Hey…… Thorn Cliff Madhouse? Is this a coincidence? Still is…… Or is it that his friend has been stolen? And then, this is coming over to test mine? Want to find out if I really don’t know more secrets?

When she saw the term “Thorn Cliff Madhouse”, Catherine was suddenly not calm.

The heart that had just been put down hung up again, and even the heartbeat involuntarily sped up a little.

Before she was ready to reply… This foreign netizen who has not been in contact with him for a year.

But those dangerous thoughts that come to mind…

And Catherine’s strong desire to survive…

Let her stop the action!

After secretly swallowing a mouthful of spit… She hesitated for a moment, suddenly remembered something, her eyes lit up, and then deliberately downloaded a Chinese input method, and after thinking hard for a while, she then very crappily typed out a line of Chinese: “Heavens… King…… Cover…… Earth…… Tiger…】

Within a few seconds, foreign chicken netizens nicknamed “xiaomowudi” returned a two-ha surprised emoji.

Then, he quickly replied: “Text… Body…… Two…… Open…… Flowers…】

Seeing the situation, Catherine was completely relieved, and her hanging heart finally fell!

These are her chicken-eating netizens, teaching her two Chinese.

And this is also the secret code before the two are ready to eat chicken!

And every word is separated by an ellipsis!

As for why you need to be separated by some ellipses…

To be honest, Catherine doesn’t quite understand it either!

The chicken-eating netizen said this…

A little more ritualistic?

Well! It’s a sense of ceremony!

If the other party is stolen by someone, the number thief cannot be so fast… Just know the secret code of the two of them.

After all, Catherine hadn’t had five minutes since she searched for the “Charles, Forey” congressman.

Five minutes to go through such a long chat history, and learn that this Chinese secret code…

That’s great! She was thoroughly convinced!

xiaomowudi: [I didn’t expect that a year had passed, Catherine, you actually remember this secret code…]

Katharine01: [Haha, after all, this is the only two sentences I can say, write, and spell!Chinese 】

Katharine01: [By the way, little foam… How did you suddenly think of going to the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum? That place… Is there anything special about it? After all, I remember that you lived in a big country in the East, and traveled thousands of miles to come to the Eagle Sauce Country just to go to a prison-style insane asylum? 】

Catherine was curious, why did the other party go to the Thorn Cliff Insane Asylum, and how did the other party know about the Thorn Cliff Insane Asylum?

The people on the big eastern side … You shouldn’t know about the scandal of the Thorn Cliff Madhouse a month ago, right?

What’s more, that scandal was crushed the next day…

The reporter who heard the story and the editor who wrote it…

I still don’t know where to run…

I guess it’s completely cool, right?

xiaomowudi: [I’ve heard of this insane asylum on the Internet, want to visit it, and… I also got the official license document of the Eagle Sauce Country and can enter that place to visit! 】

Katharine01: [Eagle Sauce Country… Concession documents for Eagle Sauce Country? A charter document, just to visit a lunatic asylum? 】

xiaomowudi: [I can’t say too much about specific things, anyway, this place advises you later… Try not to get too close, there are unknown dangers everywhere! 】

Katharine01: [Good… Okay, I get it. By the way, where did you and your friends go to xxx state? 】

Katharine01: “I am now renting a house in the city where the Thorn Cliff Asylum is located, and if you are in the Louis West Village of Velcrocho, you can go to the “Tony’s Rental House” to find me! 】

Katharine01: [I know exactly where the Thorn Cliff Asylum is!] 】

xiaomowudi: [Okay, we will pass, it may not take long. 】

Katharine01:【OK! I’m going to take a quick shower and change my clothes! 】


Looking at the chat history on the phone… Catherine was a little stunned, she didn’t expect that there would be such a clever thing, when she was thinking about whether to sneak into the Thorn Cliff Madhouse, she actually gave herself a perfect opportunity!

This netizen, who had not been in contact for a year, actually had a license document to enter the Thorn Cliff Madhouse!

And…… Or the official license document of Eagle Sauce Country!

Hiss…… What is her identity?

Catherine’s sleepiness had completely disappeared, and she could now be said to be in a spirit she had never felt before, feeling that even if she stayed up for a few more nights, she would have no problem.

It’s just that she doesn’t know what the purpose of this netizen is, and what does it have to do with the official of Eagle Sauce Country?

What did the other party do in the Thorn Cliff Madhouse? And she said that the Thorn Cliff Asylum was in unknown danger, and that it would be best not to go near that place… What is the so-called unknown danger?

The address of the Thorn Cliff Madhouse shown on the map of Songdanu, if it is the wrong address…

That shows that the map of Song Valley is actually controlled by the chaebol behind the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum!

The address is wrong, probably because the chaebol doesn’t want more people…

Go to the sensitive place of the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum…

But what’s the secret there?

Question marks appeared in Catherine’s mind, but she didn’t have a clue.

“Whew… If they were also in the village of Louise, Fortischu, it would be half an hour at most if they wanted to come. Take a shower and change your clothes! ”

Catherine shook her head, rubbed her dark circles under her eyes, and immediately went to the bathroom of the rental house.

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