In order to live a longer life, various experiments are carried out… In fact, this kind of thing, when [the White Brow Ghost King] was still alive, this was the dynasty of the great powers in the East, and when it was still in the Ming Dynasty… It also happens often, and it’s not unusual.

Because there was an emperor of the Ming Dynasty at that time, who was intoxicated with “Xiu Xian”… As for whether it can be successfully repaired, then who knows!

Anyway, [the White Brow Ghost King] heard that the emperor often ate a elixir called “Red Pill”.

Now it seems… The so-called “red pills” are not as good as those health care products.

At least on the market, most of the regular and well-known health care products…

At least not like the “red pill”, it can eat dead people!

The so-called “red pill”, I am afraid it is not a lead pill!

Take a lead pill every day… Who can stand it?

If you can live to forty, you are lucky!

The capital chaebol of the Eagle Sauce Country

After staring at the inhuman-like, but living “monsters” in the cave for a while, the corners of the [White Brow Ghost King] gently raised the corners of his mouth, and he couldn’t help but sigh: “Long life span… In fact, it can be done after death, of course, the premise is that when it turns into a ghost after death, it can still be intact… Those memories of the past are preserved. ”

“Indeed…” [the nun demon] nodded, and it agreed with [the White-browed Ghost King].

If a person has a longer life, he can live hundreds of years longer than ordinary people.

In this case… If he loses the memory of the previous one.

That’s like a person… Lost his original soul generally!

That kind of thing and being taken away… What’s the difference?

Although it can have the ability to exist in the world for a long time, most ghosts have no way to inherit the memories of their lives, after all, ghosts are also divided into three, six, and nine.

A ghost who cannot inherit memories is like a walking dead without reason.

Become a beast that can only go crazy…

Until it is destroyed by the Taoists!

Becoming a ghost can naturally survive longer, after all, this is another way to survive, but this way is different from normal living, a lot of things you enjoy when you are alive, and then after becoming a ghost, basically can’t enjoy it.

For example, good food, to be honest… [The White Brow Ghost King] already had a keen sense of smell.

But the sense of taste is not at all, even if some people invite it to a good meal… It will also be like eating white rice.

Or even eating white rice… At least, white rice can taste a little sweetness.

“Sigh… Rich people don’t want to live only a few tens of years! ”

The secrets of the Thorn Cliff Asylum are far beyond the imagination of outsiders, and it is not just about abusing prisoners.

If that Catherine before that… This cave, which is cordoned off by an iron fence, was discovered.

Well, I guess she… I’m afraid it will be less fierce!

Maybe it’s time to live on the run.


Catherine didn’t know that there were two ghosts talking about her, one of whom was now the director of the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum, and the other was [the White Brow Ghost King] who had caused a panic in some eastern country!

At this time, she was still living in her rental house, and she clicked “confirm upload” with the mouse with a tired face!

When the edited 15-minute video was uploaded, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course, more than two hours of interview, it is impossible to edit to only 15 minutes of video.

Catherine wasn’t so mad yet…

She divided the interview into three parts: upper, middle and bottom.

Then it can be released in three installments…

Phase 1 15 minutes, Phase III 45 minutes…

It couldn’t have been more perfect!

“I don’t know how the video response and playback will be, I feel that this issue is not as much as the previous video explosion, if the amount of playback is not good, there is no way to receive advertising, if you can’t receive advertising, there is no money, if you don’t have money, you have to cook your own food.”

Thinking of the so-called “meals” she cooked, Catherine couldn’t help but shiver.

Being able to eat yourself out of the psychological shadow…

I can only say that her cooking skills are really not drops!

Video uploaded to YouTube… Catherine has finally completed all the work, and then, only need to upload the second issue tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow will upload the third issue.

But instead of taking a break, she sat down in her chair and fell into contemplation.

The subconscious mind told her the Thorn Cliff Madhouse… It’s definitely not as simple as it seems.

It’s definitely not as simple as the dean lady said!

But the specific evidence in her hand has not…

She frowned slightly, opened the search engine, and began to search the Thorn Cliff Madhouse, which she did not know how many times she had searched, after all, it had done its homework before the interview.

But she always felt as if something was missing, and her eyes swept over the few news reports on the Internet.

Looking at the news one by one, it is obvious that some dead journalist secretly took those photos…

Catherine muttered wordlessly, “Can’t you use a better camera?” Which shows me a whole bunch of mosaics? It’s fine to look at the far point… But when you zoom in, it’s a bunch of mosaics, and you can’t see what the situation is! ”

She deliberately moved her chair back a little so that it looked… Those pictures are much clearer!

“Huh?!” But it was such an inadvertent small act that made her suddenly stunned.

“The face of the man in the picture… How do you feel, where have you seen it?! ”




ps: Today the house is going to be cleaned up, and I am busy alone… After all, I’m writing novels at home full-time, and I have time to do housework. It’s too hard. Maybe there are only seven chapters today, and there is no way to change the nine, ah, ah! If you don’t have any money, I would like to hire a few hourly workers!

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