last…… From Liu Feng’s mouth, she drew an answer: this is a very objective fund, if you have 1000 more points, you can buy another gram [Dirty Ghost Dan]!

And because of this answer… Suddenly she was full of motivation, and without saying a word, she chatted privately with Li Xiaomo on QQ.

Then I went to the extranet to check the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum…

Then go and download an app!

She bought a ticket directly to Eagle Sauce Country, and then she began to pack her bags.

A series of actions…


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