The sudden gunfire not only frightened the audience who had just entered the live broadcast room, even Li Xiaomo was frightened and the mobile phone almost fell off, Liu Xiaoling was also an excited spirit, and Catherine, a native of the Eagle Sauce Country, instinctively lowered her head.

Lest some stray bullet concentrate on you, in that case… There is no place to shout at the injustice!

Under the shocked gaze of everyone, under the camera shooting in the live broadcast room…

A black guard who had been standing not far away was preparing to smoke a cigarette.

Directly lying on his back, he fell to the ground, and a large blood hole had appeared in his chest.

A pair of eyes stared at the boss, opening their mouths to say something.

But the blood gushing out of the throat…

Let him not make much noise for a while…

He could only scream “ho-ho-ho-ho-

The breath of life is gradually flowing…

Liu Xiaoling’s eyesight at night is still quite good, her pupils involuntarily contracted, the first time she thought of the shooting in various American dramas, and then she hurriedly pulled Li Xiaomo and Catherine to a more hidden corner area.

Pulled by her greater strength, Li Xiaomo and Catherine had not yet had time to react…

It was directly pulled by Liu Xiaoling, and this force was like those muscle men.

After all, Liu Xiaoling also took [Spotless Ghost Dan]…

Her physical strength is naturally high to an outrageous level!

It wasn’t a problem for her to go and punch the boxer…

At this moment, more and more gunshots rang out in the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum!

Bang bang bang !!!

Bang Bang Bang!!

Bang bang bang…

You can faintly hear the angry scolding and shouting of the guards of the Thorn Cliff Madhouse.

“Fark! There are thugs robbing the prison!! Hansen was shot in the thigh and bleeding from the aorta!!! ”

“Throw me the shotgun, my pistol is out of bullets!!!”

“Damn it… Where did this gang of thugs come from?! ”

“Find the bunker and notify the nearby police station!”

“Scot… Lao Tzu had just retired from the army and came to work for less than two months, and then he played so excitingly? ”

“Not bad! They have snipers! Jack got a headshot!! ”

“Dog shi! They have at least a dozen of them! ”

“Why are there so many people?”

“This is… There are grenades!!! ”


With a loud “bang”, Li Xiaomo shook his dizzy head, although the gunfight was about a hundred meters away from them, but there were still a lot of stray bullets flying around.

Moreover, the explosion of the grenade just now also made her eardrums suffer from a burst of discomfort!

“Free Eagle Sauce Country… Shootout every day?! ”

Li Xiaomo’s mind had such a sentence that arose for no reason, but the question was whether the luck of himself and others was a little worse?

Before the ghost of the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum has been found, it has encountered a gang of thugs “robbing the prison”?

Yes, she also thinks the other party is here to rob the prison!

After all, this place in the Thorn Cliff Madhouse…

It was supposed to be a prison for the insane!

“I should have listened to you…”

Catherine squatted in a dark corner with her head in her arms, she wanted to cry without tears, she finally understood why Li Xiaomo and Liu Xiaoling wanted to let themselves leave this place quickly.

That’s too dangerous, right? It’s such an exciting shootout, and there are grenades!

Listen to the “bursty” almost non-stop gunshots…

That’s definitely a fully automatic firearm!

“Actually… The danger I wanted to talk about before is not this… This has exceeded my expectations. ”

Li Xiaomo replied with a bitter smile, and then… A stray bullet suddenly flew over and hit the wall next to her.

Scare her… Hurriedly put the head that was stretched out to see the situation, and quickly retracted it.

The thugs out there are naturally the people of “Charles Fury”!!

Charles Fury’s purpose, very simple…

Do not seek to kill the people of the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum.

But destroy all the evidence!

Burn everything clean!

Before that, of course… Guards with the ability to fight back, as well as people who know the truth, none of them can live!

Charles Fury was pushed to the limit…

Suffice it to say that his enemies …

How cruel is this move!

It is also enough to say…

The secrets hidden in the Thorn Cliff Madhouse are only important to Charles Forey, and when these things are exposed, he will be doomed in this life, and the Fury chaebol will be completely finished.

Therefore, in this case, it is the individual who will die and fight back, in order to have a glimmer of life!

Charles Fury was even ready to leave the route of the Eagle Sauce Country.

Once this “lockdown” operation fails…

So…… He can also go straight away and fly high!

Not to spend the rest of your life in prison.

Inside the Thorn Cliff madhouse, the gunfire suddenly stopped, the voices of the guards had all disappeared, and only strangers’ conversations could be faintly heard.

“The guards outside have all been solved, remember… Make up a shot in their heads! ”

“When will the gasoline car arrive?” Everything must be burned clean!! ”

“If you have a chance, everyone will have to kill them all!!”

“The point is that dean, she must die…”

“The scientists in the institute must live!”

“Those ‘monsters’ are all dissolved!”

“Those monsters are not safe to burn with gasoline, and there is a crematorium in the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum, throwing those monsters who are not human or ghostly into it, so that they can directly and completely evaporate!”


Listening to the faint sound of dialogue, even if it is as calm as Li Xiaomo, I can’t help but be a little flustered.

Just when she wanted to turn her head and ask her girlfriend what to do…

Suddenly, I found that inside Liu Xiaoling’s hand, I don’t know when, there was a wolf brush.

The tip of the brush pointed to the eerie architecture of the Thorn Cliff Madhouse.

And trembled violently with a mad frequency!

There was a “clicking” sound above the pen body…

This is [Ghost Hunting]!!

Liu Xiaoling raised his head, lowered his voice, and said, “The trouble is not only for people with guns…”

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