“Huh? Eagle Sauce Country?! When Li Xiaomo saw the QQ message sent to her by her girlfriend, her whole brain was now a little confused. Suddenly going to Eagle Sauce Country?

What task did the little spirit child have? Have you once again discovered where new ghosts have appeared?

And the location is still in Eagle Sauce Country! Then again…

The ones that Xiao Lingzi learned, the spells of the mysterious side…

For foreign ghosts, does it really work?

Li Xiaomo said that he was a little confused!

Li Xiaomo knows his girlfriend and will accept tasks from the circle from time to time.

And she also knows that the tasks in the circle …

It is what Xiao Lingzi needs to complete!

And as Xiao Lingzi’s girlfriend…

She felt that it was necessary for her to be with her, even if she knew that that kind of place was very dangerous, but at least she could have a care for Xiao Lingzi. For example, if one day, Xiao Lingzi fights with which ghost, although she won, but she was seriously injured?

In this case… the importance of “assistant” is highlighted, and he is Xiao Lingzi’s right-hand man!

Don’t many of those Hawksauce nation’s superhero movies have an assistant?

Although that assistant is not as powerful as the superhero itself…

But it is the most solid back of superheroes…

It is also the most reliable partner of superheroes!

At the same time, it is also the best and best partner!

“Whew… If that’s the case, then prepare your luggage and go, and I don’t know that under the sky, there will be a few girlfriends like me, who can live and die with their girlfriends regardless of their life safety. Moreover, I did not expect that I was actually a person who was not afraid of death…”

Li Xiaomo muttered self-deprecating and rather narcissistic, and she began to pack her bags.

Clothes or something… Skirts, high heels and these must not be worn.

After all, there will definitely be all kinds of runs when the time comes…

Wear a skirt or high heels… Who can run?

Sweatshirts, sweatpants, running shoes, jackets, coats, socks… All kinds of luggage were packed up by her and stuffed into a huge suitcase.

It wasn’t until an hour had passed that she wiped the perspiration from her forehead.

Then I carried this suitcase that looked a bit big.

“Hmm… Yes, the weight is within the acceptable range! ”

Then she changed her clothes herself and took off her loose pajamas.

The flat white abdomen has hidden muscle lines.

Of course, this is certainly not the muscular line of men…

It’s a very beautiful female muscle line!

After all, Li Xiaomo is learning mixed martial arts, and the level can even be on the octagonal cage, and she also exercises regularly, her figure naturally goes without saying, it must be very good!

To tell the truth, although she is a rich second generation, she is still the first time to go abroad… Similarly, Liu Xiaoling is almost on it!

The two had no experience of going abroad at all…

Anything you want to bring is checked on the Internet…

Of course, it doesn’t matter if they are wrong, anyway, they are not bad money, at most when they go to the Eagle Sauce Country…

Just buy what you don’t need!


Eagle sauce country, thorn cliff madhouse, night… A typical muscle car of the Eagle Sauce Country drove by on the road and then stopped in front of the intersection of a very gloomy and huge building.

The Thorny Cliff Madhouse is located in the suburbs, which are already very gloomy, plus its current “particularity”…

That would be even more gloomy, the John guard at the door…

Recently, I have taken a few days off because of a cold!

Duty at the door today… It is a patrol guard at the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum, temporarily on duty.

The muscle car stopped steadily in front of the Thorn Cliff Madhouse.

Make the patrol guard at the door frown…

Then I was involuntarily alert!

After all, although the Thorn Cliff Madhouse is a madhouse, it is not a simple madhouse, and at the same time… It is also a prison for criminals, and there are mentally ill patients in it, all of whom are mentally ill prisoners from all over the Eagle Sauce Country!

There is something strange about the country of Eagle Sauce, where the laws vary greatly from state to state.

In that state inmates who may be mentally ill will be released.

In this state, you have to be put in a special prison…

This strange system is difficult for us to understand.

After all, the brain circuits of the inhabitants of each country…

Basically not on the same string!

The training guard at the top of the shift involuntarily touched the pistol in his waist, opened the safety of the pistol, put one hand on the cold handle of the gun, and stared warily at the black muscle car parked in front of the Thorn Cliff Asylum.

This is a prison-type lunatic asylum, and there have not been escapes before.

Even…… There was a prison robbery a long time ago!!

This made the patrol guard have to be vigilant.

And…… He was not alone in the guard at the door of the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum.

The rest of the guards were also on alert.

One of them also returned to the booth…

Just take out a shotgun!

At first glance, it looks like a deterrent!

The door of the black muscle car opened, and a white man who was more than one meter tall came out of the driver’s seat, sorted out a very decent suit, with a slightly evil and eerie smile on his face, and a pair of pure black eyes became a normal color.

He lifted his suit jacket and said that he was on himself… He did not carry any weapons.

Then walked over to a guard with a wary, puzzled face.

He smiled at the guard and spoke very fluent Eagle Sauce English: “Hello, my name is Peter Henry, from the next state, and I have an appointment with your Dean Lady.” ”

Have an appointment with Ms. Dean? Several guards looked at each other suspiciously, and then looked at “Peter” curiously…

One of them closed the safety of his pistol, nodded and said, “I’ll ask Madam Dean, Mr. Peter, please wait!” ”

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