“Investigate the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum? Fark! How could the people in Congress give the charter to a twenty-one-year-old foreign girl? Or is it a charter document to enter the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum investigation? Fakbichi! Is there something in there that can be casually investigated by outsiders? ”

Eagle sauce country, Dunshenghua… In one of the offices of the Hexagon, Charles Fury threw a quilt to the ground.

Fortunately, the cup was metallic, and after being dropped to the ground, it could only make a crisp and pleasant sound.

At most, the bottom of the cup sank a little and didn’t shatter because of it.

His white face full of scum was full of anger, and he couldn’t help but grit his teeth: “Shet… Someone must be in the!! ”

The Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum was supported and established by the Forre Chaebol, which hides the filth of the Forre Chaebol for hundreds of years!

If you really find something by the spokespeople of that circle, the Fury chaebol… It’s over!

In particular, the power of the mysterious side circle is not weaker than that of the Fury chaebol.

It’s even very likely… You can crush the Friar Chaebol directly!

How do you “seal” yourself in this case?

But in any case, Charles Fury is the official top level of the Eagle Sauce country, and is also the former head of the Fury chaebol, the sanity and thinking that should have… He has them all.

He can be sure… Your own enemies are in this, and they have directly attacked themselves!

After all he had ascended to this position before the time.

I don’t know how many people have been offended!

In the Eagle Sauce Country he is also an enemy of the belly…

And that enemy… Surely he also knew that there was something wrong with the Thorn Cliff Insane Asylum, so he would give the two foreign girls a charter investigation document for the Thorn Cliff Insane Asylum!

There are not many people who can issue such documents in the Eagle Sauce country, but there is no doubt …

Among those who are not many…

Absolutely none of them are good stubble!

Not only can you show favor to some bullshit circle, but you can also take the opportunity to hit your opponent, and maybe even defeat your opponent… Dog shi’s blue pool! Fark! What a good calculation!

After calming down a little, Charles Fury began to think about the current countermeasures.

He was thinking, in case the “secret” of the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum…

Discovered by those two people from the great powers of the East…

What do you want to do next!

Was it necessary to send someone to kill the girls of the two eastern powers before the incident was announced?

No, the idea is a bit impractical!

This doesn’t just offend the bullshit circle…

And it will offend a big eastern country!

Doing so is definitely not worth the loss…

Or is it… Want to bribe them?

Give them a little benefit…

Tell them to shut up?

It’s not practical!

Charles Fury scratched his own white hair, although he is only in his 50s this year, but he looks like he is in his 60s, it may be that he spent too much nutrition when he was young, and when he was old… Cough, it’s a little old.

He decided to make a phone call to the director of the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum… Notify the other person.

Let the other party be sure to look after those secret places!

It’s better to be able to make some unseemly disguises, and it’s best to eliminate the key evidence!

The premise is… If it’s too late.

Charles Foley immediately called the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum, the Dean’s desk…

In a few seconds…

The phone was answered…


Listening to the female voice coming from the other side of the phone, Charles Fury coughed softly and said in a deep voice, “It’s me, Charles Forey, did two foreigners come to you?” ”

Over there at the Thorn Cliff Madhouse, Ms. Dean… Or rather, [the evil spirit of the nun], the corners of its mouth were gently raised, and then it crossed Erlang’s legs and said in a flirtatious tone, “It turned out to be Your Excellency Charles… Two foreigners, two foreigners did come, both from the big eastern powers, and they had a charter investigation document signed by the Congress. ”

“Don’t let them know the secrets of the Cliffs of Thorns, or you know what will happen to you!”

Charles Fury snorted and said a word.

[Nun Demon] raised an eyebrow, “sighed”, yawned lazily, and smiled: “End? Charles, what can I do? Become that… Monsters that don’t have people or ghosts? Or become a guinea pig in an underground lab? ”

Charles Fury was stunned, as if thinking of something, his pupils shrank slightly, his eyebrows wrinkled deeply, and he directly asked: “You are not the dean of the Cliff of Thorns!” Who are you?! ”

“Am I not the director of the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum?” If you don’t believe me, Mr. Charles can make a video call, and… Don’t talk to me in that semi-threatening tone! ”

[The nun’s evil spirit] turned cold and said softly, “Otherwise… You’re not even qualified to go to hell!” ”

Snap —

The landline phone was slammed down by Charles Frey and hung up the call.

His expression was full of violent color, and he gritted his teeth: “Damn Bichi, everything you have is given to you by me, and you dare to disrespect me… When this thing is over, I will get my wish… Make you the kind of monster that no one is a ghost or a ghost! ”

Taking a quick deep breath, he rubbed both sides of his temple, then hurriedly took out a bottle of medicine from the desk drawer.

Fell down a pill and swallowed, the grumpy color on his face… It’s a lot more soothing.

He had sensed that he was surrounded by wolves, hungry wolves staring at him!

There is Eagle Sauce Domestic… There are also foreign ones…

Even…… And his own former men!

He flashed a fierce look in his eyes, picked up the microphone again, dialed a top-secret phone, and then coldly spat out a sentence: “I need to let a few people die in the Thorn Cliff madhouse tonight, remember… Those who kill people with their hands cannot live! ”

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