Only to see the blurry photo frozen on the computer screen, taking a very low-key business car, the door behind the car was opened, a middle-aged man with a height of about one meter and nine meters was trying to get into the car, but the photo was too blurry.

Coupled with the fact that the other party only showed a small half of his face, no one knows what the identity of this person is…

Most people think… This man was one of the managers of the Thorn Cliff Asylum.

After all, he wore a suit and leather…

Really like the manager!

At first, Catherine really thought that this man in a suit was a staff member of the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum, probably some management or something, but now sitting a little farther away to look at it, she suddenly found that the other party seemed to have a little bit of small eyes!

It was as if I had seen it somewhere, and I still had a little impression in my mind.

Other words…… I have seen this man in a suit in these months at most!

Should…… I saw it online.

After all, she rarely goes out…

Catherine started opening her browser and looking for recent URL browsing records, she always felt that she had met this person online, if her impression was not wrong… Oh, probably, should, maybe, maybe, no, something went wrong, right? Cough!


And while she was painstakingly searching for clues, there was a debate within the official affairs of the Eagle Sauce Country!

“If this girl can be in our hands, we can reach that circle, we will have the power of that circle, and I don’t think we can let her return to China, we must keep her in the Eagle Sauce Country!”

“Your Excellency, Charles, consider that you will not anger the people in that circle by doing so, and don’t be too arrogant!”

“From the information sent by our people, it can be seen that this girl named Liu Xiaoling is very weak, for her… Not enough to flip the table with a circle on the mysterious side. ”

“Yes! Perhaps, this is the circle testing our eagle sauce country, the eastern country has been the initial communication of the rain circle, we absolutely can not lag behind them too much! ”

“Ahem! Such a good opportunity you do not cherish one by one, with that girl we have more room to operate! ”

“Since you are arguing endlessly, it is better to… Voted on? Approve of the hand-raising that withheld her? ”

“Hmm… Vote for it, it’s no use arguing! ”

“Your Excellency, Charles, will you accept the vote?”

“Hmmm… Accept and accept!! ”


In the end, only one MP named “Charles” raised his hand, and no one else raised his hand, because they all felt that “Charles’s” proposal was not generally unreliable!

Detain a spokesperson for a mysterious side circle? Thanks to you old guy for being able to figure it out!

If the Eagle Sauce Country offends the circle on the mysterious side…

Then their research on the mysterious side…

Isn’t it going to be behind?

They naturally have their own concerns, and they have to consider their own interests before moving a person!

And…… They also have to consider each other’s fists!

If the other person’s fist is big…

Then when nothing happens…

And at present, it seems that the fist of the mysterious side circle is really big! Because ghosts are such a thing, the authorities simply can’t deal with it, and the modern weapons they are proud of can hardly play any role at this time, and ghosts are equivalent to a weaker nuclear weapon!

No…… When nuclear weapons fly over, at least the missile interception system can intercept it in the middle of the road.

And how to intercept the special existence of ghosts? Let the police of Eagle Sauce Country intercept it?

Or is it against the high wall of a certain Sichuan red scarf to intercept?

Or like intercepting nuclear weapons…

Using missiles to intercept each other?

It’s unrealistic!

Therefore, whether it is the spokesperson of Liu Xiaoling’s mysterious side circle, or Liu Xiaoling’s girlfriend Li Xiaomo, these two people absolutely cannot be touched, and they must warn others not to touch it, as for those who really cannot be warned, there is no way.

Although the Eagle Sauce Country is a country controlled by capital chaebols, here it is… There is always something special about it.

The existence of these special organizations has no worries, and their whereabouts are still secret.


An airport in Eagle Sauce Country… Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo had already dragged their suitcases off the plane.

When they first arrived in a foreign country, they were not unmanned to pick them up, and the officials of the eastern countries had been waiting here for a long time.

“Is this the Eagle Sauce Country?” Liu Xiaoling sniffed the air, frowned, and said disgustedly: “It is not as good as the air quality of our Tianhai City… Sure enough, the guy who said that the air here was very sweet was not without reason to be intimidated by so many people on the Internet. ”

Hearing this, Li Xiaomo next to him smiled and said: “Our country is also a world-class big country, but there are always fools who think that foreign countries are better, what is the way to do this?” Among more than a billion people, there will always be hundreds of thousands of strange things. ”

Her tone paused and continued: “For example, some people criticize the domestic education system, and I don’t know how many foreigners are envious of our education system, at least, we can make students can get into college without spending too much money.” ”

“If you are in the neon country next door, when you are in high school, if you don’t have money at home to hire a cram teacher… Well, even a bully doesn’t necessarily have to go to college! The high school education there doesn’t teach anything at all, and when it comes to the exams, they are all blind! ”

In fact, this is not a rare anecdote, there are advantages and disadvantages of various countries, I do not know how long it has been circulating on the Internet.

But there are always people who are selectively blind, after being refuted… And selectively be deaf.

Li Xiaomo looked up at the sky and smiled, “Then let those people live in the dreams they have woven for them by those foreign adults!” ”

The official pick-up staff was ashamed, and they didn’t expect the two girls to be so timid.

They seem to be still anchors, right? If such a statement were to spread on the Internet…

I don’t know how many sheepdogs know that they have to scare them.



ps: Very good, I overestimated myself, two floors I cleaned a morning plus an afternoon, and in the evening I had to clean the old house… Today it will be five more than 10,000 words, and tomorrow it will continue to update the nine chapters!

If there are no nine chapters tomorrow, I will… I just… I’ll just boo you to see!!

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