“John, are you sure your cold is getting better?” Don’t be on duty for a day today, the cold is aggravated again, if you take too much leave in a month, the dean lady may consider dismissing you. After all, you also know that Thorn Cliff does not raise idle people who often take leave. ”

At the guard booth at the entrance of the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum, watching several cheap John guards hit in succession.

A black colleague couldn’t help but kindly ask a question, and quietly reminded him.

The John guard is the obese guard that Catherine met before.

However, now he is not at all full of temperament as before.

On the contrary, there is a little, a depressed look…

And whether it is a sniffle, or even a sneeze from time to time, the clothes on the body, as if winter is coming, the problem is… It’s still summer!

In response to the persuasion of his black colleagues, John stood up and said that he was in good condition.

And then…… He couldn’t help but sneeze again!

Hurriedly wiping his nose with a tissue, the John guard coughed and defended, “I’m not having a cold, I’m just a little bit of seasonal rhinitis, that’s right… This is seasonal rhinitis! ”

He actually doesn’t want to go to work, after all, if he can’t go to work, who wants to work? But the problem is… If you don’t go to work, where is the money?

Almost everyone in the Eagle Sauce Country owes loans to everyone, so if they don’t go to work, who has the money to repay the loans?

The guard’s… Remuneration is paid once a week.

If you take a leave of absence this week…

Wasn’t there no salary that week?

So who can stand it?

The black colleague was speechless for a while, and then he could only helplessly say: “You have a little number in your own heart, the work of the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum is not clean, none of us are innocent, once you behave wrongly, the dean lady does not mind replacing you.” ”

After a pause, he continued, “I’ll just see nothing, but if the supervisor comes to check it out, you’d better hold back your snot and sneezing, I’m not sure he’ll see that you’re working sick.” ”

“You’d better remember the Morrison guards before you, after being fired… There is no news! ”


Guard John secretly swallowed a mouthful of spit, and a little sweat stains spilled on his forehead, and he lowered his voice and replied, “That’s why I bring illness to work, otherwise, if I stay homesick for too long, won’t Madame Dean be suspicious of me?” ”

“When the time comes… I may not have any good results and good ends, that woman is vicious, and behind our thorny cliff madhouse, standing is a chaebol who eats people and does not spit bones! ”

“It’s because I don’t want to be forced to evaporate in the human world that I will hurry back here to work!”

“And…” At this point, the John guard couldn’t help but be suspicious, and asked his long-confused question: “Do you think that the temperature of the Thorn Cliff Madhouse has become very strange?” ”

The black colleague was stunned, and quickly nodded his head, agreeing: “Indeed… It feels so weird! ”

When they left the Thorn Cliff Madhouse, they felt that the heat outside was about to heat stroke!

But as soon as they approached the Thorn Cliff Asylum…

It was like being in an air-conditioned room!

And the air conditioning temperature, or a dozen degrees!

Let them now dress like autumn, no one dares to wear short sleeves to work, otherwise they will end up like John Guard, who has a cold and does not even dare to take too many days off, so that now they have to reluctantly bring illness to work.

“Anyway, today you only need to hold out for another hour, you have to change shifts, an hour is still no problem!”

Guard John lifted his pants a little loose and was about to throw the snot-sniffled tissue into the trash.

Suddenly, the engine of an SUV muscle car roared…

In this way, it passed into the ears of several of them…

Look in the direction where the sound is coming from…

They saw someone driving toward this side, which made several guards at the entrance of the Thorn Cliff Asylum all wary of the Thorny Cliff Asylum, which may be an occupational disease.

It’s like a bank money carrier, when the money carrier finds out that there is a car that has been following their car…

Even if the other party is just a coincidence passing by, they can’t help but be vigilant.

And, when they found out that the SUV came straight to a stop!

Those wary looks on their faces…

It just becomes even more intense!

However, the next moment, they were stunned, and then their faces became not very good-looking, because they saw Catherine, the woman who made the whole Thorn Cliff insane asylum, or any reporter… Thorn Cliff Madhouse is not welcome!

The last reporter who dared to secretly photograph the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum is said to have not even found the body so far!

However, when they saw Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo…

But he couldn’t help but be stunned, and the ugly color on his face was tinged with some doubts.

This is…… Foreigner? Or Asians in Eagle Sauce Country?

And this long one is a bit too pretty, right?

They think they are not too interested in the appearance of Asians, after all, the aesthetics of the two sides are not the same.

But now, they feel aesthetically …

It seems to have changed a little bit.

Of course, they do not let their guard down because the other party is beautiful.

Because Catherine is just as beautiful…

Isn’t it still just as unpleasant?

Liu Xiaoling stepped forward, speaking in still relatively fluent and non-accented Eagle Sauce National English, facing a black guard in front of him, and said expressionlessly: “Hello, we are travelers from the big eastern countries, and we have a charter document signed by your congress!” Excuse me…… Can a few of us go inside and investigate a bit? ”

Eastern powers? Traveler? Congress? Licensing documents? Survey?

The key words made the guards a little confused.

The black guard took the document almost instinctively and looked through it with scrutiny.

All right…… He couldn’t see the truth…

Need to check it out!

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