In a rented travel SUV, Li Xiaomo, while driving, muttered: “Eagle sauce country this kind of muscle car is not used to driving at all, I don’t know why people here like this kind of car, this fuel consumption is too big, only a few days to drive … Just add oil a few times! ”

“Sure enough, it is no wonder that those who like cars say that muscle cars are all oil tigers, and in the details of the design, they are even worse than some less famous domestic cars …”

“The better advantage may be that it is strong and durable, although it is an SUV, it looks very tough …”


Listening to his girlfriend in the driver’s seat, while driving the special muscle car of Eagle Sauce Country, he complained about the unaccustomed of this car.

Liu Xiaoling smiled helplessly, she didn’t know why, when she encountered such a thing as a car.

People who often like to complain… It has become Li Xiaomo, who has always been very rational.

Maybe Xiaomo really likes things like cars, right?

Which is like yourself… Just think it can be opened.

As for what car is good and what car is not good…

What car is beautiful, what car is ugly…

She couldn’t tell the difference!

“There are not only these muscle cars in the car rental office, you won’t rent other western cars?”

Liu Xiaoling said helplessly, she felt that there was no difference between these cars… The only difference may be that the appearance is different, the car logo is different, but these things, are not all the same? Anyway, cars always have four wheels!

Speaking of this, Liu Xiaoling suddenly asked curiously: “Xiao Mo, when did you have a very familiar netizen in the Eagle Sauce Country?” ”

Hearing this, Li Xiaomo stepped on the brakes, waited for the traffic light in front, and then replied: “That was met when playing PUBG, played at least hundreds of thousands of games together, of course, most of them landed in boxes, so they came and went, they knew, and added friends of social software.” ”

“It’s just that because PUBG hangs too much, they all abandon the pit, so that there is no contact for a year…”

She paused in tone, then continued to laugh, “I didn’t expect to be in touch now… The other party actually replied. ”

Liu Xiaoling nodded in understanding, she had also played the game of PUBG.

And the technology is OK, but also because there are too many plug-ins…

Before she had played for half a year, she was directly withdrawn from the pit by that plug-in!

Well, sure enough, the old LOL is more fragrant!!

Although, there will also be people who open scripts to play…

But at least not so rampant…

It will not be like the PUBG next door, what “sandstorm burial”, what “dirt rebirth”, what “earth flow wall”… And so on, so exaggerated that you are stunned by the plug-in.

Banned… For the rich? What is a number of dozens of pieces? Play lose one at a time!

And for those who rent the number to play, then for the opening and hanging, there is no psychological pressure…

Anyway, this number is not your own number…

There is no problem in dying at will!

Of course it’s not worth imitating…

Without a word, when he arrived at a rental house called “Tony”, it was already more than four o’clock in the afternoon, and the time was close to the evening, Li Xiaomo parked the car in the parking space next to it, and then stepped out of the car and looked at the landmarks displayed on the map of Song Valley.

“Well… This should be the ‘Tony’s Rental House’, right? After all, inside the whole area, it seems… It’s the only place that’s the name! ”

Li Xiaomo muttered, opened the social chat software, and asked Catherine on the other side.

xiaomowudi: [Catherine, I’m downstairs in the rental house, where are you?] Or rather… What kind of clothes are you wearing? 】

Katharine01: [I’m on a signpost on the road, um… It’s wearing a black shirt, shoes are white board shoes, a long blond hair, probably like this! 】

xiaomowudi: [Okay… I think I probably know where you are. 】


Li Xiaomo suspiciously set his eyes on about thirty or forty meters away… On the side of a road sign that prompts the speed limit, under the sign, a typical blonde girl of the Eagle Sauce Country is boringly brushing her mobile phone, and the other party is still looking left and right from time to time, as if waiting for someone.

Li Xiaomo stabbed Liu Xiaoling’s arm next to her, and under Liu Xiaoling’s doubtful gaze, she pointed to a short distance away: “Presumably, it is her, right?” Probably? Possible? Maybe? ”

What is the situation with your uncertain tone… The corners of Liu Xiaoling’s mouth twitched, and his eyes also looked over there.

Then, she instantly felt inferior, damn, why not be her girlfriend…

Or a foreign netizen of girlfriends…

The body is so terrible?!

Another woman who looks down and can’t see the instep of her feet, huh… What’s the use of growing so big, isn’t it a burden when you run? Can’t you sleep on your stomach when you sleep? And if you don’t cultivate, by the time you reach thirty or forty, you will definitely sag!

Yes, that’s right, that’s it, that’s for sure, you can’t be wrong!

Liu Xiaoling was crazy in his heart, and then walked with Li Xiaomo.

Yes…… Catherine’s netizen is Li Xiaomo!

It’s just that neither side knows the identity of the other…

Li Xiaomo did not know that Catherine was the owner of the YouTube platform, with more than one million fans.

And Catherine also does not know Li Xiaomo, on the cat’s tooth platform, is the amount of attention tens of millions, once the broadcast is broken 100 million popularity, and is also one of the most popular soul detection anchors in the recent network!

The reason why it is said to be one… That’s because there is another spirit detective anchor, that is, Liu Xiaoling.

In the case of each other not knowing each other’s identity…

The two sides have finally met!

Looking at the back of Catherine, who was already close at hand, Li Xiaomo took the lead in greeting: “Heavenly King Gaidi Tiger?!” ”

Catherine was stunned, and her head did not return, so she instinctively Chinese smoothly and replied: “Two blossoms of style!” ”

She will say this sentence in her whole life, and she has said it for a year or two, can it not be smooth?

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